1. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    tell me something, what make you think anyone will put on a poll of a forum that they cheat if they had .. i think this is silly topic .

    ok the other topic you can talk about say what you think also but that topic very wrong
  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lol. you will be surprise what people will say when asked. look at oprah winfrey
  3. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    I dont watch oprah winfrey:)

    anyway good luck with your poll.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    its all in fun my bro

    then it can open your eyes
  5. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member


    GoodLove get use to this picture,you'll be seeing it everytime you make one of your stupid threads.
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    just one question, how do you know goodlove makes stupid threads? you just joined and have only posted 9 times...who's alter ego are you:smt005
  7. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Very true..Cheating...it´s a quick word.. but how is the situation behind? I know men, who cheat every day.. have different girl- friends at the same time and they don´t know from each other, or guys like BMJ describes in his poems. It ´s their fun to brake peoples hearts- just for amusement. And then there is a man, married with children. Caught in his life, his daily problems and it´s difficult to get out. He loves his family, but he is still a man and wants to feel that attention he experienced once. Do you want to compare those different characters? I don´t think so.

    Would people always be that objective, neutral and clear in their mind.. we wouldn´t have any battles, wars, problems in our world, what we have.

    People make mistakes and it is good so. The only way really to understand another ones perspective, what´s going on in their lifes and to get some experience.
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    :smt042 :smt042 :smt042 :smt042 :smt042

    Get emmmm
  9. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member


    Personally, the perception i have about a womans heart is identical to my perception of those Mario bros games we had as kids. In other words, I have a relentless desire, in my brain, to conquer and "clock a bitch" (as I say). I don’t even know if that can be considered cheating, because most cheaters dont behave based on critical and thought out planning. The average cheater is usually in the wrong place at the wrong time and 70% of them regret their cheating ways. For example, a man could be walking through the mall, and there behold, the sexiest woman hes ever seen in his life, giving him the googoo eyes. Of course he loves his wife and precious lil kids, but its pretty hard to ignore instant gratification, particularly when dealing with innate human behavior (human sexuality)

    With me however, its my need to shatter a woman’s heart to bits and pieces, and the act of maneuvering her emotions, like a fiddle. I have books (blogs) written about all the strategies and tactics needed to truly and catastrophically break a womans heart. Although I tend to treat them on a case to case basis, i believe there is a segment in a womans heart that is almost universal. And when she opens her heart to me (which is usually the case), I tend to ignore all forms of compassion on her behalf and do the worst a man can possibly do; which [to me] is "cheat" on her, [usually] with her friends.

    The act of puncturing a balloon that YOU yourself inflated is the main objective. The prime relevancy here, is the thrill and loudness of the puncture. In an almost scientific manner, the sound of the puncture is usually proportionally relative to the degree of inflation. In other words, the more engagement and effort you put into her, and the more completeness you make her soul feel, the more compliments her ego recieves, the more smiles you made her have, and the deeper her love is for you, the louder the puncture sound will be when you shatter her heart to pieces. And when this occurs, you will either get motivated to hunt for your next prey or you will regret it, depending on whether you give a fuck or not, cuz obviously karma is a bitch, right? with me, karma in this sense will never act up, cuz I have no ability to give two shits and a fuck about a bitch. All I care for is my money and women are usually secondary and if they choose to be in my life I easily shatter their hearts with absolutely no remorse

    That’s just the way it is though…….:smt107
  10. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    That´s, what I meant..to compare different characters and situations. I guess I need not to comment..
  11. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    There comes out the Miss Sherlock Holmes in you.
  12. StonerChk

    StonerChk New Member

    See, this assumes that women put their hearts into men.

    Not all women need a man in their life all the time. Not all women want commitment. In short, not all women are that different from most men. Maybe in the past it was different, but things change.
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :shock: pretty obvious huh? i can't help it...my radar just goes up a few notches when i encounter posters like this...sometimes i wish i could shut off my intuition...it just boggles my mind how people have time to be more than one person here...or how they recruit their friends to post so that have a sounding board or someone to agree with them...safety in numbers...then there are always the ones that play good/evil to stir things up...it really does beg the mental competence level of a poster...
  14. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Add another to the list. How many topics this dude done made?
  15. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    I'm new to posting this time around,but I am in no way new to this site.

    I first learned of this site in late 2008.I had the name DaUsMsB on here and posted a few times,but couldn't remember the PW, so I made this new one.

    I just started reading this site again over the past few weeks but didn't make a new screen name so I logically couldn't post.

    I made this new screen name for basically 3 things.To tell ThickShawty and BeeYouTiful86 they had nice bodies and also to read the members only area.1 of my posts a few days ago says "I registered to tell Beeyoutiful she had a nice body".

    Link for my old name DaUsMsB is

    Scroll down that thread and look for DaUsMsB.
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    nice try buddy...86 hasn't posted in months...

    i find it rather odd that a new (er) poster would come back to the site two years later and immediately start bashing another new poster...unless that poster is an alter ego of a regular poster

    i think it is really interesting how posters here love to bitch and complain about threads...if you don't like it...don't read it...why on earth respond?

    to all posters:

    when is the last time YOU started a new thread? let's do a little exercise...go to your own profile...click on statistics...now click on threads you created? if you haven't contributed anything then why are you complaining? complaining without solutions is just noise/clutter :smt045

    if you aren't contributing then how are you in a position to judge what is a good thread vs. not a good thread?

    goodlove has posted 69 threads and not all of them have :smt073actually quite a few of them have had regular participation
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2010
  17. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Blah blah blah. Let a man make you cum just once, and all the above quote becomes moot. Black chicks talked that same "I don't need no man" shit, now they're the main ones crying about being single.
  18. StonerChk

    StonerChk New Member


    Well I personally don't, and I guess everyone is inclined to see things from their own perspective first.

    Sorry for going all femenist there for a minute! I do that every now and then...as I'm sure you will see in the future.
  19. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    All that will end in a few years. :D
  20. StonerChk

    StonerChk New Member

    I hope not...

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