Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Inner Beauty, Jan 30, 2010.

  1. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn, a lot of gunplay in your day. Shit!
  2. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    Well i grow up in a small place so not much happening there to have a lot of stories and most i have that can be a little dangerous is of how silly i was and with animals

    like when i was bored (and not had any toys had to find something)

    remember the house that i grow up had 2 floors and one time i was playing jumping from one step at that time and going more good i stop and didnt do the few steps that left i dont know what will happen

    also sometimes when going back home from school sometimes we finish early and didnt wanted to wait for the buss so me and frew other kids started walking home while we knew on the way will have to pass from some dogs one time we had to run so fast having 5 dog chasing us and no you cant run faster that the dogs we were lucky at that time some old building was close so we went there

    now how fun can be be very close to a wolf also lucky was not hungry

    ohh and i was cruel a little cought a snake and made sure cant get away left it in the middle of the road for the next car that pass ( i was very young) now i know this is dangerous for me at that time and not nice what i did also but also dangerous for the people in the car as some will get scare and can have an accedent

    ohh and not nice at all to wake up in the moning and first you see a scorpion next to you

    or siting and next you feel something touching you and have a look and see a snake passing but all this time touching your back and all you can do stay still until gone the choise is stay still or move and be ok... or make that snake turn to you no didnt have a lot of poison but was big snake and was more of the kind that can crush you i know it was not the most big but i was young

    or having a snake jump from a tree to bite me lol i guess i was taking my revenge later:)

    anyway it can be very intresting stories but am not good explain well everything so will leave it this way
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Yeah, gangs were big in my day, but see then, people actually still fought. Whereas today, they don't fight anymore, but as we both know, they just pull out guns instead.

    I remember walking home alone from high school and this guy pulled up next to me (I didn't like that, of course cause I didn't want to get kidnapped, raped or turn up missing) and asked me for directions. I tried to give him an attitude like don't fuck with me, but when you deal with crazies, that doesn't help. He had his dick out while doing so. It felt like I was in one of those after school specials from back in the day or a public service announcement.

  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I have plenty of crazy stories but I will share some stupd ass stuff instead.

    When I was a kid, I was a tom-boy - I had this 125cc and my two best friends were guys. ALL we did was driving around everywhere, the more impossible the better.
    One time we were driving over these fields that had a specific slope so you could jump over a road and land safely (if you did it correctly) on the other side (that had a pasture that had the perfect slope to easy your landing).

    One time, my friend decided it was a good idea to stop right on the road, right in my trajectory, with a huge grin on his face. He stopped after I was in the air so there was not much I could do.

    As my jump was failed, he .. eh.. cushioned my landing, if you catch my drift.. completely messing up his motorbike and broke both his legs...
    It was UGLY!!!!!!
    The only thing he said was "why did you do that for"... to which I responded, "like I decided where I was going to land"?

    I have 100s of these stories - we had fuuun..

    We hd a game called "close, but not on" which I think I have explained before... Ajax woullda been game:)
  5. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    WOW and YIKES!
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    He was more concerned about his bike:)

    We were completely wild and more bones than that were broken while we grew up - I think at least one of us broke something each year.

    Funny thing is that I dont recall any of the parents telling us to quit.
    They let us be (well, two of us had alcoholism in the family so we were pretty much left to our own devices with no supervision of any sort).
    On the other hand, they had no clue as to what stupid and dangerous stuff we got into. Not like we informed them. Most of our stunts werent planned, they were spur of the moments and many times the result was such that we decided to never tell anyone what we just managed to do, unscaved...most of the time....


    We used to dive from the roofs into the snow, build treehouses like 20 feet up in the pines and all sort of unplanned dumb shit.

    I have so many good memories of that time:)
  7. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I wish you had

    My brother and I used to make clubhouses in our room. We used to take sheets and put holes in the wall and then we'd tuck them under the mattress. My mother would be so pissed. My brother used to make like tri-level ones, so his extended past the mattress. He had custody of the tv (cause he was a big brother bully) and had it in his. His was the

    Well, we I'm glad you came out okay.
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I cant believe Im still in one piece after all the daredevil stuff Ive done, Including a 25 foot fall when solo rock-climbing.. not to mention some of my skydiving stories (or worse bored skydivers on the ground in bad weather - that can take some interresting paths)


    HAHA, tri-level and holes in the wall! I LOVE it!!!! I would have liked to come over to your house when I was a kid:)
  9. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Damn FG. You were definitely adventurous and then some. You were a walking daredevil yourself...LOL

    Well, the clubhouse was cool, but for me, everyone wanted to play at my house cause after my sister moved out, my brother took her room and I took over our room. I used to turn my room into many things. If I wanted to play restaurant, I'd have menus, tables, plates etc. Everything minus the food. If we played clothing store, I'd hang clothes around like a store and have a counter with a cash register and price tags etc.

    I have some childhood stories where I hurt myself, nothing like yours. One time, I was playing in a shopping cart and my friend was pushing it around and then she started swirling it around and lost control and I went flying.

    I was somewhat of a tomboy too. I used to ride skateboards. I went down our driveway, but after it rained, pebbles from the roof used to fall. Well, I thought I was smooth Mama and POW, my ass went flying and landed on my ass. LOL!

    Another time, also as a kid, I went over a friends house. We went bike-riding and my friend only had a mans bike I could use. We were riding down the street and somehow, I lost control and fell and hurt my you-know-what. I was so bruised. I hope I can have babies.
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    omg! ouch!!!!
    That reminds me about a time when grilfriend of mine (we were 7 or so) were riding our bikes and somehow she fell off the bike in such a weird way she caugh her ..vajayjay.. in the lock on the back wheel (I cant for the life of me figure out how she did that - but she did)!
    I cringe just thinking about it

  11. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I can totally relate.

    I think I missed the peddle and hence why my ass fell straight down.

    It hit the bone. :smt013 <--I'll use this for the pain I was
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Ugh!! I can feel the paaaiiinnnnn
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


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