Quick question for black guys.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Adolescent09, May 7, 2010.

  1. reggie2k8

    reggie2k8 New Member

    I can just hear the angry in your post. Why are you so mad? Like before I think I read your post the wrong way. By you quoting Adolescent09 and me in your post I'm not sure who you are referring to sometimes. I think Flaminghomo called me a sissy first and then you wrote "Do you see why you are being called a troll or a BM sissy?". That sounds to me like you were calling me a sissy and a troll also.

    Again why are you keep referring to me as Reggie Bush when its reggie2k8? I don't know if there has been a Reggie Bush on here before and you think I am him under a different name, but whatever it is why can't you call me by my screen name. REGGIE2K8!!!
  2. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  4. reggie2k8

    reggie2k8 New Member

    I guess you hate me too?
    Last edited: May 15, 2010
  5. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

  6. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    I'd date a white woman over a black woman simply because I'm more attracted to white women physically. I have no idea why black women seem to think that their degrees or money makes them more desirable to real men. If I was bum ass nigga that was looking for a chick to take care of me, then I would be looking for a woman with "wealth" as you put it. However, I take care of myself and I can careless about a woman's educational background or her money. To me those things don't matter. It seems like every race of women understands that except for black women. Anytime I see black women on tv or in public bitching about not being able to find a man the first thing they want to bring up is the fact that they have a degree and make good money. I never see them talk about anything that's relevant to what attracts a man to woman. Let me give you black female trolls some advice. You'll have more success finding a man if you're polite, feminine, loving, respectful, passionate, and submissive. You can get all the master degrees you want but at the end of the day these are the qualities that a man is looking for.
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    robert deniro dated naomi campbell. no that is black....she is str8 out crazy. that is why he dumped her ass.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    GOT DAMN !!!!!
    Hush yo mouth.
    you be telling the truf and the truf will set you free. lawd have mercy !!!

    they cant handle that my friend. they think BM are weak because we dont argue like they do. they go on with the stereotype that ww are meek. which is a false thought process. ww just do things overall with a tad more discretion. they wait until they get home to discuss their disagreements
  9. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    Black women have been on this "fuck a black man" campaign for the last 30 years. They seem to believe that humiliating black men in front of the entire world is somehow going to make them more desirable to us. For example; Tyra Banks and Oprah have had shows which sole purpose was to send a image out to the world as black men in general being no more than a bunch baby making, bed hopping, unemployed, uneducated, jail birds that's a poor choice for any group of women. While making black women out to be a 100% good in every aspect of life and the best choice for any group of men. I never seen any black women get up and dispute this, if anything, they reinforce everything that's said negative about BM. Not once have I ever seen black women point out any of their flaws. After all of this these women still expect BM to love and respect them. They still think that we should want them after all of their efforts to ruin our image.

    I've been exposed to enough black women to form a general opinion of them. In my opinion, black women are the most self centered, selfish, masculine, ignorant, jealous, and angry women walking the earth. If you ever notice everything is always about them and no one else. They always make crazy statement like "black men date white women because they're easy" or "black men only date white women because black women won't take no shit from them." They say shit like this because they're flat ignorant. I also notice how black women are quick to jump out there with a black man like she's on his level physically. Then as soon as a nigga smack her ass in the mouth she wants to cry foul and play the woman card. When just before she got knocked upside the head she was trying to carry you like straight bitch. I'm not saying that all black women are like this but the vast majority of them are in my opinion.

