Hahahahaha! Another perfect instance where the sarcasm font would come in handy. Some of the most amoral people I met were at college! Little Miss Prim and Proper turns into Debby Does Dallas, the instant she's out on her own.
I thought that's what you were getting at, but every chick he's been linked to has been Black. That's why I didn't get it. I don't get what they were trying to say that she has "morals". Go check out all of her "modeling" shots (all of her ass poked out). Yeah, it's playtime for them.
:smt023 You got it. I grew up in rural America and let me just assure you those wholesome mid-west farmer's daughters were hell on wheels once they left home for college... of course that didn't apply to me, I was very well-behaved.
http://globalgrind.com/source/mediatakeout.com/687656/drakes-real-girlfriend-is-out/ http://hater site.com/193894/this-hater site-reader-just-let-which-rapper-chop-her-down/ Although she's not Black... http://hater site.com/166747/drakes-new-piece-is-taking-the-amber-rose-route-to-stardom/ I've seen more...Just can't find them now...
Actually, I'm really good at research, so it comes easy for me, I'll be talking to someone and they'll ask about something and I'll provide them with an instant link. I am a little bored, though. Care to entertain me?