This statement could be disputed but I definitely wouldn't dispute the possibility of it. If somebody called her out about it she probably would avoid the question or deny it like most stars do.
You chicks kill me. Like you haven't seen pics of a girl who was dorky in high school but hot now. I knew black women hated on Kimmy now white women's claws are coming out as well. Meow!
Not a good example sugar. That woman glues crystals to her 'precious lady' as a pick me up, and leaves post it notes to herself to remind her of her good points. So anything, or anyone, she does is suspect at best.
no, not anything to make a point karma, i just think with the help of make up she looked prettier. shock or surprise on that one espy
I happen to think she's a truly beautiful woman. Is she prettier with makeup, absolutely. Is she ugly without it, not at all.
OK, so IB and Trashi want to say she was ugly before, you say she was gorgeous before, so which is it?
That's not a huge shock to me LA. I think that 'I've never been kissed' statement is easy for most men to understand. Women hear that and they're thinking 'oh poor dear', men hear it and they're thinking 'yeah, no shit, I've never been that drunk'.
lol...obviously im not making myself clear. i do not think she is ugly. i'm just trying to point out that without make-up she wouldn't be as beautiful. who am i to talk about who's ugly or not???? i'm hardly an oil painting myself.
No you intimated that Boyle was somehow in the league of Kim K with the help of a makeover. You were intimating that Kim K was basically ugly without makeup and surgery. You were intimating basically that anybody can look as good as Kim with makeup. Don't front, I see through the Female Self-Esteem Matrix.
I don't think either IB or Tarshi said she was ugly sugar, they were just pointing out the difference between how she looks with an without makeup. I know you have standards Karma, as do most men. I think what Jordan was pointing out was that most men won't pass up freely offered sex, whereas most women will unless other conditions are first met.