The Canadian Hockey Team

Discussion in 'Sports' started by KingAesop, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    The Canadian Women's Olympic Hockey Team partied like rockstars last night after they beat the U.S. Olympic Team.

    The International Olympic Committee is investigating citing ethic violations.

    Waddya think? Are they justified in their assertion or is this another case of "Political Correctness Gone Too Far?"
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I think its going too far..
    let them celebrate.
    We need to get over stuff like this..
    that is my opinion.....
  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member






  4. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    Lol at pic 4! She is really into it. I agree with you Flyingeek...Nobody every says anything to the NBA players when they win championships and start to smoke cigars on camera and pop champaign bottles everywhere on the court and in the locker room. This is their golden moment.
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    it is the pinnacle of competition, and they totally owned it..

    i really don't see the big deal behind what they did (seriously that's like a once in a lifetime opportunity)...

    however, some anal folk are complaining that one of the girls was underage drinking, and blah blah

    they take all the fun out of competition

    p.s. when did women start playing hockey?

  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Good question. :smt017
  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    My only complaint is that they had too many clothes on.
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    No question the men did same thing yesterday but, without the cameras.

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