Liking Black Men Does Not Mean You Are Suppose to Dislike Black Women

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by blacgrl, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with him on some level. I think rape (in my opinion since I have no background in pyschology) is more about dominance which in my mind is momentary in comparisson to power which appears to be long term. I think his analogy of mugging was a good one. I would think serial rapist are more likely in it for the power since they have the need to repeat the act. FG is your background in counseling or therapy I'm kind of curious now.
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Nope, iM NOT:) Im a scientis.. The act of rape being about power is just well studied and well known.
    I dont deny there were some truth to some of what he wrote was true, but the power part of rape, again, is well known, studied and documented.

    Rape in prisons also, is about power and humiliation and control.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Oh nice. What field?
  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I used to be a bench scientist an MD Anderson Cancer Center and worked on Cancer. Specifically Multiple Myeloma, Breast and Postate Cancer...
    The reason for that combo is that they have thinks in common when it comes to a specific protein signaling.

    Now I dont do the research pre se, but work with Cancer drugs and talk science with other scientists and Oncologists and develop research plans a nd clinical trials with them.

    I have had a long standing passion for cancer... Its rewarding:)
    I dont know how I became a scientist - my mother is a CPA and my dad was an artsy bohemian - Im the outlier:)
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    FG that is really hot. I have to say I admire anyone going your line if work. Are ww getting any closer to what causes it.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    The tricky part w cancer is that they are all different there is no one cause.
    In fact its so complicated that you can even divide breast cancer alone into at least 14 completely different cancers.

    What will happen as we understand all the different genetic and signal transduction patways (lingo for protein interactions) , we will get a profile on each patinet comming in and we can then determine what type of drug that person should not waste their time on and what they should get. Its all in personalized medicine.. we are a bit ways away from that but it will happen.

    Some cancers are close to an answer... CML (a leukemia) now have a drug called Gleevec that pretty much has made the disease to a chronic disease.. I know some people say that is the goal of the drug companies - but not so - most basci science is not done in companies so that is the answer...The companies cant get away with that as the majority of the research is done at academic centers
    - some diseases will never be possible to cure, but you can keep the pressure on the disease.

    CML is a disease with constant genetic switches of the sick sells so that they can escape the treatment - much like HIV.. as you cant stop genetic mutations, the only thing you can do is to keep treating them... that will never chance for cancers that rely on constant genetic changes.

    That is not the case with many other cancers and for those, we can most likely cure...

    I love this stuff:)

    sorry if Igot carried away (blush).
  7. chicity

    chicity New Member

    You are one creepy sonofabitch. You sure you're not a White man?**

    **kidding, kidding, please nobody call me anti-white man, I'm just kidding
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    You are very wrong.

    Women of every socioeconomic background imaginable have been raped.

    Rape is absolutely about power and NOT a sexual act. What is the matter with you? Like someone said somewhere else on this board, if rape was a sexual act, then you wouldn't have young men raping old women in nursing homes. And Jesus Christ, what about the men who rape little girls? That thought sickens me to my very core. THAT is not a sexual act.

    Give me a break. Rape is ALL about power. Power over women (young, old, rich, poor). Rape is something a man does who is sick in the head. It has nothing to do with it being a sexual act.
  9. chicity

    chicity New Member

    What's worst is that he sounds like he's recommending it. Like he's saying it's not about power for the rapist, but it is for the woman who just wants to control sexual power. Taken with his other posts, it really does sound like he admires rapists.
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Thank you Bookie!

    If only some of these dudes would be Bubbas bitch for a day - THEN they'd understand.
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I agree.

    Yep, I think they would finally understand how horrible rape truly is: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc.
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Some women become completely incapable of going back to their normal lives after being raped. They become completely incapable of having normal relationships.

    I would think all victims of rape are forever tainted. Some are just better at moving on than others. But that rape is still there, affecting everything they do for the rest of their lives.
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I know....

    They don't understand the mental anguish and fear that becomes ingrained in them.

    I hate these disrespectful assholes. Some chick probably hurt them (or they didn't get what they wanted from them) and then they become women-haters.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Get carried away all you want. Science talk is uber sexy. So in terms of something like lukemia would aggressive protein treatment be a more viable option to conventional methods(had a tumor when I was 20 so I've read up on a lot of cancer stuff)
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I just want to say I wasn't trying to be insensative before. I'm sorry if any of you guys have been through rape.
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    There are different leukemias and they are completely different.. some are very tricky and behave almost like it can think.. it amazes me.
    What people are trying to do is to supress the specific proteins that may contribute to teh disease.. but the problem is that leukemias have underlying genetic mutations that we somehow need to figur eout ow to deal with... in the mean time, all we can do is to deal with the resulting proteins.

    Look up Apoptosis in Leukemia.... very interresting read.. if you can get into
    Apoptosis is the way, I believe we can deal w most cancers.

    Apoptosis is a cellular suicide mechanism.
    Cells live by the creed "rather dead than wrong". if something goes wrong, it activates this macinery and quietly di, rather than affect the system. In cancer, the cells have managed to shut that switch off so they dont die even though they should. If we can turn that switch back on, that would be great.

    In HIV, its the oposite, somehow the virus forces the swith ON in perfectly normal cells and kill them.
    I had a tumor too when I was 23,, that is how I got interrested in this..
    Acctually when I was in the hospital for a spinacord tumor, my step mother was dying of Leukemia and my sister was un the hospital for an gynecological tumor.
    He had all the women in his life fighting cancer all at once... I believe that eventually took his life..
    and that is why I had such a passion going after this beast of disease.

    Do you recall what leukemia you had?
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    FG, Chi, and IB are absolutely correct, rape isn't about sex. It is about power, and domination is a form of holding power over someone. It is like other types of violent crime. Using the mugger analogy, the mugger pulls a knife and uses it to take your purse against your will, a rapist uses his penis to take your body without your consent. In both crimes one person uses a weapon to exact what he desires, exercising power and dominance over you to get you to comply, the only difference is for the rapist the weapon is his dick.

    Look at the research and you'll find that men often rape someone who reminds them of a women that they despise for whatever reason. They want to use power to force them to submit to them sexually. That's why some men rape young women, some men rape blondes, and some men rape 80 year old women. The victimology varies, but the method and what prompts them to rape is largely the same at the core. Sex isn't the purpose, power, control and domination are.
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I know...

    I understand that there are bitches (they're not women), who cry rape and make men out to be monsters for whatever their sick hangup might be, but the ones who are too scared to voice their experiences or are ashamed of what happened to them and the ones who have their terror of rape like I said, ingrained in them for life, are the ones who need to be heard and to be stood up for. These fucktards can't and won't ever understand.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I actually had a tumor on my thyroid. My ex gf had lukemia so I learned a lot about it. I'm really sorry for the loss and the pain you've had to endure. Hopefully many will benefit from your experiences.

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