There is a big scandal brewing in the world of Soccer, three players including the married captain of the French national team are being accused of having sex with a legal prostitute that was underage at the time. The players Sidney Govou, Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema The girl in question is Zahia Dehar she started working as a legal prostitute in 2008 at the age of 16 although the legal age is 18. She was working at the Café Zaman, a brothel on the Champs Elysee. She has admitted to having sex with all three men, but also admits she was not truthful about how old she was. Apparently she is also very popular commanding a rate of 2,000 euro a night
She's hot but they're professional athletes why do they have to pay for sex. Especially two grand. Damn
Because it's safer and cheaper to pay 2 grand a pop for sex, than to marry someone who turns out to want all your money, or get someone pregnant and run the risk of losing a whole lot more than 2 grand on child support? You're a numbers man babe, you tell me if the 2 grand for sex isn't the more fiscally responsible choice, as well as carrying less risk. Oh and as for the 2 grand, if I was a man I wouldn't want a $50 blow job in an alley, I'd want the best sex money could buy. The more it costs, the better the quality and the less risk involved.
True but at least having multiple gfs mean less scandal. Forunately Tiger has taken the whole shock factor out of shit like this
True, but anyone cheating on their wife with like 15 different women would be shocking to me. But I don't consider sex with a hooker scandalous, that's just a business transaction that may, or may not, be legal depending upon your location.
I don't know why we just don't legalize it already especially in the larger cities. It would be great tax revenue and its a victimless crime.
Plenty of stats here to support that it is not a victimless crime. It would increase tax revenues, as for the moral and economic factors, everyone will have their own viewpoints.
Loki my upcoming rant isn't directed at you my friend but that article and the video is complete and utter fucking horse shit. I'm incredibly tired of so called intellectuals ignoring obvious logic and finding bs statistics to support bs claims. The abuse and rape oocur because prostitution is illegal just like all the killing that went on during the prohibition of alcohol in the early 20s. The killing wasn't sympatmatic of alcohol but the illegal enterprise now less people commit murder over alcohol unless you're talking about drunk driving although that's an entirely different matter. Not every woman looks at having sex for money the same way and I don't see why those who don't shouldn't capitalize. We've also deemed porn legal what's the difference between that and prostitution. As long as everyone is a consenting adult where's the harm. Socially others might judge them but I don't see how that's any different from being an abortion doctor or criminal attorney or CeO of an insurance company.
Obviously anyone forced into prostitution is a victim Loki, and I doubt anyone would dispute that. However IMO any woman who knowingly and consensually engages in prostitution as a means of earning money is not a victim. It's a fact of life that as a woman, regardless of your circumstances you always possess one item that you can trade for money. If a woman chooses to view her body as a commodity, and uses it to trade sex for money, that's her right and her business. Could I do it, no, but that's because sex to me would never be business, my mind just doesn't work that way, but some people can make that separation. I do think it's sad that some women are placed in a position where they feel their only option is to sell themselves, but again that's their right. I see very little difference between prostitution and porn, in both cases women and men sell their bodies for sex. As long as it's consensual I fail to see why it shouldn't be legal. As for your points Andrae, I agree that most of the statistics in the article have been presented in a manner that I suspect is meant to shock the reader. A more thorough examination would need to be conducted with a much larger sampling of women in order to get a better understanding. People who identify a woman a victim when the woman herself doesn't consider herself one are irritating to me. Mind your own f-ing business. If a woman wants to strip her way through college, or do porn, or turn tricks, who are you to tell her she shouldn't. Unless you plan to subsidize her income so that's not necessary, you need to shut up. And the concept that prostitution is a male dominance thing is also bullshit. That only works if the woman isn't willing, if she is then she's selling him the opportunity to dominate her. So he may have the illusion of dominance but I think the fact that she leaves with the money would be a big clue as to who was actually in charge. The only thing I disagree with you on Andrae, is that legalized prostitution would cut down on rape and incest. It wouldn't. Men who engage in that type of violence against women do so because they are damaged. It's not because they don't have a legal outlet for sex, a lot of them have wives and girlfriends for sex, it's a compulsion that drives them to seek it elsewhere. But I know that some men have difficulty grasping the concept of sex that has nothing to do with sexual satisfaction, but that's what rape is, therefore legalized prostitution would have zero impact on the prevalence of rape IMO.
