well lets ask this why BM love WW

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. Danke

    Danke Member

    Along with what has already been said -

    The artistic/creative ones are genuinely interested in a variety of different subjects without trying to be trendy or quirky.

    The ww I have dated in AZ would rather laugh and have a good time while getting to know each other than make our relationship a political movement or a social statement.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    God bless ww
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    iam so looking forward to starting a relationship with a good ww.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    physically i believe BM like the shape of the ww butt and like the texture of your hair


    Black woman turn us against them

    They attitude and nastiness they always think when they have a little cash they give us their ass to kiss.


    no doubt

    They are hot i remember when ww didn't have much of a shape and flat and now DAM look out new improve.Black woman they hate and that why they give us that look when we choose a WW over them maybe they should check their attitude.


    I got me a true WW

    I have one in ny and she has been by my since we started talking on the phone and she understand what i am going though in my soon to ex wife.But that the thing she didn't get discourage or nothing she stuck by me DAM that hard to find in a BW today.
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I guess you found yourself a keeper, huh?
  9. Espy

    Espy New Member

    LMAO! This is one of the many reasons we luv you sugar.
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You have me blushing again....:)
  11. younglion

    younglion New Member

    Black Women = Too Much Drama

    Young, fly brothas don't need that.
  12. blacgrl

    blacgrl Banned

    Here's what I want to understand, why is it that ppl are always talking about BW?? This is why I wonder if racism against black women is not the underlying factor. Dudes on here are quick to call out on how terrible black women are, but if you talk about their momma they got problems:? Guess what your mother's black just like you are. And if you feel you have to down black ppl to give white ppl props, you got issues
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    why? because you are here and keep reminding us...if you promise to go away we will stop:mrgreen:
  14. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Nobody's trying to sleep with or have romantic relationships with their mothers or female relatives, I wish you sistas would give that shit a rest. Quit comparing yourselves to women that actually matter.

    Shoot, some black men's mamas are just as bad as women out in the street if not worse. But I guess we're not supposed to talk about that either.

    Also while I'm on the subject you can quit comparing yourselves to great BW in history, too, most of ya'll couldn't carry Rosa Parks' or Sojourner Truth's luggage let alone compare yourselves to them.
  15. blacgrl

    blacgrl Banned

    I am very serious, these board is filled with anti-bw threads and it seems you guys rejoice in the fact. You don't know every black woman just like I don't know every white woman. How ww/bm alike be so negative, especially black men? It's one thing to be in an IR relationship, but if your relationship stems from your hatred of black women then you got issues. And I find it interesting how black men can diss black women all day long, but they be ready to kick your ass if you talk about their sister, or their moms. If their dads felt this way about black women, then these men would have never been born. The same disrespect that some black women give black men are the exact same respect that these men do to black women. In the end nobody wins, I think its sad when black ppl put other black ppl on blast, magnifying the stereotypes that some of us are not. You are white, you do not have to deal with that problem. White women and White men do not disrespect each other like that. Color is not an issue in your race, but it is in black america. We are our own worst enemies, fo sho. But for black guys on here to use black women as a dump card to get white women is despicable to say the least.
  16. blacgrl

    blacgrl Banned

    How do you know?? You do not know me. If Truth and Parks were living in this generation standing right next to you, you would not even blink an eye, because you'd be saying the same thing you are saying now because you are colorvised and blind in stereotypes.
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    to be honest with you...i don't see what you see...there are a couple of threads right now that feed into how bw are reacting to certain subjects ie: ww step thread and the essence magazine thread...what you are reading into or what people are responding to is how bw react to these subjects...it's really hard to talk about a subject with out looking at all the angles...those articles aren't placed here just to bash bw but to actually help us learn from each other through different posts...i posted the san diego campus noose story and as a ww i am almost certain that a ww was responsible but i'm not her...i do however think it is a worthy topic even though the person at fault is more than likely white

    so when someone is talking about a bw...that doesn't mean all bw nor does it mean "you" ...it really doesn't help the learning process for you to be so defensive:smt024
  18. younglion

    younglion New Member

    I'm speaking for myself and from my experience. I am not talking about my mother, I'm talking about black women who I've been in relationships with. smh @ your hyperventilation.
  19. blacgrl

    blacgrl Banned

    Yeah, this is a typical answer black guys who do this say. And yes I am hyperventilating and smh too, because I AM A DAMN GOOD BLACK WOMAN. And I think you need to stop lying on black women all the time.
  20. younglion

    younglion New Member

    Case in point.


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