Why does the USA have the highest divorce rate in the world?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by MovingWest, May 20, 2010.

  1. MovingWest

    MovingWest New Member

    It's a tad shame that the justice system is biased towards men, despite that justice is controlled by men. Men are mistreating and hurting their own gender.
  2. MovingWest

    MovingWest New Member

    Is feminism the cause of so many biases in the system? Why do you think of feminism?
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Because we pride ourselves on "Freedom".
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I don't know if feminism is the cause of that. I mean for the traditional role of the woman in a marriage, it works out nicely and can be very helpful, but for the gold-diggers, it's an easy paycheck. I think it's very unfair.

    I think feminism or shall I just use the Womens Movement, has been a help and a hindrance. It has freed up women to become empowered and to almost (cause it's still not equal) be at equal footing with men.

    I personally think the negative side of it is that it helped confuse the roles of men and women. Not in a bad way, but just the provider vs. the nurturer. I also think that children have run a muck cause both parents have to go out and provide for them financially and the time has been taken away to be there for them and raise them like in yesteryear.
  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    goodlove, where you at brother? I'm sure you have an opinion on this...
  6. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Marriage in America is largely a loosing proposition.

    The sense of entitlement raft in Western Culture is largely the blame. I agree that the empowerment of women has leveled the playing field. It is leveled, what you have now is sexism not only in the private sector but with Government Contracts as well, if your self-employed.

    Women can stop whining that the playing field is not level. White Women while behind White Men in earnings are far ahead of Black Men, Black Women and Latinos.

    All that still doesn't explain why its a loosing proposition, maybe this will -

    Women forced to enter the workforce because of flagging/stagnate wages of Men starting in the 1970's - http://privatizationofrisk.ssrc.org/Warren/

    The result this, the effect Cosmo and Oprah have had lead to a feeling of no longer needed men for ANYTHING including child bearing because there has been a marked increase in how many women opt to have children alone - http://www.cryobank.com/_resources/pdf/News/Single-by-Choice.pdf

    Lack of Communication is often the blame for divorce, maybe its women who have forgotten how to communicate? -

    [youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/4h_howDL0_M&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4h_howDL0_M&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

    Money is another source, but how come 95% of divorces are imitated by women? -

    The text is a little hard to read, but the following table does a good job of comparing women’s sources of wealth. The respondents were asked to select three sources. It’s clear that hard work is the main source of wealth for women across the world. Note, however, that North America has the highest rate of wealth creation by divorce settlement…


    56%!!! why not divorce, if you get the HOUSE, THE CAR, THE KIDS AND THE DOG? Not to mention Alimony and Child Support.

    Judging how Frank McCourt's Divorce is going...

    Is this why women don't want to date broke niggas?

    Finally SEX -

    Every SINGLE TIME there's a poll or survey sex is near the bottom of the list with women. I have also noticed that "High Sex Drive" on a certain dating site is often not marked by AW unless they are over 40, but often tagged by Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Aussies and South Americas - HMMMM


    This was also in the New York Post in 2009.

    Which basically says I'm fucked.

    1) Women under 30 don't wanna fuck, hate sex, can't cook and loathe any type of home maker related duties. There guys in relationships that put up with going out to eat every night of the week!

    2) Women mostly in North America (Canada included) put a high value on youth and because of that, most women don't want an age gap more than 2-5 years of age. Older women widen the age gap because their prospects go down as they get older.

    3) Many women over 30 with one, two or three children either from the same man or from three different men don't want additional children because they are scared they are going to get stuck raising YOUR child alone. Isn't that what they call a self-fulfilling prophecy?

    Dire Straits and the good news is, rates of divorce with foreign women are much lower (about 35% for American Men) and marriages to foreign women have doubled in ten years and when the data from this year's census becomes available, you'll see marriage to foreign women and to non-Black women for African-Americans will be double or more of what they were in 2000.

    Its not impossible to have a successful and loving relationship with an American Woman, just unlikely and statistics back that up.
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    dj...i know you are all about facts and statistics...so here are a few for you, you joined in 2002...we have heard you sing the praises of european women louder than anyone...you have tried dating sites to meet european women as well as traveled to europe to meet them on more than one occassion...it is now 2010...you are 8 years older than when you started your quest and you are still single...if you want to get married and have a family then in my humble opinion you need to open up to more possibilities...stop with the laundry list of what doesn't work...the negativity alone will scare off many women...start just meeting/dating people...you never know who might surprise you...

    btw, that is 5.6% not 56% :mrgreen:
  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It will cost way more to take care of kids then what a woman will get. I know this as a person that lived in a single parent house in my teens. Trust me! Men are getting off much much more easier.

