Tiki Barber & Traci Lynn Johnson

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Kid Rasta, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    The last line would've been easier had he never cheated, didn't knock her up or pranced his side piece around in public.

    Regardless if it was some random night of sex, the thing is, he got her pregnant. He's her husband. He has a moral responsibility to his children and to her too. It's not about him anymore, it's about the babies. He helped make them (whether he wanted to or not).

    Sounds like you're giving him the easy exit pass cause he's so unhappy. He should've tried to protect his cheating (not condoning this). He should've put on a game face or whatever to save face so he doesn't bring stress to the wife.
  2. bonsaiiKITTEN

    bonsaiiKITTEN New Member

    Wow, he stepped down. New girl looks like a coke whore/that drag queen Pandora Boxx.


    Above: Pandora Boxx.
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'm not saying that people should stay together for the sake of being together, but you have to admit that we live in a instant gratification society. People think that their mates are easily replaceable, that they don't take responsibility for their actions nor do they want to and that they leave when the going gets tough. Maybe because I come from a traditional family. So my ideology on this is different than some. I'm also not talking about ones parenting capabilities as a single parent or staying in it "for the kids", I'm talking about what society has become. If people would stop being so selfish, looking for the next best thing and took more time to learn someone before marrying them (not talking about those Jack in the Box mates who surprise you later on with their "secrets"), I think marriage rates would be higher.

    I know about those women. Be it, the married ones or the ones with boyfriends or just dudes they like. A child can never keep a man. I don't understand that way of thinking, but I'm wholeheartedly aware that it exists and don't agree with it.

    No one is holding him against his will or making him stay (we see that's not the case), but it's about taking some responsibility for your actions. Maybe putting his selfishness aside for a minute would help. My stance on this whole thing is about protecting the babies. They didn't ask for any of this. He could get his Tiger Woods on for all I care...lol
  4. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    the jump off is cute...what are you seeing?
  5. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Maybe because she looks like she's drugged up or falling asleep in the last pic...lol

    I have no idea...lol
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I agree that divorce rates are considerably higher now than they have been in the past, or in your parent's generation or mine. However, I honestly don't know if that's because people think it's easier now, or more acceptable, or if less people choose not to live miserably. I personally don't expect someone to be miserable if there's an alternative, nor do I think it's healthy. That said, I think you should get to know someone really well before you marry them, and at the first sign of difficulty you shouldn't just bail. Try to work it out first, but if that's just not going to happen, then go be happy. I also think if you know your marriage isn't something you're satisfied with, bringing children into it is a bad idea. That's only going to stress an already fragile situation and make matters worse, and then you have more than just yourself to consider.

    I agree that the children are the innocent in this type of situation, and it's unfortunate. But I don't equate him staying with his wife with protecting the babies. Honestly were it me, I wouldn't want him anywhere in my immediate area. I'd just be thoroughly pissed at him and it'd be better to not have him around at that point. Not to mention your emotions are a little out of whack when you're pregnant, so it's really not a good time for emotionally charged interactions. I'd probably injure him, seriously.
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    LA...clearly your worth is about more than dollars and cents...lucky woman that finds you:yawinkle:
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Totally agree with your entire post...

    You bring up a good point. There are two sides to this in my head. This goes along the lines of a "too little too late" type thing. I mean for one, like I said earlier, he should've kept his cheating hidden until the babies were born. That's been my gripe with him (lets not even get into him cheating. He should've ended it if he was so unhappy) and now that his wife is aware, I think it's about her well being. So maybe like you said, he shouldn't be anywhere in her sphere or cause her anymore stress than he already has. I just hope and pray she delivers them safely and healthy.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So to clarify he just should have stayed unhappy and hope that she didn't pick up on it?

    I guess it's another agree to disagree situation.
  10. AdventurSum

    AdventurSum New Member

    the ultimate point tho is... tiki comes off like a real cornball anyway. so no matter what the race or creed, whether wifey or cheating... his relationship(s) are wack. the bamma is paper thin.
  11. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    From everything I've read he's been dating this new woman for two years, lavishing her with expensive gifts, paying her rent and restaurants bills for her and friends...he supposedly sneaked and spent nights in the dorm while she was a student according to classmates. Tiki's on track to ending up exactly like Bryant Gumbel. His wife is devastated and had no idea as he travels quite frequently. Over the years it seems as though she did everything possible to make a good marriage/home judging from his bragging and all not too along ago actually. No one deserves to be treated so heinously...especially one's "spouse". None of the networks want him any longer and he quickly turning into an extremely hated figure.

    The father of Tiki Barber’s young blond mistress unwittingly bragged to friends that she baby-sat for the ex-Giant’s kids — and that Barber then helped land her an internship on the “Today” show, a neighbor told The Post yesterday. Earnest Johnson’s proud boasts made daughter Traci Lynn Johnson look good to neighbors at the time.

