would white women date ugly brothas like me?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by tuckerreed, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Never understood why people care who others date. You don't have to fuck them so why give a shit
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Going to the gym means a lot of different things. Going to the gym doesnt nessesarily mean being buff. You can do cardio only, you can lift weights auntil kingdom comes and all versions inbetween in a lot of defferent intensity levels.
    Most of all, if anything - it really does boost your confidence, whether level you do it on.

    But I dissagree with your statement above completely, I think men are more concerned about bodies than women are.
  3. Brigit

    Brigit New Member

    Physical maybe the initial attraction, but charm and grace with the ladies means alot too. I dont mean the fake charm, but the genuine I want to know you and appreciate what you have to say. Genuine compliments, what we give out is what we get back. Nature loves balance, as does love.
  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Very good post, and welcome!!!!
  5. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I think most people would prefer a combination of nice body and pretty face, but everyone has their own personal definition of nice and pretty. What's pretty to one man may not be to another, it's all subjective to your own personal definition of beauty. One thing I've noticed with men is that they aren't nearly as critical of women as we are of ourselves or each other. Just take a look through some of the pics in the men's locker room and you'll see what I mean FG. The men's comments are far more pleasant and forgiving than I would be.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    To me , it looks like we dont really talk about the entirely same thing.

    Men might have different tastes and that is reflected in there - but the men are tearing down some women bodies in there at times. I recall postings with arrows and stuff pointing out flat butts etc (sure, it was partly a joke, but I cant see women initiate or jumping on such a thing) - we (women) acctually defended that woman. I also recall other negative comments about womens bodies in picture threads.

    You dont ever see us comment on mens bodies in a negative way like that. I have never seen any woman critizise a mans body in our mens body pic thread, ever.

    We are clearly more critical about womens bodies and our own but that was not the point. Women are their own enemies when it comes to that - we can be pretty cruel, but that isnt really relevant to my point.
    Your comment about subjectivity is somehting we are all aware off hopefully and is equally relevant to womens taste and mens, it still has nothing to do with the subject imo.

    The point was that men are more concerned about how womens bodies look like than women are about mens bodies (according to their taste of course). I think women are more forgiving when it comes to mens bodies.
    Just my opinion ESPY - we will have to dissagree on that one.

    Just think about women that have gained weight during their marriage, in these cases, there are much more complaints about that from men about their wives than the opposite. How often do you hear men divorse or have affairs because they think their wife got fat vs the other way around?

    Men are more visually inclined than women are.

    This is a general statement and men, please dont be offended, there are CLEARLY great men out there and I am not men bashing here. It simply an observation based on mens visual need.
    and the majority of the men on this board seem to be way smarter and in tune than the average guy.

    Have we severely derailed the thread now?
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2010
  7. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    That is really what it boils down to. I think women read in it too much. Every woman has that "THING" about them that makes them sexy. Its highly sexy when a woman knows that because when she wears that confidence it makes her sexy as well. If a woman knows she sexy a man has to look at her as such. I'm not talking about a slutty demeanor, I'm talking about a "Confident" demeanor. If a woman knows what makes her sexy its a plus for her, no matter what body type she has. There is no universal image for beauty. I've dated a variety of women based on this concept alone.
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    It's not derailed FG, maybe just detoured?

    I actually agree with you that women on this forum appear to be far less concerned with men's physical appearance, but I don't think we're necessarily representative of the female gender as a whole. We seem to be a bit unique in that respect IMO, as I know a lot of women for whom physical appearance is high up on the list of dating criteria. It appears to me that women like you and I, for whom personality trumps appearance, are in the minority among all women FG.

    I also agree that men can be more visual and therefore more likely to be hung up on physical appearances, but I also don't see that as much in most of the men here. Like I said, the comments I've seen are less critical than I would have expected. Sure there have been a few less pleasant comments made, but they aren't the norm, and not generally from regular posters.

    So essentially if we are talking about the male and female genders as a whole, I think physical appearances are generally pretty important to both. If we're talking about women and men on this forum in particular, I think you are correct that it's not as big a deal to the women.

    Detour complete... someone else can get the thread back on track now. :D
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I have to disagree with you babe I think far more women are into personality than looks. You are more likely to see a woman with someone who isn't all that attractive than a guy. I think men are more attracted to looks and women are attracted to social status.
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    But we weren't talking about social status Andrae. The comment was that women are less into looks than men. That's not what I see in a lot of the women I know. Some of them wouldn't approach a man they didn't deem physically attractive, just as some of them wouldn't approach a man they didn't deem financially attractive either. I would venture to say that women are perhaps more likely to look past physical attraction if the personality is appealing to them, and perhaps men are less likely to do that. You know that for me personality is the key, but I see entirely too many women who would put money or looks at the top of the list. It all boils down to personal preference, and everyone is different.
  11. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    I agree with you to a point. It depends on the maturity level of the woman too. If she has been dragged through the mud by men of "High Social Status" she might grow a natural disdain for chasing only men with power. She might become more open and receptive to the "Ordinary Joe" as long as he treats her right and does what he is suppose to do as a man.
  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I think the same could be said of men. If all you chase is pretty women with empty heads, at some point you may find yourself craving someone you can actually talk to. That's not to say that all pretty women are not bright, I know a lot of very beautiful women who are, I'm merely using that as an analogous example to your 'women chasing powerful men' statement Aesop. Basically I think if any relationship is going to last, there has to be more to it than one element of attraction.
  13. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    Keyword = BALANCE

    You just took the convo to a whole new level.:smt023

    Great post.
  14. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    I agree with you Espy. I can only type so much at work though. This topic is far from simple. I would have to write a thousand page book to illustrate everything that I would like to say.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Very true balance is key. I wonder at what point women grow out of being a status chasers. Today my brother told me about a girl from his gym who has been seeing a very famous ball player probably the most famous one behind Tiger these days and kept going on and on about how great a guy he is and showed all the pics they took together and after hearing this story I couldn't help wonder if girls ever get this excited over some regular guy
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I take it you have not experienced love yet? Women fall in love with ordinary guys everyday. It's just not put on the news.
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Yes, they do.
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Can't help it if I don't witness it yet lol
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    the thing you need to know about women is that we can take an ordinary regular man and find something "extraordinary" about him...a trait...a passion...a skill...

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