    There are plenty of women that date broke guys. I don't know why a guy would date if he is broke. It cost money to take care of a woman. Imagine what happens if she gets pregnant.

    If they had such a high value, then they wouldn't date men that are older than them. Women more often do that then date someone who is younger than they are.
  9. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    damn, dj, you are going hard with the info, man :shock:
  10. MovingWest

    MovingWest New Member

    Like my old man said, women are expensive.
  11. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Link please, stats can be manipulated http://www.divorcereform.org/nyt05.html

    Check out the divorce rate in Massachusetts, http://www.divorce.com/blog/cdc-report-shows-massachusetts-has-lowest-divorce-rate same as it was in 1940, very low, what have they figured out that others have not?

    Perhaps it is not the institution of marriage that is the problem, but what the two people in the marriage are bringing to it.
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Darn it, I cant give you rep yet...!!!!
    oh, and thank you btw:)
  13. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    The average woman SOMETIMES does not get enough in child support and it really depends on how good your attorney is. That's too bad and I do support doing your part as a father and providing for your children, that's what a father is suppose to do, period.

    Our social safety net sucks, in most European countries Single Mothers get public assistance. While we do have programs here, Welfare Reform like most repealing or re-tooling of social programs in the last 30 years was a mis-guided affair backed in Neo-Conservatives.

    Younger women will date wealthly, powerful or famous (or all three) older men and the list is a MILE long. But if your ass is Joe Blow and you work a fucked up job, good luck.
  14. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    child support has absolutely nothing to do with your attorney and everything to do with the non custodial parent's salary as well as the visitation split...it is a formula...alimony has everything to do with the attorney...just an fyi
  15. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    No its 56% they said it was hard to read...

    For every woman that claims they are a struggling single mother there are two or three men living off frank and beans in tiny downtown apartment because they were mandated to pay child support they can barely afford and have to continue to pay even after the woman has remarried.

    About me being single still -

    I have been over this more than once but I guess it bears repeating...

    Call me foolish or call me shallow but that's largely what happen in every case but in Norway, I got kicked to the curb. Both German women had kids, I was not and still not totally comfortable with having an Instant Family just add water. To be fair, the Norwegian had a 4 year old son, ONE is okay. But I still think NONE is better and add when desired is the best option.

    Laundry List? LOL, hardly...

    AW often marry men on EARNING potential, not what we can both bring to the table and advance forward. Like or not that 20th Century model of relationships still works. Didn't somebody say - "A divided house can not stand" I guess that would be Lincoln. That means shared responsibility, not your paycheck and my check as separate entity, much like "that's my car, my bank account, my side of the house, etc, etc"

    This country is much too focused on individualism and a man's natural inclination to please a woman clouds the relationship.

    Europe has solitary and while marriages are not as common and long term relationships are unlike in America, children don't suffer like they do many times here when you don't have a legally binding agreement such as a marriage, which creates "Baby Daddy" Drama, which for me turns into "Baby Mamma Drama", all the more reason to generally avoid Single Mothers especially in America.

    So your saying is that if I want attractive, sexy, childless and under 30 that my seach criteria is too narrow? I do modify that for under 30, attractive, sexy with ONE child at times. But I'm finding more often than not there are "One and Done" women in which she never really intended to have children (In America) but since she got pregnant, couldn't bring herself to abort and the father is no where to be found.

    I didn't list any expectations on race, hair or eye color either. I am not limiting my search to boarders, so I am not narrow casting like you seem to think I am.

    Besides I know you have seen pictures of some of the women I know, nobody I would call Playboy material.

    Its neither simple or impossible and I am not negative at all.
  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  17. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    All women are expensive? HARDLY

    Just find one that would stop you from buying a BMW 3 series for her and I am not talking used.

    And if I hear another Women's Lib crack about "I can buy it myself" you are totally missing the point.
  18. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    your response angel is brilliant...!!! rep added...!!! :mrgreen:
  19. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    damn...more voices of reason creeping into a thread...!!!

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