    I think black women need to focus on these things instead of why black men are dating/marrying white women over them. If they take the time to look at themselves they can see why so called "good black men" don't want to have nothing to do with them. Black men like myself and many others have always loved white women. I love the way white women look, smell, and taste. I love the way they tend to a nigga and be the best partner and mother they can be. I love how polite white women are when I come in contact with them in public. In my prospective white women have always been the most attractive and loving women. They have their issues just like everyone else but for the most part they've been nothing but good to me and vice versa. So even if black women were to change they would never be my first choice. However, I think some black men might actually look at them in a more positive light.
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    a dude and i was saying the same thang today. i will date and marry a bw just as quick a ww but bw arent helping their marketability by the way they treat the bro's
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Best post in this thread thus far and your best thread to date fam.
  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I gotta agree with a lot of that post, man.
  13. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    The post above is directed toward black women who come here and ask questions and stereotype black men and white women. My statements are just my opinion and is not representation of anyone outside of myself. I'm sure that most of you black female troll will read my statements and take it out on innocent black men who actually loves and want you. Ladies please prove me wrong for once. Show me and the rest of the black men here how good you can be by simply keeping your asses out of this forum. I'm not sure if you're aware of this but this forum is for black men and white women who have preference for each other. It's not for people who wish to conduct phony research or ask dumb questions that meant to offend the black men and women here. This not a forum for people who wish to devalue the BM/WW relationships. I'm certain that most black women and white men who come here have only one purpose and that's to spew insults and offend the black men and women here in this forum. So do us a favor and keep your asses out of here.

    To all of my black brothers and white goddesses here I want y'all to keep this in mind. People are going to come here with the sole purpose of hating on black men with white women. Just ask yourself why would any white man or black woman be even interested in this forum? The men come here to socialize with white women and the women here come here to socialize with black men. So what would any group bring to the forum besides negativity?

    The hatred the occurs here isn't even about white women. Black men are target and most of the hatred will be directed towards black men. I have brothers even notice how women of any race will get the most ridicule for dating one of us? I mean I've seen in this time and time again. It's alright for any woman to date white guy, Asian guy, Indian guy, or Latino. However, when it comes to us it's always bunch of hatin ass mutherfuckas with something say even if the woman that we're dating isn't in their race. I'm sure you fellas know what I'm talking about. You know the negative stereotypes like any woman who dates a black man is whore, ugly, fat, low self esteem, or trying to get back at her parents. We all know that's not true but we have ask ourselves why do people do that? I think it's because a lot of men in all races are intimidated by us.
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    sound like a disclaimer to me.
  15. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    I've always wanted a white or Latina girlfriend and never really got into black women like the average black man. It's nothing against black women it's just that's always been my preference. But I completely understand exactly where you're coming from. I've seen good young black men that had promising futures and careers throw it all away fucking black women. I have a childhood friend who went to Catholic University and got his degree in bio engineering. All through school black girls ignored his ass. They didn't see any value in him until he started making big money. He ended up marrying this skank after I begged him not to marry because saw she was trouble. He did it anyway and this bitch used him, cheated on him, got him arrested on false charges, and managed get him fired from his job. My man J-Rock (may he rest in peace) also got his life taken away from him for fuckin with a black woman. He was firing up my man AJ sister and she got made and punch him in the face. Rock didn't do nothing to this bitch beside push her little ass down. She went and told AJ that Rock beat her up and AJ came back shot this man 7 times. Now Rock is dead and AJ is doing 45 years in federal prison. These are just a few examples of the many black men who bit the dust fuckin with black women. I say to each their own but I can't see my self ever getting involved with a black chick. I want my brothers who out here taking care of business to get a good thing. I personally don't view most black women as being a good thing.
  16. lilhawk624

    lilhawk624 Member

    Way to over generalize on that one bruh
  17. Yonda08

    Yonda08 New Member

    OMG...It sounds like a war Zone out there in the sister hood!!
  18. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Finding white women more attractive than black women is fine. I don't see a problem with that anymore than I see finding latin women more attractive than white women. This is all a matter of preference, be it a preference based on physical attraction or something deeper. Nobody can tell you what you can or can't be attracted to.

    One thing that is becoming overwhelmingly common and quite infuriating is to see black males who use BW as leverage while lifting WW to some pedestal.

    You black men need to quit forgetting. The black man that you are... the same black man that white women adore so much... is a black man born from the womb of a black woman.

    This 'black women are inferior to....' complex that is growing so popular is quite pathetic.
  19. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I'm surprised a sociologist in training would resort to such unacademuc counter responses. I have never met any real sociologist that doesn't get what they want, then go at their target. Moreover, post up this thread undermining our intelligence by omitting statistics, numbers, facts, etc.
  20. Redeemed One Jr

    Redeemed One Jr Active Member

    Indeed! :smt023

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