BM/WW Celebrity Families with children

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by xoxo, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. BellaLucia

    BellaLucia New Member

    Yes, you're absolutely right.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Bella out of curiousity how old are you?
  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Bella post a pic, state your age, measurments and city....let the Jamaican and Italian union begin, LoL.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thank you sir I was too chicken shit to say it like that lol
  5. BellaLucia

    BellaLucia New Member


    I'm 25. I'm in NYC. I don't feel comfortable posting a pic yet. I think we should just get back to the topic of this post. I'm sorry I disturbed.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Don't be sorry I like the fact that a woman actually posted something along the lines of what I've been talking about. Now here's a bigger question since we're both from the NY area do you think that our shared view on this topic comes from the NY culture of money because I effectively bust my ass so I can make more than enough to live a good lifestyle with my future family.
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Wow, a polite New yorker. Bella, Welcome to the forum, jump right in and post.
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Welcome to the site, now that the pleasantries are out of the way...

    Unless you have a direct feed into the thoughts of other women, you cannot truly say anything 'without a doubt', it's just a bad idea since people tend to react to gross generalizations in a negative fashion. Additionally, you're going to find that 'most' of the women here have already indicated they very much do not need a man to be the provider. This is where men keep getting this idea in their head that what they do for a living, how much money they make, and how successful they are makes a difference in what caliber of woman they can get. If that's your personal criteria, that's great, go with what works for you, but saying that 'most' women are like that is incorrect.
  9. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Good afternoon, Dr. Espy- just walked on time and ready to drag someone by their shirt collar and toss them to high speed rail tracks. LoL
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I see your point Andrae, and I think the only way to not let the bad influence the present is to just decide you aren't going to let it. That's your choice babe. All I'm saying is the more open your mind, the more plentiful your opportunities. I also think that sometimes we try too hard, and I've noticed when I relax my approach to something, or determine I'm just going to stop trying, things tend to fall right into place. Essentially I find the best things happen when I'm not looking for them. I know that's a tremendous amount of help, but it's the truth.

    I also don't think you have to change your standards regarding who you are physically attracted to, nor would I recommend that. If you feel like you're settling, that's something you'll likely never forget, and that's unfair to both parties. I sure wouldn't want to be the woman some man just settled for, and I wouldn't do that to a man either. That said, it's really unfortunate you are in New York, because off the top of my head I can think of several WW I could fix you up with and I'm pretty confident you'd be very pleased. :smt045

    :smt056 I don't want to slam anyone GZ, you're entitled to your opinion, just as everyone is. I know you guys aren't talking about me or any of the regular women who post here. My point is that someone who isn't a regular poster could read what you or Andrae wrote, and not knowing you both to be the wonderful men you are, could get the impression that the men here don't think much of women in general. I absolutely agree that many of you are like family to me, and if you have a problem or a question I welcome the opportunity to discuss it with you, I simply wish we could get out of the habit of using phrases like 'all women' and 'all men' are this or that. The words 'all', 'always', and 'never' really should just be removed from usage in the English language, as the instant they are used someone will prove that they don't apply.

    Anyway, you guys know I luv ya, and I know you're just as discouraged at the apparent lack of quality women in your lives as I am at being compared to them... now someone please get this thread back on track.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yo I've been pretty respectful so muthafukin apologize right now lol
  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

    you see with this attitude you're going to chase away belladonna, I mean bella luca of the forum. LoL
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Woman if you think you lived in NY we wouldn't be having this convo face to face woman. Forget any of the other women you know woman
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    There's the Andrae I know and luv. :smt058
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol nice slip
  16. BellaLucia

    BellaLucia New Member

    Actually, I was raised in central NJ. I moved here to work. To be honest, I'm just more traditional. I want to be a stay at home wife and mother. My mother stayed at home. I think that's what's best, but that's just my opinion. I plan on moving right back to the suburbs when I get married. Although, I'm not choosing my man strictly for his bank account, which is very common here. The man I just started dating is black and he's wonderful. I love seeing all these beautiful families and beautiful children.
  17. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    1. I know you ladies weren't generalizing. I just thought it was necessary to say though.

    2. This thread wasn't derailed per se, because it's not just about the pictures and like all families, arguments happen. There's alot of famous BM/WW couples with children or about to have children that haven't been posted. I also have asked for photo requests through out the thread.

    3. This thread is not famous Black men and their White wives. There are celebrity White women on this thread married to Black men and many of the wives of these Black men are accomplished though not famous. Go check out the Black wives of similar celebrities if you want to see that these Women are just as, if not more accomplished than your average Black intraracial celebrity couple. Not only are there celebrity women on this thread, many of them are mothers with famous children. These women and families should be just as celebrated as everyone else because they represent the majority of BM/WW couples, who are not famous or rich and who imo look no better or worse than these couples.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    This what some folks are trying to point out.

    BTW Bella, you said you're very traditional, is it safe to assume you're a traditional Italian woman, then if that is the case, what is your folks feel about you potentially marring a BM?
  19. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Lisa Lampanelli is sometimes funny. She aint the kinda of cookie that I will fight someone to take out of the jar but will hang with her and dirty jokes.
    Did anyone see her on Flava Flav's roast? she torn that monkey a big one, lol.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010

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