Gals:Wanadoo Tanning Beds or Sunbake to...look "good"?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by AnMDBCartoon, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Just so's y'know....there a LOT of us blokes here at WWBM that say....It AIN'T Worth It!!

    We shall go into other reasons why....but, of paramount importance, in regards to overall health & longevity is concerned, is:

    And it's all in the name of looking fit & 'healthy'?

    Even with the glaring spectre of skin cancer....looking 'fit & healthy'?

    Or maybe to convey the image of 'enjoying a life of total leisure'...whilst the poor foundry/office/conveyor belt/what-not wokers *can't* enjoy the outdoor Fun In The Sun Lifestyle?

    Even with the glaring spectre of skin cancer....

    A total paradox..

    As far as the *other* reasons I wanna expound upon...Back in Ohio...where I lived & worked for 16 years, and felt like a migrant worker all the while...I had female colleagues (All Whites, whom I believe were more than just a tad jealous of the gals I dated...and just maybe a bit of racialist attitudes on their part [for obvious reasons] thrown in for bad measuere, as well.) who CONSTANTLY asked of me "What's with all these pale white girls? Why don't they go to tanning salons? etc., etc.

    These were Nordic girls I dated during my holidays in Iceland, Danmark, Finland & Sweden.

    Of course it made no difference to these Ohio colleagues that said Nordic girls lived in a fiefdom where sun is a *rare* commodity...even during the summer say nothing of wintertime....

    They ALL harped on that why those "WHITE White girls"?

    Boring, monotonous, and more than a bit infuriating......

    As a second aside, one of the girls I dated (Helsingborg, Sweden circa 1986) *did* opine to me that *she* wanted to "stick brown contact lenses into my blue eyes, dreadlock my hair [I wore mine in a Rick James style in the 1980's] and get a tan 'cause I'm too pale"..

    I told her, point blank, You're PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE....And your look is what attracted me in the FIRST place. You DON'T need ANYTHING ELSE!!

    IMO, these kinda alleged complexion 'enhancing' gigs....are tantamount to what Sammy Sosa did whith *himself*. Nothing more, nothing less.

    And equally just as unnecessary....

    As for Mrs. MDBCartoon....her contrast of freckles against very fair skin....well, to be frank....makes me horny...I couldn't envision her being any other way. Full Stop.

    So to those of you ladies out there that wanna go for that so-called 'healthy outdoorsy or whatever' advised, there are MANY of us here that LOVE you all JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! (Apologies to Billy Joel)

  2. Espy

    Espy New Member

    LOL @ your PSA on tanning AnMDB!

    I think most people realize there are risks to tanning, sunbathing, etc. Some people just prefer tan to pale skin, and obviously that's their choice. I guess I'm pretty pale, though I've always considered myself a pretty average skin tone. But I do stay out of the sun as much as possible because I burn quickly and badly. I'm also not one of those people who burn, peel, and then are tan... I usually burn, peel, and am right back to pale. However even if I tanned easily I doubt I would be tan because I would worry about the long term effects on my skin, and I'm kinda freaky about skin care.

    Anyway it's nice of you to mention that men like pale as well as tanned. I've never been a big fan of changing things to suit other people, so whether someone likes me pale or not, I'm staying pale. If pale skin doesn't appeal to someone then I am not the one for them.
  3. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Take it from Espy an' me, folksies....You're the only *you* y'got!

    No one can say truer words than *that*....

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010
  4. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'm a vampire in the summer. LOL. I've been staying out of the sun for years.

    Besides the fact that it ages you, the risk of skin cancer is too high to risk it, especially with my very Irish skin that burns and peels and burns and peels.

    As it is, I've had more than enough really bad burns in my life to know that I will be having issues when I get older, which is why I get a full body scan of my moles every year (I have lots of them. :( )

    A friend of mine suggested I go to a tanning bed. I looked at him and said, "I'd rather get my UV rays from 90 million miles away than 3 inches from my skin".
  5. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I might be able to darken up a tad (not saying much here), but for the most part, I'm pale and fair skinned. I've accepted that and this is who I am. I can't change it! So in the words of Brand Nubian, "You gotta love me or leave me alone".
  6. lepoe

    lepoe New Member

    I tan very easily - it's just my skin tone (thanks for that dad). I can be out in the sun for 3 hours and come back in brown, not burnt. That being said, I bathe in SPF 50 to make sure that I don't burn and to help prevent skin cancer. I stay out of the sun as much as possible. I wish I could be that girl that has very pretty peaches and cream skin. I find that to be much more striking and beautiful than I do really tan girls.

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