student hangs noose in library - san diego

Discussion in 'In the News' started by lippy, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Co-sign. Unless it's a real black person in the noose, it's just B.S.
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    how about we watch this one unfold...i don't have a crystal ball to tell me the outcome...i will say that at some point, an example will be made of someone...i am curious to see how the university handles this incident...i don't like to see these types of things swept under the carpet...stories like this should go national to provide awareness...why do we have to wait until someone gets killed for it to be important
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Oh I totally agree with you that it should be national news but handle the crime accordingly no over the top shit because some people choose to be sensitive about it. Either the law carries the same weight for everyone or it carries no weight at all.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The fool who done this should be expelled or punished.
  5. Steven

    Steven New Member

    Your to complacent and that's dangerous if a student wants attention they would run thru campus nude or do something equally stupid. The only thing surprising about this incident is that the offender is a woman. And yet I applaud the response from the other students I hope other races participated in the protest and not just black students. The party mocking blacks says their is a possibility of a racist presence at or near that school. I just read a article about white supremacist and skinheads presence in American Universities. I have a zero tolerance for hate crimes and the authorities isn't trying to legislate or control people thoughts. You can enforce laws to punish people for their racist behavior of course a few conservative students maybe annoyed about the protest and coverage but who cares. And the only people driving anyone apart are the idiots or had that racist party and that racist woman hanging that noose.
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i originally thought this would be considered a felony...correction:

    [ ]Under state law, hanging a noose, a symbol of racism and lynchings for many African Americans, if done with "intent to terrorize," is considered a misdemeanor that can bring up to a year in county jail and a $5,000 fine

    the female has been suspended from the university...
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    That is just play wrong!!!!
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Y is it wrong?
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    It should be a felony - not a missdemeanor
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    my dude I'm definitely not complacent I just choose to view things as they are. A student did a really dumb prank and should be dealt with accordingly. Just because it was racially motivated doesn't make it a top priority. I'm black and trust me I get it. I just don't see this as a hate crime. To me hate would imply far more damage than just putting up a noose. The behavior shouldn't be tolerated but I think being over sensative doesn't help either. I see this as another distraction from what matters.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I see it as vandelism. Again no one was hurt. Property may have been defaced. Just that.
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Im not sure - how do you know if it was a stupid thoughtless prank or someone really means har. I can imagine there are a lot of people there that are scared and fear for their safety.

    You thught we come further than this, no?
    I think you seriously have to discurage peopele to pull these disqusting things.
    It aint right.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with you that this ain't right and people should be discouraged through fines and suspension. Even if the intent was to cause harm it can't be proven much like if you come home and see a broken window and kids with stones. How do you know if the kids meant to just break windows or do harm?Based on the story given we can assertain it was an idiot doing something dumb. She's a young kid and she put up a noose. Seriously so the fuck what, there are much bigger issues. She got suspended from school and I imagine based on the story it looks like a first offense so what more should be done. She's not a skin or part of any other white supremist/ anti black group so I think reacted well to this. As far as students being scared trust me i get it. I myself have been chased down with bats and chains by hateful white kids but I had to get over it you can't let it run you. They'll be fine.
  14. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    How do you know this? Its not like skins and white nationalist walk around with shaved heads and swastic tattoos. You'd be surprised by who and who is not a white nationalist. Log on the racist site.*** and browse through the photo section, those people just look like your average white person whom most wouldn't assume were involved in racist organizations. And just because your not offended by it doesn't mean the students black or non-black weren't offended. Even the arab kid was offended by the noose and has been racially abused by other students at that school. What she did was a hate crime, which is the bottom line, and that little b*tch should be charged accordingly. I would be disgusted if I came to school or work and saw a noose hanging. These are places everyone is supposed to feel safe or comfortable attending, I bet she'll think twice before she hangs another noose somewhere.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    All I'm saying is she should be punished but when make race based crimes more punishable than non race based crime we 1. Re-enforce the notion that we're all different and some have rights others don't.
    2. It promotes the ideas that those of us who are considered minorities are victims and need special laws to protect us.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    we are victims in a collective sense of the word (i know you and others are going to staunchly object to this notion, based on theories of self and not group), which is why we have such things in place to prevent the majority from completely doing as they wish with us. 'Majority Rule' has not seen a clearer opportunity, that rivals the exploitation of numerical imbalances within human civilization.

    In a perfect world, there would be no need for the NAACP or ACLU..

    but you know....
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree that NAACP and the ACLU are needed like Locke said if men were angels they're be no need for government but my problem with "hate" crimes is it sensationalizes every dispute between people of a different race. When I was a kid I use to scribble the Nazi symbol on pieces of paper when I doodled. I had absolutely no clue what it was, just something I might have seen on tv some where. My friends and I use to pass around our doodles in class luckily I went to a Catholic school but had I went to a public school with Jewish kids especially if I were a kid today it would have meant suspension or expulsion. It would have made the news as "Anti Jewish Sentiment Still Thrives In Today's Public School" and all that would have done is drive a bigger divide between blacks and Jews in my area. Treat crimes accordingly especially here where there was just a noose no violence or even a case of continued harassment.
  18. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Didn't anyone see them putting this thing up? I mean it's a Library right? climbing up on a chair or table to hang this to a light fixture is pretty attention drawing, so no employees/Librarians see anything, the people who turn there head away from this stuff are worse than the people who commit these offences.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You're right. All evil needs to do to take over is for good people to do nothing.
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    evidently there is quite a bit going on at this san diego campus


    We're beginning to think that Jim Crow might be an undergrad at the University of California-San Diego (UCSD). In the aftermath of the incendiary "Compton Cookout" that was held there" days ago a noose was found hanging on a shelf on the 7th floor of the UCSD's Geisel Library around 10PM on Thursday (Feb. 25).
    [​IMG]Skeptics may consider this incident a college prank gone too far. But what also must be considered is UCSD's recent textbook example of why an Obama White House does not mean suddenly we are living in a "post-racial" society.

    On February 15 (President's Day), and to mock Black History Month, students attended a "Compton Cookout." The event's Facebook invite included suggestions that women come dressed as "ghetto chicks" who "have short, nappy hair, and usually wear cheap weave, usually in bad colors, such as purple or bright red."

    While it was held off campus, UCSD officials quickly denounced the event. But of course, members of a student humor magazine at UCSD called The Koala defended the cookout, throwing in the N-word while doing so.

    But the real kicker, and a shining example of the slave mentality being alive and well in 2010, is that there is video of a jheri-curled race disgrace named "Jiggaboo Jones"--really, that is his name--claiming he organized the Compton Cookout. "What the f--k is wrong about lettin' everybody see what it's like to be a n-gger?," says Jones in one video.

    Considering African-American's comprise only 2% of UCSD's student population, students walking out of a "teach-in" sponsored by the university in response to the recent incident and not to mention that there is a Part 2 of the Compton Cookout planned for March, race relations on campus are tense.

    Minstrelsy continues to rear its ugly head--usually around Halloween--and it rightly reveals that these oppressive stereotypes continue to thrive. Only tackling these stereotypes and prejudices, on both sides--white, black and everything in between--will further progress in race relations, on and off campus. In the meanwhile, someone get Jiggaboo Jones a copy of a Spike Lee film called "Bamboozled."
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2010

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