I was gonna write this in the 'Where in europe should I live and work?' but I didn't want to hijack rpeg's thread. I was wondering if someone could give me the score on life in Spain? I've been to the country several times as a tourist and love the culture, lifestyle and weather. Ideally I want to relocate to Madrid, Valencia or Sevilla (all cities I love) but I've yet to the experience the country my own. What's life like for a BM in Spain? What are your opinions on the IR dating out there? Is there one at all!? Do you reserve any pro- or anti-Spanish feelings? Let me know
The Spanish are some of the most welcoming people in Europe - I've been there several times. IR - slightly different for me as I could pass for a very dark Spaniard, but their girls do seem very good-hearted, though I can think of one exception a LONG time ago.
I have spent alot of time in Spain as I have family from Barcelona & Zaragoza-from my experience they can be rather racist towards black people. I did not see one IR couple out there, and I have no idea how that would go down either! Other people may have had totally different experiences to me and positive ones at that. But most of the Spanish I have met, including my family there, are openly racist
Agreed. The older generation as Bex stated are openly racist in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, etc... the very few newer gen who are open to IR, mostly prefer cultured blk american or a blk hispanic. They're not open to Africans, infact openly racist to them.
Damn, thats not what I wanted to hear. I've never seen a IR couple in Spain either, but I've been hit on by Spanish women. Probably due to the fact that I'm an English tourist and they obviously wouldn't be seeing me regularly. I do love the country and the good people I met there, so this is a shame
Never been to Spain, but I do remember this terrible story from last year, http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2008/feb/04/motorsports.formulaone hopefully this kind of thing is an isolated event by a few idiots, but it does not sound good for sure.....
This is just my experience.. I wish I could say different, but I'm being honest. I would visit Spain more though before deciding to move there for good x
Bex,I was on Black Planet when I said about the Spanish being racist. A German woman thinks I was ignorant since I have not set foot there but,I held my ground because the Spanish government has not apologized in the way they treated Black Footballers and Lewis Hamilton when he raced there a year ago.
The younger generation are just as racist. My ex lived with a bunch of Spanish guys in halls when he was studying abroad and the Spanish guys always moked black football players on Fifa, the English national team for having 'so many blacks' and banged on the doors of the Chinese students screaming 'CHINO! CHINO! CHINO! WE ALL FUCKING HATE THE CHINESE!' every single night as well as throwing food under their door. Spain is a big nay. Even if you're Latin American, they're still bastards towards you.
True, Russia if the Latino or Latina is Black from Cuba,Colombia etc they would feel the full force of that racism.
As a guy from the UK...I think Southern Europeans (Spanish, Italians) are often more racist than northern Europeans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwpO-nnFY9g I think maybe it's do with the fact that black people from Africa (The Moors) used to ruled their countries for 600 years, we taught them education, how to build cities, how to implement drainage systems, street lighting, we taught them EVERYTHING. (To be honest it's probabably better that I refer you to the works of Ivan Van Sertima and other black historians) and all this knowledge was past down and spread across europe and now the CHEEKY little rats have the nerve to call us stupid amnd uncivilised. http://members.fortunecity.com/squaredmc/ancient/moors/home.htm http://www.zimbio.com/Black+History+Month/articles/339/Science+Moors+Dr+Ivan+Sertima+Lecture+more http://www.thenationofmoorish-americans.org/empire.htm
Booooo on all the naysayers. You can't go by a few football hooligans or old folks or whatever. I say go and try it out for a few months. TRY IT OUT FOR YOURSELF. If you don't like it go home. Bam, done.
I'm living in Spain at the moment and all of my friends here are English and Italian. Hm. Spanish guys, by the way, are absolute sleaze bags.
I tend to agree with this, considering you can find almost anything on the internet to corroborate your view on just about anything, generalization will get you in trouble - The guy behind me and all those girls are all SPANISH... Of course this was Germany but the point is not all Spaniards are racist but racism, the fact that White skin is preferred in Latin Countries is not talked about often enough. Especially in America and seldom talked about in Spain, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica or Brazil where the darker people of the populations are less represented by Government, seen in a negative light in the media and unfairly prosecuted by the law. Sounds an awful like The United States doesn't it???
I think you need to qualify that, what your saying is your came into contact with European decent/born Hispanics correct? Spain's empire was most of South America, now they are so far underwater as a nation I'm not sure the EU is going to bail them out but they might have too (France/Germany). I heard Octoberfest was warm watered down beer, not that I drink the stuff and of course it depends on what city you hit it in.