Brotha you should see the comments on Huffington Post. Seems every Black Nationalist or Black Woman has come to comment on there, plus some Whiteys that have no clue at all and make flippant comments. Talking about age when nobody said anything about Demi Moore or the dozens of other Hollywood or Washed up actresses that are hooked up to men 15-20 years under than them, Madonna anybody? Should I be surprised?
Are you serious Andrae? The wife is pregnant! I'm wondering how long he's been seeing this new chick.
LOL! SOmebody wrote she was the only white girl in the auditorium with Tiki, maybe that's why she was looking a bit stressed!!:smt119 Guess that fortune cookie got stale...! Sux being a celeb, people in your business for no good reason except to diss.
he is leaving class for trash...yes, lippy said it...he leaves his asian 8 month pregnant wife that is carrying twins for some trashy intern... the icing on the cake is when tiki trashed his own father for leaving his mother and him behind apparently the apple didn't fall far from the tree...he might be goodlooking but he just got real ugly all of a sudden:smt092
Whatever, fake outrage. Weak sauce. Why is a "Fortune Cookie" more classy than "Snow White" because you don't know if Tiki's wife is a raving bitch do you?
this is what i do know, his wife is 8 months pregnant with twins and he has been having an affair with an would be just like some of the men around here to celebrate the fact that he is having an affair with a white a white woman that is a mother i see no celebration here...i see a weak man that should be ashamed of himself for ever throwing his own father under the bus for something that he has now done to his own wife:smt090 as far as the rest of your comment:smt018
Trying referring to Tiki as "water mellon" or "fried chicken" eating. He'll probably be the first one to cry foul. Just saying.
IB no time would be a good time. Should he wait till after the kids are born or maybe when they're in pre school maybe after they go to college or after they get married. Anytime a man leaves for another woman its going to be messed up. Timing doesn't matter.
Pregnancy can be affected by stress. I vote he should have kept it in his pants til his wife delivered HIS children. Just my personal opinion.
She's 8 months in and they're rich she can afford impeccable healthcare she'll be fine. Btw I always hated the keep it your pants idea. She could have been a raving bitch we only hear one side of the story. He could have accidently knocked her up or even married her for the worong reasons. Just because people are together doesn't mean they should stay together. I always think about the whole john and kate thing where people called him an asshole fore leaving but she was such a bitch to him it was better for everyone for him to leave before doing something violent.
Do you believe that lots of money will solve everything? What if his wife was still "in" the marriage. She probably felt like a dumb fool for having his kids in her belly but oh well the money will make it all better. I bet he paid her to have those kids she probably really didn't want them nor will she love them it is all about money. :smt079