What is your gift?

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Bookworm616, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I've been in a rather contemplative mood as of late. It's stemming from the fact that I hate my job and it's not the right fit for me. I feel as though all of my creativity has seeped out of my brain. My brain feels like it's dying. Does anyone else know that feeling? LOL. Anyway, I also know that in my current financial situation, I'm also very, very stuck in this job at the moment. :(

    I was talking to a friend of mine a few weeks ago. I was telling him about my frustration, boredom and general apathy I've been feeling about my job (and, by extension, my life) and I told him that I only really light up when I'm talking about movies and science-related topics.

    We started talking about the script I'd been writing and he asked me what the script was about. He loved the idea after I told him. He then said to me: God gave you a gift to be a writer. It's your obligation to use that gift. He said that everyone has their own unique gift and it's up to the individual to figure out what the gift is and use it to their fullest potential.

    I'm not a very religious person. I would consider myself spiritual, to an extent. My friend who said that also only considers himself spiritual. But, it got me thinking. Everyone knows someone who, when you look at them, you think, "yep, they're doing exactly what they're meant to be doing". Where would the world be if Da Vinci didn't realize his artistic and intellectual potential? Where would the world be if Bill Gates never came up with Windows? The list goes on....

    So, I thought this might be an interesting topic. Here are my questions to you:

    1. What do you think is your gift from God?

    2. Do you think everyone was given that type of gift or true calling?

    3. Are you using your gift? If not, why not?

    4. Do you think you can force yourself to have a special talent that you weren't born with and therefore make it your gift?
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    My artistic talents.

    I believe we all have some sort of talent that gives us an advantage.

    I am afraid of not being able to make a living from pursuing my passion in the arts.

  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Interesting questions Bookie. I hope you either find some measure of contentment with your present situation, or that your situation changes for the better.

  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    LA what kind of art do you do?
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    The Gift of survival. I have been told on many occassions to write a book or a screen play out of it.
  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Mainly drawing and music.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm heavy with the music. What do you do?
  8. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Hip hop & Dance
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I do hip hop and pop. You got a myspace band page?
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  11. Felicity

    Felicity New Member

    Wow!!! I'm impressed!!!!

    Are you on Youtube? FaceBook?

    Get yourself out there!!!

    WOW WOW WOW!!!

    Love it!

    Don't hide on MySpace.

    Get yourself on Youtube!!!

    Do you have a CD?

    What are your aspirations towards making this your career and becoming big time?

    May I have a copy of your work to promote?
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    1. I really don't think that my "gift" is writing. I'm not one that can write something easily. I think my gift is in the science field. I'm an excellent researcher.

    2. Yes, I think everyone has a special talent/knack for something, but I don't think everyone finds their calling, or care enough to look for it, which is why I think there are too many stressed out and unhappy people in the world - they're forcing themselves to do something that they weren't meant to do.

    3. No, I'm not using my gift. Though I do hope that I'll be able to get on the path of using that gift soon enough.

    4. I think certain people can train themselves to have a specific talent but I don't believe that they'll ever reach the success or happiness of someone who is a natural talent in that field.
  13. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    1 - I do have a talent for painting and clay (from my dad) but I rarely use it these days, I dont know why.
    The other gift I have in a completely different department is unwavering determination and optimism.
    I never give up and I refuse to see things in a negative light.
    I never break - ever.
    Im proud of that, it has helped me quite a bit.
    I am unafraid and never back down if I feel it, but dont have to, dont really have an ego on that front. I think that is gifts.
    Im also a very good listener and seem to use that quite a bit, my friends and co-workers call me "the diplomat". I always try to see things from different perspectives.

    2 - sort of, I do think we all have lessons to learn and perhaps need to develop certain gifts.

    3 - My art gift is not used at all for the most part as I guess time is a factor that I dont use it.

    4 - Yes, certain talents yes, art or numbers or such, maybe not so much.. but there are numerous talents one can develop or even "discover" - you had them all along, you just didnt know it, until you were forced to.
  15. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    1 is a sense of practicality, whatever i need to do basically, I will do.

