Will Smith and Charlize Theron

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Blacktiger2005, May 26, 2010.

  1. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Emp in 1927 hell in 1827 your statements would be applicable for the US just as they may be in South Africa, today. The passage of time and older Afrikan generation will pass and the new generation of Afrikans will not cling to the old views and old ways, miscegenation is as inevitable as the sun coming up. Keep in mind we are not referring to a populace of one ethnicity...
  2. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Good point.
  3. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    No way.

    Im actually FROM south africa and have family there. There is an ENTIRE PROVINCE where the majority is mullato (sp).

    I had a friend that impregnated a white chick way back in the day(1999). And although her father was gonna kill him (which father wouldnt??), it wasnt due to racial factors, but more so because we were like 14 at the time. Ive seen more than a few fresh white south africans with black men, however, south africa could very much be like brazil, since there is no middle class. You are either rich or poor, and the majority of blacks are poor. sad fact. So while there are no interclass marriages (never happens), many college students date eachother (many), but hardly do they ever marry (kinda like in America/Canada).

    As for Charlize Theron, shes always dissing Will Smith on Letterman, but i think theyd make a good funny couple.
  4. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    I don't know about Canada but that's not necessarily the case in the US.
  5. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    No, in fact there is middle class in Brazil, 52% of Brazilians are from the middle-class (including me), the problem is that the poor here is usually too poor lol (especially in northern Brazil).
    As for South Africa, are you sure about that?, it's not what I've heard from most South African bros, and to tell you the truth, it may be bad luck but I'm yet to talk to a white South African who isn't racist...Do you really see white girls with black men there?, if so in which part of the country?.
  6. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Well, i dont know what to tell ya.

    I attended primary school (part of it) and highschool in south africa. I played rugby for the province and national team for my age (100% white sport) as well as cricket. I can tell you that, yes, the ones that are racist ,will not sugar coat their racism, however, many (many many) of them are good people. Some of my best friends were afrikaaner (dutch boer) and yes, they sometimes threw bananas at black women selling stuff on the streets, while we were on the bus returning from a game (but boys will be boys right??). But ive been to these guys places and slept over on countless occasions. Their parents would make racist jokes at first. Like at the dinner table, the father would joke "hey, you can use your hands too you know"..lmao. But eventually they grew to love a brotha.

    Youre obviously talking with the wrong people. You should visit the area and see for yourself. Its a very nice place if you got street smarts LOL.

    As for Brazil, i guess you may be right, i just heard stuff from a friend that has business ventures there.


    edit: black men /white women in SA.

    university of wittswatersrand
    University of pretoria
    University of cape town

    In fact, go to any major university and you will see it. But mostly it happens at witts, and the women tend to be of portugues background (cousin gets white women for days still)
  7. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    Real African men or coloureds?... gotta check that out then, University of Pretoria, wow...are brothas getting boeremeisies in Pretoria?:D
  8. Carter

    Carter Member

  9. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I have been to South Africa on several occassions, and a lot of my friends I went to junior school live there now. Lets generalize, white South African white women do not go out with Black South Men. And Just because an entire province(Western cape) contains a lot of mullatos(coloureds), doesnt mean that white and Black people date nowadays. The Cape coloureds are a result of White/Black/malay people mixing pre-apartheid years. When it was allowed. They generally dont mix now though. Coloureds date coloureds, Blacks date Blacks..etc. Everything in South africa is racialized: Work, Social circle, and dating.

    You know when I was in junior School in Swaziland, we had a lot of White South Africans in my school. They would be friends with me in school, but beyond that, like going to their houses after school, was a big no, no. The parents just wouldnt allow it. And this was just being friends with someone. I was quite young at the time, but imagine if I tried to go out with a White South African girl..there would have been fireworks. Even now, when I am in a club and I find out a girl is from South Africa, I dont bother.

    I am sure there are some nice White South Africans, but I havent met that many.

    All my friends who live in South Africa say the same thing. White and Black people tolerate each other, but they dont really like each other. So, when you say your 14 year old friend impregnated a white girl. I find it very hard to believe.
  10. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Then dont.

    I could care less
  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    And the south african "sisters" will start talking shit soon as that happens.

    BW love racists with fresh blood on their hands.

    Strom Thurmond...Justin Wolpe...Mark Furhman...ect ect.

    Seems like every neo-nazi on trial has a black girlfriend to testify that he's not a racist.
  12. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I will give you props though. You have a hell of an imagination.
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Haha, whatever man

    I don’t know if Ive said this before, but my first girlfriend was actually white south African. And not to sound vane but she initiated the approach (she had a crush on me- what can I say). I never really gave much thought to racism in those days, like I said previously, yes I knew that some white people hated me because I was black, but you should also know that some black people hated me because I was a foreigner (they called us "makwerekweres"- saying we were stealing their jobs/taking their women, as if my dad being a doctor was taking away anyones job)

    Anyways the girl and I started dating and since she was a head girl in school (had the highest grades, a provincial swimmer, mad pretty etc) almost everyone and their mamas knew instantly. So when she fell in love (rather quickly honestly) her father wanted to meet me ,ASAP, no but ifs or maybes. I was intimidated because the guy was like 6'4" beer belly having white dude with a big beared with the voice of a lion. LOL, scared the shit outa me honestly.