Sorry Esp I was talking about rape in the context of the article where they say prostituition either comes from sexual abuse or assualt and that it leads to sexual abuse or assualt. I agree that legalizing would have little to no baring on rape
Agreed that there will always be those who willingly choose to sell themselves for a myriad of reasons, and that prostitution and porn are essentially the same thing. I think what the article is pointing out is that even for those who willingly choose such a life, there are very serious mental and physical damages that can and do result. Hard for me to call that victimless, even when they are the ones putting their own neck in the noose. I have no interest in judging the actions of others on moral grounds, waste of time in my opinion, prostitution is called the oldest profession for a reason, so I can't say that I would be opposed to nationwide legalization, just not comfortable with the whole victimless characterization.
Fam victim implies that something is being done against their will or without their knowledge but in context of legalized prostutition how are they victims?
Perhaps I/we am/are getting too stuck on semantics, there just seems to be A LOT of negative consequences stemming from a life of prostitution, whether it was by choice or not. An Example from another profession, many people do not realize the physical toll, and early mortality rates that results from playing professional sports, especially football, basketball and hockey. They only see the glitz, money, fame aspect, yet there is a very ugly downside later on in life to making that "choice" to play at that level. Not to mention the psychological toll that must also be paid (a great book on this subject is "40 million dollar slaves). What I am saying is that, given legalization, prostitutes would not fit the "letter" of the definition of a victim, however they still could be suffering awful consequences of their choice even in the best of circumstances, do we really want to make it easier to become one?
we understand the victim concept it is just hard to understand when people do that to themselves. Like someone stated they do it for a myriad of reasons. one of which hurts me the most is the slave trade. if it was nt for the slave trade it would be viewed a tenth better but not much. it would not be legalized because the politicians would not touch it because they would get voted out despite the immoral logic in legalizing it. Im not for it but legalizing it would make the situation safer. std's would be less rampant.
I see and appreciate your point Loki. However, using your example, people don't refer to professional athletes as victims when they suffer career ending injuries. I agree that obviously prostitution can lead to some really negative events in a woman's life, however I think that just like athletes, they assume that risk when they make that career choice. Hence if something happens to them during the course of their work, it's likely a result of what they've chosen to do, and therefore I wouldn't consider them 'victims' of prostitution. Just because you're a prostitute, it doesn't make it okay to rape you, or beat you, you're still a human being with the right to give or revoke consent. So they can be victims of violence, in the legal sense, but that's the only way I'd term them victims. I also don't think making it legal will make it easier, or more attractive to become one. Honestly if prostitution was regulated like porn, it might reduce the number of prostitutes, because it wouldn't be as lucrative and there would be more 'red tape' to cut through with mandatory testing, taxing and such.
Yes I do think it should be easier to become one because its their choice. Whether it makes YOU or anyone else comfortable is irrelevant. This another hypocrisy that annoys the fuck out out me we as a culture enjoy movies and music that paint women negatively we going to sporting events where men try their hardest to injure one another but pretend we care when its something that makes us personally uncomfortable despite the fact we don't have to engage in the activitey ourselves. If it were legal there would be a lot less human trafficing.
Gotta disagree with you on your last point Esp because if they did legalize prostitution the consumer base would triple overnight. It would probably create a demand for more girls to do it. A great example are escort services they make incredible money even though they pay taxes and follow laws. The only thing that might take a hit are places associated with dating because for a lot of young guys dating is a mean to an end and if a guy who is 21 can get the same results for less money and way less conversation he'll be on line wuicker than you can say brothel
I don't say this very often, but I suspect you are right and I am wrong! I honestly didn't consider the increased demand that legalization would most likely lead to, and of course at that point the laws of supply and demand would be in effect. As has been previously pointed out, I am sometimes obtuse in my thinking, and I appreciate it when that's pointed out to me. :smt058
Yeah I agree with you, look at Holland. Look at how much money the Netherlands are making. Their tourist industry is huge and only because the two things that are illegal in other countries are legal there. Trust me, nobody goes to the Netherlands for the sites. Using the escort example, do you Americans have 'Secret Diary of a Callgirl' in the States? It's a TV show here about an escort girl and I personally know two people at university who have gone into escorting part time just because they saw this programme. It's stupid but I agree with Andrae, legalising prostitution would mean a lot more women go into it and not just because of higher demand. Personal opinions aside, for many women, selling their bodies in a 'safe' environment for £500 a night is a much better option than scrubbing toilets for £500 a month. Now do I agree? That's a different thread altogether!!