Well because when I lived in Boston for a year everyone that lived there hated the Kobe Bryant and the Lakers. I just assumed that the people that lived in LA felt the sameway about the Celtics. My city has no team so I'm free to pick a team. The Knicks are overrated because the media always talks about the Knicks as this great franchise and when you look at it they have not. The last time they won a championship Phil Jackson was on the team. The Lakers, Spurs, Bulls, and Celtics have been better franchises than the Knicks. Which IMO the Lakers are the best franchise in the league even though the Celtics have more championships. The Celtics were basically irrelevant for the 90's and 2000's.
Now is the time. The Lakers are in position to truly compete with these guys. No excuses, fellas. All or nothing. After the season is over, I would like to see us make some trades as well. We need to beef up our squad just a little bit more. Our guards are wack...and that Bynum kid...smh.
I'm not out rockin jerseys nor am I at games cheering on opposing teams. I do it on my own. I like who I like and I don't give a fuck who doesn't approve. It's my enjoyment, not theirs! Knicks had (I'm not sure now) a nice franchise financially speaking. They make the worse choices in picks and in my opinion, I feel like they're cursed. I think the Lakers have a very popular franchise and they're consistent in choosing good players.
Aside from what may happen in these upcoming Finals, I'm interested in seeing what the Lakers do with Bynum after the year ends. Will they keep him?
depends on what they can get for him. does any other team in their right mind want to invest in that guy? he's gonna be a partial season player for the rest of his career.
I read an article the other day about this. From the sound of it, the Clippers sounded like the most attractive to him out of the other teams. As we know, he still hasn't decided. I wish he would choose NY, but I'd be happy with the Clippers too!