    2 The ability to make people laugh, it comes so naturally, lots of my pals say I should be a comedian, not just funny in one circle of friends either, I'm adaptable I even have a fan base at the Gym now, who I sit down with for my post workout Coffee.
    I have even written a few sketches down, but my charachters are based on family and friends, they would so not be happy. :???::):)

    3 The gift of the ability to not become addicted to facebook, yeah I knock about on there do a few quizzes write Birthday messages when I can't be bothered send a card, but most of my interaction is still one to one with my friends thank god!
  16. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    1. What do you think is your gift from God?

    I believe god gave me the gift of being able to do whatever I want. Ambition, drive, the strength to take on anything life throws at me, and a mind sharp enough to figure out whatever I need to figure out. I naturally know how to do things, even without experience at times, and I can fix almost anything (especially electronics). I'm strong, and I have my own belief system, and I'm never afraid to speak up if I feel something is wrong because my code of morals won't allow me not to.

    Though most would take one look at me and assume the only talent I possess is within the realms of creativity and art, but that's only scratching the surface. I draw. I paint. I sculpt. I animate. I create things out of objects people would normally throw away, both useful and decorative. I'm never bored. I sing (especially well). I dance. I act. I write various different things. I have a strong affinity with the written word, and the talent to place them in aesthetically and linguistically pleasing patterns.

    2. Do you think everyone was given that type of gift or true calling?

    Possibly. I can't speak for everyone because I don't know everyone. I know quite a few people with at least one gift, but I've also met some very one-dimensional people in my life who must have kept it hidden if they had anything special about them at all.

    3. Are you using your gift? If not, why not?

    From the time when I taught myself to read at age 3 I have not stopped using my gifts. I was singing before I could speak, humming along with the radio as a baby, and I think that even as a small child my drawings always resembled what I was drawing enough to discern it without much trouble. I certainly know my imagination has been in place since I was able to crawl around, and my imagination is endless.

    4. Do you think you can force yourself to have a special talent that you weren't born with and therefore make it your gift?

    I believe you can learn to do something based on a love for it alone, no talent needed. I think you can become quite adept at it, if you have the passion to drive you to it. But without some degree of talent it would never quite make it to "superstaromg" status. That is uneeded in most situations, though, so there's nothing wrong with it. The most important thing is the love, in my opinion. If you love doing something it doesn't matter how good you are at it, you'll get good at it eventually and while you may never be great it will still give you pleasure, and that's the most important thing. I spend my life trying to enjoy it as much as I possibly can. I am just lucky that I have a large amount of options available to make me happy. :D
  17. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    1. My first is determination. You do not want to tell me something can't be done. I will find a way and figure it out. The second is my middle child talent and that is to get along and be the mediator. I hate discord.

    2.Yes I do.........sometimes it a small talent and sometimes it a great one but it's your's and it defines you.

    3. Yes.

    4. I think to some degree you can develop talents and gifts.
  18. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    1. I don't believe in any god, so I don't believe any talent I have is "god given". It's just something I happen to be good at.

    So what do I happen to be good at? Writing, drawing, photography, customer service.

    2. I think everyone has a knack for something.

    3. I am and I'm not. I love photography and am entering two photographs in a competition. I haven't written much for a while, but am trying to get a book published right now. I haven't drawn anything for a while either, but have a picture I did in pastel a while back that I want to get framed.

    As for customer service...I consider it a talent because most people are crap at it and even though I really hate customers, I am extremely good with them. I think it's a curse more than a gift. LOL Yes, much to my dismay I am using this one on a daily basis.

    I'm not really using my other talents right now because I'm lazy. Hahahaha! Pure and simple truth.

    4. No, you can't force a talent...only discover it.
  19. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

  20. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    I think one day god was bored and said let this couple have one more child and have a crapy life this can be her gift

    so am counting on the devil now to give me a better gift:smt080

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