OK did you see the C.S.I. Miami that was just on? I wonder if you saw the same thing I saw. You have to wonder what the writers went through to come up with one. Deep!
Check for it on Hulu. It's a deep one. I don't want to say what it was about until I know if anyone else has seen it.
ok, i stay away from this thread for a bit... its not on until 10pm pst here.. I usually watch it.. so now Im really curious!!!
Basically a good black family man is victimized and driven to the brink by a) his (black) ex-wife (who accused him of abusing their son), b) her new, white husband (who framed him for stalking) and c) a Jew (who swindled him), and it's up to Horatio and the team to uncover the truth. Shit was deep!
I saw it. The writers went all out for this one. It had a powerful message. I agree with you Karma. Much rep for this thread homie.
well seeing it will probably not get over here for another year, hopefully i'll forget all of the above before then
I think it was one of the absolutely best episodes I seen. It was truly a quagmyre of messed up plots against him. I was disgusted.
Is it "Getting Axed"? Which one was it? I'm on the CBS site, and they say that's the most recent ep. Is that the one?
My bad it was a season 8 ep. I got confused 'cause Delko is still in the opening credits in this ep. http://www.tv.com/csi-miami/hostile-takeover/episode/1285942/summary.html?tag=ep_guide;summary