Black Men Seeking Sex in Brazil?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by jxsilicon9, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    I'm Brazilian, I mean, it's just the truth, an African American talking shit about Brazil?, that's laughable to say the least, I love all brothas but I'm NOT going to let anyone insult my beloved country, I love this country, and I love my people regardless of race, I would take a white Brazilian nazi from the south over a black foreigner any day !!!
  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Are you of African decent?
  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

    saying you are a brazilian is like I am saying I am an American. It does not state your ethnicity. I know Brazilians love their country to death but you are coming down hard on blk folks. Are you an african or European decent brazilian?
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2010
  4. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    "WAY MORE Black millionaires in America than Brazil"
    True but you are still just an N word in the eyes of most Americans, doesn't change much does it?

    "Want to compare per capita income?...I didn't think so...LOL" Go back to school in your project and learn something about capita income, you can't compare capita income to decide who's better off as the cost of living in Brazil is not the same as living in the US.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I bet you would take a white brazilian the ass.:smt081
  6. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    I'm half German half black Brazilian, my mother is from Düsseldorf and my father is a neg*o from Belo Horizonte (Brazil).
  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I don't care what a white mofo calls me....fool...that's the difference between us....WE don't care what hillbillies say.

    Black Americans have a middle-class.

    Black Brazilians don't have shit.

    There are more Black american millionaires in ONE State than there are in the entire Country of brazil.

    Suck on that you nazi-loving sambo.
  8. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Dude dont you know during transatlantic slave trade, most slaves who came in to the States and the one who are taken to brazil are realtives. I beleive large number of blacks who live outside Africa reside in Brazil, dont they?
  9. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    So what if therea re more black millionaires in the US, do you happen to be one of them? LOL, guess not, you know, we have a saying here, you can tell when someone is incompetent when they have to cum with a dick that's not even theirs, that's exactly what you're doing now, you're cumming with other people's penises.
  10. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    I know that, all blacks are relatives in some way, and if you go to racist site your nationality is not really that relevant, they hate all blacks equally.

    Off to bed now, good night y'all.
  11. z

    z Well-Known Member

    where did you learn about the american lingos and racist site? Ever been to the states?
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You said Brazil makes airplanes...but there aren't any Blacks flying them.Talk about cumming with other people's penises..haha

    I'm not a millionare..but I am middle-class...that's more than you can say.
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You obviously think like those on racist site insulting Black Americans.
  14. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I don't know why he got his broke ass up in here taking that nazi shit.

    They fucked-up in south america.
  15. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Black American's get insulted by Black people from other nations all the time, nothing new there. He's just going at us because FH insulted Brazil.
  16. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    I agree. And many black Americans insult Africans all the time too. It goes both ways for the most part.
  17. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Yes, I didn't mean to not acknowledge that. I was just trying to say this exchange was more an example of "racial infighting" than anything else.
  18. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I know, I was just pointing out the irony.
  19. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I'm just focused on that Brazilian butt, albeit I may not go there just for it, if I do...I just might not make it back. Don't know bout all that other ish, but it sounds like brazil has issues just like any other country
  20. empyrium

    empyrium New Member

    Yep, I've been there twice and racist site... don't remember when I first heard of racist site, but it's a very popular website, especially in Europe.

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