Would you travel overseas to meet someone from the internet?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by whikle, May 15, 2010.

  1. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Hey girls and guys, I'm interested to know what people opinions are on this... If you met someone online, were chatting to them for a while and there was huge mutual attraction - would you travel to meet them in person even if it meant flying half way across the world??

    Girls, I'm particularly interested to know what you think, being a female in the situation and therefore the more "vulnerable" one (in a widely accepted opinion). Would you worry for your safety? Would you be open with your friends and family about your intentions (even if you knew they'd tell you you were crazy to do it)?

    If you did decide to go ahead with it, what precautions would you take to be "smart" about it?
  2. robina

    robina New Member

    i havnt travelled overseas to meet people but i have travelled country wide to meet people ive met online, on the whole its worked out just fine for me, i have friends in many different towns and have mainly had a friend close by i could contact if the situation turned bad, only one situation i didnt have the back up and it turned very bad

    i would most certainly advise you to be upfront and open with your friends/family so that they know where you are and how to get hold of you

    if your thinking of staying at his home then who else will be around, is there a seperate room for you to sleep in ( and does that room have a damn lock on the door )
  3. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    My naive little friend.

    First of all, don’t be desperate, you seem attractive.

    things I will advice you on.
    • Scams: Take extreme caution---if it means you spending YOUR money, be extremely cautious. simple and plain
    • Dont be stupid
    • If youre the adventurous type and you plan on visiting the states anyways, then sure....why not? However your main incentive should be visiting the place and not meeting some internet bloke
    • Based on the pics youve posted, i reckon the guy just wants some australian pussy anyways.......,,,,so meh
    if i were visiting south africa (which i am) and i knew a sexy girl that lives there (which i do) then i would meet up with her. There is no financial risk what so ever, considering im going there anyways.

  4. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    I was in a situation similar - sort of. My husband and I met online 10yrs ago...we didn't meet until 3yrs into our "relationship"....we had different circumstances than most people. But, we met here in the states the very first time when he was home for leave (military). The second time we got together though, I flew overseas to Japan to see him. It was well worth it, but like I said, we had known eachother for a minute, AND we'd already had our initial meeting. I wouldn't advise flying across an ocean for someone you've never met....just my opinion. But, I have to agree with BMJ when he said if you're already headed in that direction, give it a shot...nothing lost. good luck!! :eek:
  5. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Aaah, BMJ. I'm scared of you lol But you let me off lightly, considering haha.

    Good advice. All of it. I was planning on a trip eventually, probably not quite so soon, but it's definitely on the cards. So maybe I wait til I'm goin' there anyway, huh? Makes me less "desperate"? :p
  6. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...don't mind him whikle...he likes to bark a lot, but he does make me laugh.

    i've a friend who met a guy on facebook. he came over here from the states for a visit, went back home & they both realised that they were miserable without each other. long story short, they're married, have a baby and live in australia.
  7. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I think this is something you really have to think hard about.

    Can you do something to kind of meet first...like webchat on Skype or something? At least then you get that initial 'This is what I look like' moment out of the way..

    Anyway, if you're already going, like BMJ said, then by all means, arrange to have a drink or something and see what happens. Do not just travel halfway around the world to meet someone...I've met people from online that lived on the other side of the world from me, but it was because they were going to be in the area and whatnot, and it took a lot of the pressure off of the situation.

    That, and really listen to your intuition on this situation- what is it telling you? You seem to have some reservations because you're asking us, so I'd take stock of what's holding you back (more than just the $$, because there's likely more to it).

    Just my two cents!
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You mind me asking where in the world were they coming from and how old were you at the time?
  9. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    The first time I was 13, and the guy was 20 from Slovenia. This was back in the day when everyone chatted on mIRC more than AOL, and you didn't always ask a/s/l right away unless you were trolling for sex. So when he and his friends came through Niagara Falls, USA, my parents and I arranged to meet him away from his friends for dinner. He was a hoot! He came back the next year and ended up staying with our family for a few days because my parents thought he was great. Never once made a move on me, I have to add, because some people I tell that story to instantly think he was a creepy pedophile- we just got along really well and I was always friends with people older than I am.

    The second time I was 21 years old, and I was going to London for my spring break, so I arranged to meet a man I'd been chatting online with since I was about 17. He was very nice, and my friend that came to London with me knew where I was and had a specific time to come to the restaurant to pick me up, which worked out well.
  10. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Hell no.
  11. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    We have skyped and talked on the phone, yeah....

    Reservations, yes. I suppose because, like you've all said, it would be a high pressure situation if I was going there to meet him rather than just going for my own sake, and if it didn't work out well then it would seem so disappointing/such a waste of time.

    I have met people from the internet before very successfully, not just potential love interests, but heaps of friends. But I've never traveled internationally to meet anyone before, so I'm hesitant.

    So I guess I'll wait until I'm going anyway...!
  12. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

  13. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    well there goes our happily ever after :smt091
  14. hntr18

    hntr18 Well-Known Member

    ultimately have to agree, Hell NO I wont Go!!!!! lol
  15. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    I would perhaps arrange a vacation to a place of your choice with a girlfriend and invite him to travel there to meet you. I would not travel to his location to meet him, to me that would put you in a super vulnerable position and make it seem like you were desperate.

    If he digs you enough to arrange a vacation of his own at the same time as yours, that would be good. If it doesn't click, each of you continue on with your original vacation plans. No harm, no foul.
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    we have had a few people from this site do just what the op's question asked...i think that is interesting that a man would find that as being desperate...does that make the man desperate as well? or just the woman? would it be better if the man traveled to meet the woman?
  17. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Hey girls and guys, I'm interested to know what people opinions are on this... If you met someone online, were chatting to them for a while and there was huge mutual attraction - would you travel to meet them in person even if it meant flying half way across the world??

    Sure why not? You can have a vacation and potentially meet someone. Furthermore I think either the both of you meet at a mutual location or he comes to your area...

    Girls, I'm particularly interested to know what you think, being a female in the situation and therefore the more "vulnerable" one (in a widely accepted opinion). Would you worry for your safety? Would you be open with your friends and family about your intentions (even if you knew they'd tell you you were crazy to do it)

    With anything you do always take precautions and be smart, as for your family they need not know anything. Really all you are doing is going on vacation to meet someone who could turn out to be a waste or everything you hoped. If it progresses positively from there then when you are comfortable you can begin telling your family...
  18. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I really like this idea. Puts the whole thing on a more mutual footing.

    I agree, Lippy - this is the second time a guy has mentioned the idea of the woman seeming "desperate". Not sure why that's necessarily the case...

    This is pretty much the way I see it. It would be first and foremost a trip that I'd always wanted to take to a city I'd always wanted to see.. and it would just be a bonus if we hit it off and had a good time while I was there.
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would travel from Kosovo to Sarajevo to meet the lady of my dream (cute, lovely, down to earth and intelligent).

    Would that make me look desperate? probably.
    Do you think I care what others think of me? Most definitely Not
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :prayer: lippy loves a confident man

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