is life really worth it.

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by goodlove, Feb 7, 2010.


have you ever thought about these things before ?

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  2. no

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  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    for the past couple of years it seems as though failure , hurt , mistrust and rejection is everywhere.

    A person can try to be loving to others and all you get is evil. so you turn the other cheek and that is slapped. so you just walk away after saying your peace in very little venom if any at all.

    you try very hard to do what is good but it falls apart.

    why does all this follow a person ? How long must a person suffer before they see the sunshine ? why does G-d hurt those who love him ? why do people who they say they love g-d hurt others thru their venomous acts and words ?

    it seems to be so much bondage and pain ? why are people like rush limbaugh revered but people who try to help and love are repulsed ?

    I really just want to give up !!!!!
  2. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Frankly people who ask this question irritate me, but since you’re Mr. No One Wants to Discuss the Deep Topics, and I’m genetically predisposed to be polite to everyone, I’ll favor you with a reply.

    Is life really worth it? If you have to ask the question you’ve obviously either missed the point or you somehow got the erroneous assumption that life is fair.

    Mark Twain said “Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it”. Unfortunately he was right.

    We’re human beings, and that means some of us are assholes, plain and simple. Why do people treat others badly, why do they profess faith and then clearly show they have none, why do they revere people who aren’t worthy of respect? Because the person who matters the most to them is themselves. They value nothing and no one more than they value themselves. That person has no interest in helping anyone else, unless they matter to them personally. They cry out that they are good Christians at the top of their lungs right up until the point life doesn’t go their way and then they change it to ‘why has God done this to me’. They revere whatever is popular, because they aren’t secure enough in themselves and they want to belong. They listen to the loudest voice in the room because they lack the ability to think for themselves and that scares them.

    People are not going to change, human behavior isn’t going to change. It’s a lovely thought, but into each generation a certain number of purely selfish assholes are going to be born. The best you can do is choose not to be counted among them.

    Is life really worth it? It’s the only thing that is. If everyone placed the value on life that it deserves, you wouldn’t need to ask the question.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My two cents

    I think many people are fearful and operate under the idea there isn't enough so they act in a way that appears selfish. I see nothing wrong with being selfish it's a matter of redefining what we believe the self to be. I think of the self to be more than just myself or my family or my friends. I see the self as a we because despite the illusion of seperateness I recognize as one. One person's action affects more than just the individual so I see us in this together. Whether or not we can see it is a personal choice. I believe God loves us all because love is life and life is God. None can exist without the others. I know life can seem hard but keep in mind it only seems that way even birds must fall before they can fly and babes crawl before they run. It's all part of the process of spiritual development. You are never alone we are in this together and whether we recognize this or not is our decision.
    Be thankful for things you have and stop focusing on things you don't. You can never find light if all you search for is darkness.
    We are all the culmination of eons of choices and experiences poured into one single body. We're all supose to be here we all matter.
  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I seriously dislike when people blame G-D for hurting people when it is people who hurt people or ourselves - not G-D.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Truthfully logic would dictate if one should thank God for all his "blessings" then he should have equal right to blame him for his tragedies too right?
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    This is a very interesting take on it Andrae. I get what you are saying, and frankly I agree with you in theory. However the definition of selfish is: devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. That is what selfish means to me, but of course it doesn't really matter how I define it, for you it only matters what it means to you. Your idea of expanding self to include others even beyond family and friends is intriguing. I rarely find people who have that mindset, it's refreshing. Thanks!

    No that's not logical to me. To a large extent religion by it's very nature defies logic. The belief in one universal Diety, the suggestion that you have faith in what can neither be seen nor quantified, these are not logical. However if I accept there is one true God, then in my mind I must also accept that everything that happens is according to His will and therefore beyond question. I have never even at the darkest hours of my life ever said 'why me', I simply don't think it my place to do so. I am 100% certain that if I knew His reasons, I would not only understand but would see that it couldn't have happened any other way. Everything has purpose as I see it, but sometimes only He knows what that is.
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    How is one to live a moral and compassionate existence when one is fully aware of the blood, the horror inherent in life, when one finds darkness not only in one's culture but within oneself? If there is a stage at which an individual life becomes truly adult, it must be when one grasps the irony in its unfolding and accepts responsibility for a life lived in the midst of such paradox. One must live in the middle of contradiction, because if all contradiction were eliminated at once life would collapse. There are simply no answers to some of the great pressing questions. You continue to live them out, making your life a worthy expression of leaning into the light.

    ~ Barry Lopez ~
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I really like that but I do believe it is all answerable but not by any one person or any one group. The answer comes from the unified collective the only trick is to hear it over the never ending noise. The whisper in the wind, the needle in the hay stack.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Right on!
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks FG :)
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    No, thank you!:)
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    what are tragedies
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Bad things that happen in your life.
  15. Of course it is worth it! Consider the alternatives!
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    how old are you?
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Im 42.

    I have gone thru some really tuff times lately and just trying to wrap my arms around it all.

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