    But the world was looking at Traci, 23, in a new light yesterday after The Post exclusively revealed that she is the long-tressed temptress who lured Barber away from his beautiful wife, Ginny — who is eight months pregnant with their twins. “I heard from Ernie that Traci baby-sat for Tiki, and he put in a word for her at the ‘Today’ show,” said the neighbor, who lived next to the Johnson family in upstate Pine Bush. “I said, ‘Wow!’ “

    Barber has two sons with Ginny: A.J., 7, and 6-year-old Chason — but he moved out of the family’s Upper East Side home late last year after his wife learned of his stunning philandering. Barber, who has worked for NBC since retiring from the Giants in 2007, and Ginny each have retained high-powered matrimonial lawyers, but no divorce papers have yet been filed.

    A source who knew Traci Johnson at Mount St. Mary College in upstate Newburgh said that Barber won her heart more than two years ago — and that the former star running back isn’t shy about lavishing her with gifts. “On her 21st birthday, he sent her 21 dozen roses to her dorm. He also gave her a diamond and sapphire bracelet,” the source said. “At this point, she had a boyfriend, and told him that she and Tiki were ‘just friends,’ but nobody bought it. “He gave her and her friends [Giants] jerseys for them to dress up in on Halloween . . . He would shower her with designer handbags and expensive clothes.”

    The source said “he came to the school, and she introduced him to her friends. “At first, we thought he was a nice, sweet guy. Really warm and friendly. “But once we realized what was going on, we were disgusted. We never expected him to be so disrespectful to his wife. “One night, he sneaked into her dorm and stayed over the night,” the source said. “The next day, Traci didn’t want to let him out of her room to use the bathroom because she was worried someone would see him and catch them. “Traci said that she didn’t expect him to leave his wife, and that [Ginny] was so pretty.” Another former college classmate of Johnson said, “She was not shy about their relationship. She also used to tote around the little white dog that he bought for her,” that source said.
    Barber, who turned 35 yesterday, has refused to comment about his relationship with Johnson. But a source close to the gridiron great adamantly denied that he was more than just “friends” with Johnson while she was at Mount St. Mary, where she received a degree in 2008. And, “She absolutely, positively, never baby-sat the kids,” said the source, adding that Barber did not help her get the “Today” show gig. “They were friends in 2008,” the source said. “He did not spend the night” at her dorm.

    The source, while not denying Johnson’s current romantic relationship with Barber or that it busted up his marriage, adamantly denied that the football star ever lavished gifts on her. “There were never roses, there were never bracelets, there were never dogs,” the source said. A business partner who has known Barber for 15 years also disputed the claims that the Giants standout purchased valuable gifts for Johnson, or that she ever baby-sat for his children. “They’re just nauseating lies,” the partner said.

    Despite those denials, Barber clearly took more than a casual interest in Johnson as far back as 2008. The source, while not denying Johnson’s current romantic relationship with Barber or that it busted up his marriage, adamantly denied that the football star ever lavished gifts on her. But it wasn’t only Johnson’s college classmates whose eyebrows were raised about her “friendship” with Barber. A source who knows her said that “while she was interning at the ‘Today’ show, Traci’s direct boss, a producer, noticed that she was going out for lunch with Tiki. Traci’s boss told her, ‘What do you think you’re doing? You’re just an intern. I don’t want you going out to lunch with him in public.’

    “Traci was annoyed, but she realized she’d have to be more secretive if she wanted to see him.” A source in New York’s nightlife scene said, “Tiki has always been a family man, but in the last nine months he’s been showing up around town with Traci. “She’s a wild party girl, and is often out all night with all her girlfriends. When they go out for dinners he takes care of it,” the source said. “And she tells everyone he pays her rent. He seems pretty hooked by Traci. She knows it, and is making the most of it.” Sources close to Barber denied that he has paid her rent.
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    perhaps tiki has just had a bit more luck then steve mcnair...we will see what happens when he starts cheating on the girlfriend too...i doubt she will be working @the today show much longer...this affair will tar her aspirations @today...
  13. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    Don't they all...

  14. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    how do we know he wanted these children? Maybe she "forgot" to take her birth control one night and figured "there's no way he'll leave me if I'm pregnant". WRONG. A man will not love you if he doesn't love you. Bridget Moynahan tried to do the same thing to Tom Brady when she knew he was gonna leave with Gisele Bunchen. It didn't work. You can't trap a man into loving you.

    And the sad truth of it is, with guys like Tiki, Jesse James, Tiger Woods, etc. again its all about ego and power. If a man can have tons of hot women he WILL. It's human/male nature. Men if they could would collect hot women the way women collect shoes, with about the same turnover rate as well. Truth hurts ladies, sorry.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    what does her being asian have to do with anything anyway? I thought this was about a guy leaving a pregnant wife.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sad but true
  17. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    I believe she was totally blindsided. He probably accompanied her to doctor's visits and appeared ecstatic over the prospect of having twins.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How can you possibly know that?
  19. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    ...first I'm hearing about this.. heh.. wonder how many folks threw him under the bus for having an asian wife to begin with..
    is he still employed by NBC?
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    did you read the nypost article? nypost is not fond of doing retractions:smt017

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