    Anyways we met up at their place and obviously, like any father would he gave me a hard time.."tuck in your shirt son" (I was still in my school uniform) and pointed that I shouldn’t touch her at his presence. Cool.

    Eventually though, we got mad close. The guy was an important role model at the school as well, like he sponsored the senior cricket team and made major financial donations to the school, so if he didn’t want me dating his daughter he could easily tell the teachers to ask me to dump her or get expelled (i.e blackmailing me--it happens). But he didn’t.

    During the cricket festival (annual event, diff teams within the school battle it out); to open the festival Mr Lee (I called him) had to hit a *6* and the bowler had to be one of the fastest bowlers in the school. Guess who the bowler was??..yup..me. I bowled a few, and he missed them all, and was cussing me out saying "is that all you got", but I knew the old man wouldn’t hit any of my bowlings, so I gave him an easy one, and he slammed it out the school, onto the road, the crowd roared, we shook hands and there beheld the festival began..haha..good times.

    I met her friends, and as she told me herself, most of them had crushes on me and countless other black athletes. In fact sometimes I think, if they payed more attention, they would notice many white girls giving them goo goo eyes.

    With all that being said, obviously you and I have different experiences of south African white women, so I think you shouldn’t really blame it solely on them being white. I said earlier that my cousin gets many girls there and I will admit that hes not that bad of a looking guy. Maybe thats it??..looks??..i dnno.. tell you what though, take a look at the man in the mirror, because so many guys like to complain that the reason they can land a white lass is due to them being black, when the problem is actually themselves.

    You may be black but that’s not all women see when they look at you. I mean, Canada for example, is a sanctuary for interracial relationships ,but know that not every single black male gets the Canadian love. I think its easier here because you have a larger white majority (less black men), and class matters very little here when it comes to clubbing, but still, not every black guy has a happy love life…lol

    I told the brazilian guy to visit south africa and experience it himself, instead of listening to guys that are 1) not like him 2) probably don’t look like him 3) don’t have his personality. The opinion of a guy that looks and acts different than you , regardless of whether you share skin tone, matters very little when dealing with dating (and thus women). Very little.

    listen to what others say, but do you.

    anyways, take care
  14. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I am not fugly if thats what you are suggesting. I get my fair share of girls in the UK. Looks are not the issue. Its South Africa and its backward race-relations. You are the first guy, who has said White South African girls are easy.
  15. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Again please remember that South Africa is still only just a few years removed from Apartheid so you would expect the various races/groups to be wary of each other as far as any type of mixing is concerned. It's going to take time but it'll happen.
  16. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    BMJ talks truth here. To say all South African whites hate blacks is a statement of prejudice. Given the history of SA it is easy to assume, but wrong.

    There are thousands of expat South Africans living in Portugal. Most are of portuguese ancestry, but not all. I got to know a lot of them when I was living in Portugal for 3 years. Some went to my church, some went to school with my kids, some I met in other social situations. Many became good friends, had my family over to their home and vice versa. I can also assure you that it is not true that all white SA women find BM repulsive. In fact, I have been approached by more than one, and I know of others that were in IR relationships.
  17. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member


    But some people blow things out of proportion at times. Getting third hand references instead of actually going there themselves and seeing how shit is for themselves.

    The racism has actually over turned in south africa, in some areas where you have black on white racism, in astronomic proportions, and white women getting raped by black males etc. Still though, i think its an individal thing, and that while white south african on mass may be the strongest white people i know (mentally ,physically) they are not as mean spirited as you think. The women are not easy, dont get me wrong here, but the majority is hardly ever poor, and they can think for themselves usually, unlike many canadian/american women. That doesnt imply them being impossible though......

    Im going there in a few weeks for the world cup:smt003...will meet up with my cousin and some of his pals while you guys can keep talking to so and so and think this and that, not truly seeing shit for yourself because youre too scared to get hurt.
  18. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I think its better you visit South Africa and see the great racial divisons. I didnt say white South African women find Black men repulsive. You just wont see them dating a Black man in South Africa. For a start, the social circles are different, and also because Apartheid has only recently stopped, a lot of the older generation still hold those outdated views. A girl who wants to date a black man will be under extreme pressure from their relatives.
    Last edited: May 28, 2010
  19. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :eek: Dayum BM Jay...it's like that?:smt105
  20. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

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