Italian men in particular sicillian men have been known for loving the black juice, this aint nutin new. But they usually dont like one of their sisters dating a brother.
Further confirmation that the haters of WW/BM don't get care about ethnic identity but merely color.... example 1 and 2 3 She looks Italian to me :smt102. Still interested in finding a family photo. I don't want to delve too deep into my determination of what constitutes "White" and "Black" for this thread. Mostly i try to base it on known self identity though I've avoided posting ostensibly White men who identify as Black/mixed (who I know have families) like Ryan Giggs or Gregory Howard Williams because they are not as well known as let say Jason Kidd and that might bring up further "race" issues that I don't want to get in to. I will also not post men who identified as White and married white women yet were "onedropped" as Black by various historians...... I posted Scottie Pippens wife as an example in contrast to Jessica Alba. I don't consider M.E generally white and I'm not sure if Alba identifies as White.... I just posted her because I've seen many Latina women identified as White by the men on here, so I've included BM with "White Hispanic" wives.....Alba and Warren don't fit what some think of when they think of IR...but the whole concept of race is untenable when you move outside of any homogeneous population.
Well Johan got Heidi's looks and Henry got seals. Heidi's a supermodel....the baby girl is also looking like johan at this point.... saw that yesterday, the MTO comments weren't as bad as I of the posters especially really kept it real about their relationship...
In my opinion, just cause one is a model, doesn't mean they'll have good looking kids, ya know? It depends what genes are in store and what genes mix with your partners. I always hear people calling her kids ugly, but we see that's not the case. As you and I already know, people can be so cruel. I'm trying to think whose pix I saw where they were talking shit about.
Damn, Harold Perrineau is lucky, by the age of his daughter I can see he's been hitting that blonde pussy for years, wow. I was kinda surprised to see that after seeing him in OZ lol.
I mean, I love seeing white women with brothas, I'm just saying she's way out of his league. Uploaded with
I guess I am not the only nut who felt that way. This Brazillian brother feels the same way too, lol.