Why I'm rejected by black women

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by CowboyJohnBrad, May 4, 2010.

  1. CowboyJohnBrad

    CowboyJohnBrad New Member

    Let's see...At 56,still boyishly handsome,said to resemble a black cowboy(about which more in future posts),involved in business ventures,attempting to launch author,acting and/or music careers,etc.With black women's bemoaning the dearth of marriageable
    black men,you'd think I'd be on their short list.WRONG!!!!According to plenty of websites I've perused,since I'm One:Too good-looking,Two,not thuggish enough,ergo not a true
    "brotha" and Three,Unwilling to date fat women,black women seem to think me a "sell-
    out".How 'bout some feedback?(I may amplify my situation in later posts.
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    The emphasis shouldn't be on why you're rejected by black women, but what qualities you like in white women.

    What you wrote implies you're coming to WW from a place of bitterness against BW, which WW can see coming and for the most part, don't like (even though many of them come to BM from a place of bitterness against WM, but women can do/say what they want, haha). It isn't a good look.

    It also implies you still care about what BW think that you have to bring them up on a WWBM board. Also not a good look.

    Carry on.

    Your friend,

  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Lord not another one pls.
    Here we go another fella crying over why BW dont have a time of the day for him. C'mon bruh, at 56 get it together. Who gives a shit about what BW or AW or latina women think of you? This is a site dedicated for ineraction between BM and WW. Post on the forum regarding your experience with WW, if you got none then learn from others, if you are a slow of learner then pick up a WW from here. I know some who do.
    But for God sake leave this poor me got rejected by BW attitude at the gate. I have never been rejected by them, so I do not know the experience but I have experienced name calling by them. All kinds of name:sell out, uncle tom, uncle Jeff, Oreo, white wash, Malcom X, militant, arrogant SOB, prick, Mr. too good, Mr. does not have a time for BW, etc....
    BW has cock blocked me, have tried to sabotage my career, all kind of shit. I rose above it all and continue to rise. I used to care a bit about what they think but now I dont give a rat's ass. I dont care what WW, BW, AW, green women, latina think of me, I do me. I am an independent thinker. I date whoever the fuck my heart desire and act and dress the way I want. These days most BW that I interact with have lots of respect for me. They know me as a No nonsense type of guy.
  4. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I like how he applauds himself for being rejected by BW.
  5. lilhawk624

    lilhawk624 Member

    Move on

    Man, at your stage in the game, I would respectfully have to say, move on. Obviously you are here for a reason, so if you truly like ww and they like you, then leave it be. If you truly like ww, and they like you then go where you are appreciated and celebrated, not just tolerated if rejection is still an issue for you. Perhaps it hasn't been them all this time, but maybe something in you?

    Cheers bruh-
  6. MTower

    MTower New Member


    I would have to agree, but it seems you must still have a strong desire to be with BW as well if you are still pondering this question? Maybe try asking BB and NOT a forum full of BM & WW?

  7. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I never heard a man talk about his looks so much.

    Too good looking for me is not a bad thing, it's a plus.
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Talking about being too good looking for me is a bad thing, it's a definite negative.
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    lol, makes you think.. big headed, much?
  10. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    I have to agree with this. This is a BM/WW board. Why even bring BW into the mix.
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'm often scratching my head on that one.

    Ironically, the WW here rarely bring up WM.
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    That's why I emphasized him talking about his looks twice in one post. I think he did it in his other ones too. It's like - who does that?
  13. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Two words:

    douche bags.
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Thank you...lol
  15. z

    z Well-Known Member

  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    LOL! Perfect. Now they need one dressed as a "cowboy".
  17. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I was gonna go with braggart... but I think you covered it for us LA. :smt008

    Yep, I noted that as well.
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    or [​IMG]
  20. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    He claims to be very good-looking. But where's the picture?

    And why are the tags on all of his threads numbers? I feel like we're in Lost or something. LOL!

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