Amanda Bynes preferes chocolate men.

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by flaminghetero, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    he must be amaaaaziiiiiingggg!!!!.. she seemed a bit possessed:)
    I must tell you, had someone twittered like that about me in the beginning, w that frequency - I think I would put my running shoes on and booked...
    nah, let me rephrase that.. omitt the "think" part...
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I don't think there's anything wrong with acting desperate. I know that's not what people tend to think, but life is short. If there's something or someone you want, I see absolutely nothing wrong with pulling out all the stops to get it. Men, particularly young men, are slow about knowing when a Woman really wants them. What looks like pure-d desperation to a Woman is often all but subtle to a Man. So, if the problem is that she came across too desperate, then I think good for her. Life is way too short to be cool. Being cool is the death of happiness.

    If the problem is that she said "you can't have all the chocolate to yourself", well then I think good for her. If she was getting flak for going after a Black Man, and she stood up for herself and didn't back down, well that's damned near amazing.

    I think it's nice seeing a gorgeous famous white woman drooling over a Black Man. We get 3 trolls a day telling us that this never has and never will happen. It's nice seeing it happen.

    Now, if the problem is that with the "chocolate" and "vanilla" thing, she reduced interracial relationships down to some sort of sexual stereotype, well then maybe there is a point there. I can see that argument, and maybe she was wrong for what she said.

    But if the problem is either that she looked desperate or that she defended her interest in Black Men, then count me on the pro-Amanda side.

    Also I totally love her hair. Just saying.
  3. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    If some brotha did to you what apparently was done to her, then you would be reacting the same way.

    Trust me.:smt045
  4. Bex

    Bex New Member

    I am just suprised how it always seems like a big deal, why would someone feel the need to declare that she loves "chocolate" as if it is such a taboo etc and why do the media care so much?

    It just isn't like that here, if a White Woman is with a Black Man, no one cares (apart from the odd hill billy racist) and it certainly doesn't make headline news...

    I just find it very strange
  5. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I'm with FG and Chi, I haven't said shit about Amanda Bynes. I don't care what she says or does, it's her life, leave her to it. I personally am not going to use chocolate and vanilla as descriptive phrases to refer to anything other than food, but I'm older so maybe that's just the generational gap? She's young and immaturity tends to be more prevalent in younger people, though that's not the case with the younger posters here, they are outside the norm in that respect. Amanda will probably look back on this in 10 years and wonder WTH she was thinking. There's a lot of stuff I did when I was young that makes me shake my head and I sure wouldn't do most of it now. So I think live and learn, and in the mean time let people be.
  6. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I keep tryin' to tell y'all, this whole episode was inevitable...

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  7. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Hello. My name is GG, and I'm a chocoholic. :smt036

    Seriously, I think that she is young and just having fun. She should be able to post whatever she wants to on her twitter account. If people don't like it, they don't have to follow her. Would I post that I'm vanilla and I love chocolate? Probably not, but I'm 36. At 20 something, I might have. I come here almost everyday and post my love for black men. It's just a different way of showing some love. :smt049 I'm glad she felt like she could. At least, she didn't feel like she had to hide it or be ashamed of it. Go, Amanda!!!
  8. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    You just said it there, Chi. She's reducing interracial relationships to stupid CHOCOLATE VANILLA stereotypes. That bothers me. It might not bother anyone else here because she's 'young' but what the hell, she's in her mid twenties! She really isn't that young.
    I don't understand how people are defending her, really. If a fat, ugly chick was tweeting the same shit, people would be all over that, and being desperate and using stereptypical terms would be a bad thing.

    She looked desperate before she defended her interest in anything. The way she was talking about this guy - who clearly ISN'T interested in more than a shag piece since he's not once responded to her weird demands that he be her boyfriend - is weird and obsessive. I remember being like that over The Rock when I was twelve. And even then I wasn't mentioning how I guess I preffered chocolate over vanilla.
    Like I said if it was anyone but someone as attractive as Amanda, the tables would be turned and she'd get the shit ripped out of her.
    But whatever, I will agree to disagree but people, PLEASE stop condoning her stupid actions/stupid tweets/stupid choice of words with the argument that 'she's young' and the majority of young people say stuff like that. They don't. I'm young. I know.

    And her hair is fake, anyway.
  9. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Yeah, I could see that.

