Have society thrown men under the bus and now facing the repercussions of it

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  2. robina

    robina New Member

    several of my male friends have full custody of thier children as it was deemed in the childs best interest, ive also been in court and seen the dad given full custody as the mother was messing about with the shared custody deal

    i agree where possible shared custody is best for the child thou sadly not always possible and the courts do struggle with whats best for the child

    i have full custody of my daughter and from when she was a year ( in hospital before then ) until 18 months old my ex had visitation rights and i was expected to supervise, the judge saw us every month. in this time he expressed his wishes that she be allowed to starve to death by removal of her feeding tube, he removed her oxygen sending her into respiratory arrest, he assulted me twice and my daughter once and each time the judge decided he should be given another chance to show he could be a good father. in the end my ex told the judge he wanted nothing to do with her unless she was normal

    so its hard for them to know whats the best option for the child until the point the child can express thier feelings on the matter

    oh and no im not bagging on dads, ive seen mothers do some appaling things too that has quite rightly resulted in the father being primary carer but i still dont think either parent should be given the automatic right to sole custody
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I cant believe he got the rite to see her period. What Im talking about is the fact that there are situations suchas no fault divorces but the woman usually get custody autoed.

    also society has a tendency to rag on men when the kids f$$$up .. example lets say a kid gets on drugs or in a gang the first thing out of people mouths are where is the dad or there is no father in the home mess.

    well you can look at it at another perspective and say well mom you are not doing a good job. also where is the dad and you can look him up and get a millions of reasons . one of the millions is the cost of fighting to see your child especially when the mom is acting a fool.

    now do all women need to get ragged no but society let them off the hook very often.

    look at what me and espy talked about when we talked about cheating that was brought up by DR. Phil
  4. jonesing

    jonesing New Member


    Thats funny.

    how bad can it get ? what the worse that can happen ?
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Hey, his cousin showed up.

    Now they can buffoon together.
  6. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

  7. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You know LA, you are a very smart man. ;)
  8. CowboyJohnBrad

    CowboyJohnBrad New Member

    Bad Brad's right:Today's men seem to prefer to be dominated by women.

    Brad Pitt is as right as rain,in fact,he's permitted super-diva Angelina Jolie to,in effect,
    hold his oysters in her purse.But as a black man,it seems the "black women's disease,"
    i.e.,negating a man's manhood,has been permeating white couples,which is why LOTS
    of white lads are opting for overseas partners,who are taught to appreciate men much more than the 2010 North American woman.I myself,of non-North American women,prefer
    Latinas,Caribbean "birds," and white-preferably blonde-and black U.K. lasses,the latter because of their accents and seemingly more voluptuous bodies than our chicks,and
    Latinas and Caribbean gals for their realization that a girl's body should be her pride
    (and a lot of these ladies are all eyes,hair,legs,hips and of course,cleavage!!!!),plus they LOVE to cook and look great for us lads.
    But again,yes,today's dudes seem less masculine than we boomer boys and those men of my father's generation-he'd have been 97 June 8-because of the reasons I described.
  9. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Ah, a concept for a sitcom..."The Goodlove Show", with LarryLong.
  10. MovingWest

    MovingWest New Member

    It has something to do with feminism. Many blame them.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    what do you mean by less masculine ?
  12. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    why do you say that
  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  14. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    1) LOL
    2) LOL
    3) we just chopping up some good game.

    I was just wondering how the men can get back to being the men. we have been getting thrown under the bus of late ( look at the media in how they portray us. You know as slack-jaw gangsters who leave their kids) . there is a serious imbalance in how we are portrayed versus the women.

    men are portrayed as beings thats constantly cheating and cant control themselves.

    Look at the magazines especially women and black magazines ( jet, ebony ect) when they state how to tell if he is cheating or how to keep him from cheating. They never state how to tell if a woman is cheating or how to keep her from cheating.

    when they do talk about a woman cheating they make an excuse for her cheating by putting the burden on the men such as " she cheated because the mans communication skills lacked or he is not romantic enough".

    there are other things society do that put men down and deservely so on a few issues BUT they like to portray women as victims even when they are the criminals. Look at that one chick who ( lets call it for what it is) molested her student, left her hubby and eventually married the student ( i believe they married) . during that time the media ( especially women) portrayed it or tried to move it that direction as a romantic story.

    let a man done the samething.....ooops it did happen. Joey buddifuco ( i believ thats how you spell his name.) he is the guy who was a mechanic that was screwing a 16 year old and the 16 year old shot the wife in the face. this took place in jersey.
  16. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    1) Quit bitching.
    2) Jettison all who are against you no matter who they are.
    3) Don't have kids by no-good bitches (oops, too late for you).
    4) Live the dream.
    5) The end.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    speak english . I cant relate to ebonics.

    so what .

    wise people speak because they have something to say. fools speak just to say something.

    you must have the "all women are to be hallowed" mentality.

    Im not a big fan of hip hop because 90% of it is
    misogynistic but they dont have ambivalance to the reality to what is up when it comes to the topic.

    a majority of men are saying the samething I am saying. Also , If you watched ABCNEWS which It sounds you did not that had a conference in atlanta about where are the good men.

    they had steve harvey and other men fielding questions from women stating men are this and that. Also , the yearly TAVIS Smiley state of black america also like to go in on black men and leave women unaccountable for their actions.

    when men like I state this then we are women bashing. it usually come from bro like you who have yet to hit life just yet ( that is good and I hope that you dont) or they are the bros that accept everything that OPRAH states as an aver.
  18. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    There weren't any ebonics in his post. What are you talking about?
  19. chicity

    chicity New Member

    None of what you posted applies to Karma in any way, or to his post.

    You would communicate better here if you paid more attention to some of the other posters here, and got a feel for who you were talking to.

    And the bit about ebonics? What? Jettison is ebonics now?

    Your whole post leaves me with but one thought:

  20. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    GL if you are going to take others to task for their speech, you must pay attention to your own posts, I, like others have already said, have a very hard time understanding what you are even trying to say, I am not trying to be rude, but is English not your first language? If not, try using Babblefish to translate before you post.

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