America sooo fat it has become a national security risk

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    True- I have a thing about watching what's listed in the ingredients. Generally, if you're eating whole, organic foods, there shouldn't be anything else in your food- but, not everyone can eat 100% organic all the time (I know I can't- some stuff I just can't find!).

    And the calorie thing is constantly an enigma to a lot of people- but then again, most experts can't agree on what constitutes starvation level and what constitutes weight loss. Some people advocate tracking calories burned and then eating back those calories at the end of the day to ensure you NET 1200- others see that as defeating the purpose.

    I don't think there's a be all and end all to it, but a huge part of it is WHAT you're eating. I wish they'd do away with Lean Cuisines and stuff like that because it's just no good.
  2. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    exactly. not only that, but know your how YOUR BODY reacts to food. i'm an ectomorph by nature. i bring this up because i lift weights. knowing how many calories i can eat before putting on fat goes a long way. at the same time i lose weight RAPIDLY if i don't eat enough can be frustrating.

    gram of fat - 4 calories
    gram of protein - 4 calories
    gram of carbs - 9 calories
  3. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I would imagine that's frustrating! I have a good friend who lifts weights and he's a lot like you in that respect. I also hate him because sometimes he'll eat a large pizza on his own and think nothing of it, and he never gains a POUND. Jerk! lol But, he watches what he eats 95% of the time, and he knows how his body works.

    I have the opposite problem- I'm actually overweight, but I can't lose weight without a doctor hovering over me constantly. I used to run half-marathons, and now the extent of my workouts are allowed to be 60 minutes or less of yoga 2-3 times per week- MAX.

    I started learning a lot more about food because of it. I figured, since I can't workout, then I might as well pay more attention to what's going on in my body. Before I found out most of this, I was guilty of eating those Lean Cuisines- they totally gross me out now.

    Have any of you been watching Food Revolution, or watched the documentary Food, Inc.? They're recent- and it seems like this is becoming a really big movement, which in my opinion is great. :)
  4. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    thats very smart of you. knowledge helps...and yes, your friend sounds exactly like me lol...i used to be around 140lbs forever - skinny fat lol. After gaining a greater understanding of my diet and having the discipline to cut back on alcohol and actually follow one, i have put on around 30lbs over the last few yrs. mostly muscle. I'm running sprints (HIIT) to knock off my last lil' amount of bellyfat and bring out my abs. Cardio is a bitch lol..
  5. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    That's how I do. Only a matter of timebefore that shit backfires on me, though. I' taking advantage of that shit, while I can.
  6. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    lol...yeah it slowly starts to catch up as you get older. I have a fast metabolism even at 40yrs old. but even i notice how bad foods affect me quicker.
  7. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Yeah, see, men generally have an easier time of it! It's not fair! LOL And congrats on building muscle- that's not easy to do unless you're really working at it.

    Haha, I used to love cardio! Nothing was better than going on a nice long run- I lived for those 13.1 milers...ahh, the good ol' days (and wouldja believe, I really wasn't skinny then either?). Just wasn't meant to be!

    Anyway, I'm glad there are more people out there who feel the way I do...I'm really kind of horrified at the way a lot of this information has been kept secret (or denied) over the years. I don't think the USDA is really doing anyone any favors- well, other than the big food corps. lol ;)
  8. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    thanks for the kind words. it takes years to build the body you want. i'm workin on it still...For years i've believed that our government and the food industry have it in for us. Why else would bad foods be cheaper and more readily-available to us than good foods. Combined with lack of information. then the health industry sits by and makes a living off of all the health cases. Some years ago i opened my eyes to all of this and decided to take control of my body and my overall health. No excuses.

    u ran 13.1 miles...damn i dont think i could ever do that..congrats
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Its starting to catch up with me.

    I never thought this day would come.
  10. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Some people call me crazy for having the same opinions- we can be crazy together! lol

    Thanks. :) The shirt I wore when I first did it said 'This seemed like a good idea three months ago.' I still get a kick out of TRUE. I mean, the day of my first half I was SO SORE..and I said 'I'm NEVER doing this again!' Yeah, that faded fast. Suddenly I was like 'I wanna do a half again!' ;)

    I think if you can do what you've done with yourself so far, a half marathon would be child's play for you.
  11. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member


    Well then, I dislike you and your super fast metabolism, too! ;)
  12. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    if i'm reading your post right, you don't run the whole distance at once? if you run it in segments then i could manage it. Longest i've ever jogged was the mandatory 4+mile daily runs i did in Tech school while in the air force.

    i laughed at the name of your t-shirt. it's like , ok, i'm committed to this - too late to back out now :smt042
  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  14. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    *takes note, as I head out to Jack in the Box* :lol:
  15. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    lol just earlier i was watching the spurs game at a sports bar. on the way out i almost went to jack in the box. real talk. i decided against it though.
  16. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    No, you do run it all at once....that's the half-marathon...13.1 miles of (painful) glory. ;) One of my friends is gearing up for a matter how you slice it, 26.2 just seems CRAZY. lol And yes, that's exactly how I felt the first time I ran it! I remember crossing the finish line with my friend and going 'OK, now where's my effin medal?!' ;)

    See, if you could do 4 miles, you could do's just a matter of steady training. You seem pretty disciplined, I bet you could own it...especially since this chubby girl totally did! LOL
  17. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    I feel i could eventually do it, if i wanted to. but i refuse to sacrifice the muscle i've gained to train to do it though. my cardio consists of sprints 3-4x per week and an occasional 20-30 minute jog around the block once a wk. You deserve a medal for the distance you DID run. How long did it take you?
  18. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    oh yeah, you definitely can't run and expect to retain that muscle- I forget that! Runner's are usually crazy lean. Keep the muscle! ;)

    It took me about 3 hours and 15 minutes. Not an Olympic time by any means, but I was pretty proud of myself. The second one I did in a little less time.
  19. lightbrotha4u

    lightbrotha4u Member

    you should be proud. that shows determination, which i bet, carries over to other aspects of your life. overweight, underweight, or whatever you seem to have a beautiful personality and you DEFINITELY have a pretty smile.
  20. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You know what's really amazing about BA is that not only does he have a hellacious metabolism, but he's got damn fine muscle definition and apparently doesn't live in the gym either. I honestly can't figure out how he does it, :smt017 but if he could bottle that he'd be rich.

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