    I've been totally desensitized to it, I think, because I so commonly play around with that behind closed doors with the hubby. He teases me and calls me "white girl" (which is very funny after 18+ years together) and in return I sometimes call him my Hershey's Special Dark. I also occasionally tease him about how much I like a "higher cacao content". So it's easy for me to hear that and initially think it's sweet & harmless. But that's ridiculous of me. What's said between two people in love is one thing, it's not at all the same thing to say that on a public stage about an entire race of people.

    I can see how it would happen tho. Everyone in the media calls couples like us "swirls" -- that's a reference to chocolate & vanilla swirled ice cream, isn't it?

    And Kirstie Alley tweeted about Jamie Fox in a semi-desperate way, and most people didn't bag on her for it, even tho she's heavier than Amanda Bynes.

    I think another reason people react less negatively is in part because chocolate in itself is so awesome, that reducing Black Men to what White Women love most in the world (;)) doesn't seem as bad, lol.

    I do see what you're saying, tho. There's enough people in the world who see IR as nothing but sexual, and none of us need that encouraged.
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Even though she said it in a cutesy immature way I do think that she broke out of the clone thinking of Hollywood, and in a public way, is probably bold of her. So I would look past her use of endearing cute words. How do we know what their relationship was?? Just because he hasn't responded may just mean he doesn't do PDA's. There are guys like that. :p
  11. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Or he's already banged her and doesn't really need to get anything else out of that. Her behaviour is obsessive.

    I personally think that if she had gone out there and went to a premier with this guy she was seeing or something like that, and didn't make stupid comments about him all over the internet, that would have sent a MUCH better message regarding interracial relationships. All she basically talked about was how he was black and the best shag she'd ever had.

    There are quite a few interracial couples in the media right now. Ones that can show that they're in love (and hell, even ones that are just in lust) without mentioning the fact that they're different races all the time. I think constantly mentioning that he's black and she's white actually reinforces the stereotypes and isn't very cute at all. But that's my opinion and I understand if people disagree with it.

    Because of stupid comments by people like her, when I've been in relationships with black men, I've been on the receiving end of all of this 'ooohhh so is it true about black men eh? turning to get some chocolate ehh? I bet you're doing it for the sex ehhh!' and to me, that's degrading. Maybe you guys can't see it and maybe I'm being overly sensitive but I personally think, like Bex said, she's reinforcing the idea that interracial relationships aren't natural. Why couldn't she just have said that she'd met a great guy? That he was sexy, knew how to treat a woman, looked good? All she seems to be obsessed with is him being black.
  12. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I think her choice of words is intentional to get publicity. No women here talk like that about BM.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You totally just pursuaded me. I'm totally with you on this. It really does fetishize interracial relationships.
  14. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the abover comments.
    WW are always getting remarks like you said. Amandas remarks just reinforce these ideas.
  15. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Well, I think you've convinced me. I haven't had the experience you've had, of people saying that sort of thing to me. Hearing about your experiences helped me understand why you deservedly took such offense at her comments. You make an excellent point.
  16. Bex

    Bex New Member

    Exactly.. ;)

    But if us women dare to criticise another woman, it's because we're hating... nothing to with the fact we simply disagree with that woman's actions
  17. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Poor choice of words from ms. bynes, and white girls who usually refers
    that way are usually fascinated than attracted. I guarantee you she will
    be loving her some robert pattison and justin beiber soon.

    But I dont have NO PROBLEM with girls that are into black men declaring
    love for us brothas and if anybody here do then why are you here, and Im really starting to question you. Because brothas ESPECIALLY ON HERE!!!!!! Declare love for white girls ALL the time and on here we do it in the men's locker room ALOT!! BUT I dont hear nobody saying shit about that, its only when a white woman wants to do the same for black men.
    Some of ya'll are making it sound one sided like we should show love for ya'll BUT white women shouldnt show love for us BACK!!

    And if that is not where some of you were going than I suggest you be more clearer, because that is the one thing I m sick of everytime a white woman or any other race of women wants to delcare LOVE for Black Men
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    First off name a celebrity male who has declared his love for ww. They know it's career suicide because mainstream America can't gandle that. Second there are plenty of threads on here where the women talk about loving bm so what are you talking about?
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because they usually are lol
  20. Bex

    Bex New Member

    Some maybe, but I will stand by my opinion on this, I would say exactly the same thing if she was some ugly trailer trash..

    What she said is not cute, it's tacky and not exactly tasteful in my opinion.

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