Afraid to approach someone of another race?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by ChromeDivine, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Seriously, now you can just tell by looking that neither one of the women on the left were the masterminds in this brilliantly orchestrated scheme. I doubt they got to do anything more than try to remember where they parked the getaway vehicle. Would you give either of them anything more to do, I wouldn't even let them hold the tube of superglue... 20 bucks they'd glue their own fingers together.
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    omg!!! u kill me!
    isnt that the truth!
    i bow down to you and wish i could give u rep!!!!!

    sorry for the lack of capital letters, my white pussy is sleeping on my left arm - no really!!!!
  3. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Yeah, because those look like the Women who are attracting the high paid Black Men. Right.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2010
  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I mean, of course there's evil racist rich white people, that's a given.

    But among the young & upwardly mobile, "I don't date interracially" is not a chic or classy statement. I wouldn't expect to see many Women who would not date interracially at a cocktail party, networking event, or fundraiser. The Women at such events might not all have ever dated interracially, but they also wouldn't be against it. Such sentiments are far more socially acceptable as you step down the economic ladder.

    So it is entirely possible that the reason the White Women who do date interracially tend to date more wealthy men is because the White Women who date wealthy men are more open to dating interracially.

    Just saying.
  5. UKBlack200

    UKBlack200 LOCKDOWN

    I think it's hard approaching a women for any race of man. For a black man, it's even harder. A white man can walk into any bar or club in the world and he pretty much knows that none of the women would not ever get with a white guy. Few women (Black-White-Asian-Latino) operate a "No white man" policy, and even the odd ones that do, usually it's only because a white guy screwed them over.

    I for one, don't like to approach any women and as I'm not a handsome or good-looking brother, woman don't approach I guess I'm screwed :)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2010
  6. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I don´t get the way you think.. there are women, who prefer white men, but that does not mean that they want or have the chance for every wm. wm are also been rejected as anyone else. A woman, who prefers a bm, will reject the white guy. A woman, who prefers a wm, will reject the bm.But there are soooo many other points you have to consider that at the end, the first choice splits more or mixes itself again..
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I dont think woman that date outside white men, do it because they got screwed over by a wm. That is not logical thinking at all - that is an assumption you are making that are very far from the truth. Its downright silly, pardon me.
  8. UKBlack200

    UKBlack200 LOCKDOWN

    I hear what you saying. I'm not saying that any white man can get any woman (Black-White-Asian-Latino). What I'm saying is that few women would totally rule out getting with a white man due to the fact that he is white but many women (Black-White-Asian-Latino) would never get with a black man, no matter what. In fact, even if she may be attracted to the black guy, a lot of women still would not go there, that's a higher level of militancy going on right there (lol) All I'm saying is that a white man has greater of pool of women to choose from than any other race of men.

    There is a difference between a man’s VALUE RATING and his ATTRACTION RATING. So you may get a alpha handsome black guy and a nerdy white rich guy.

    Who is SEEN and THOUGHT OF as having more value ? Who gets laid easier by a random stranger ?

    It's works like this

    Alpha Handsome Black guy = Attraction / Rich nerdy white guy = Value

    But NEITHER are CONSISTENTLY getting laid by girls in a situation where she doesn't sleep with him very quickly.

    So they both play the NUMBERS game. The alpha handsome black guy attracts, but the girls run off giggling. They LIKE the guy, BUT THEY WON'T F U C K HIM. He keeps approaching until one DOES. He never looks like an idiot. Girls don't think bad of him. They just think "I'd like to, but I never would". Physically he looks fine, but he does not have a high enough social value for her to allow him to escalate so she SHUTS his game down before he can even start. Conversely, the rich nerdy white guy has all the girls WANTING to be attracted to him, and giving him all the chances. But most won't get with him, because he can't attract them.

    I'm not saying that white man have more value than black men or any other race of men. What I am saying is that white men are SEEN and THOUGHT OF as having more value. This is a crucial difference and it's the consequence of living in a world of white supremacy
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2010
  9. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    You theorize so much that I get headache. lol

    What am I interested about all the "Values", "differences", "status", "consequences"- fact is you are looking for a woman, I hope you expect that she should love you, too.

    You underestimate totally the mind and the heart of women. It´s not important, what all thousands of women maybe think, it´s important, what this one single woman feels for you. And to find that woman, to make yourself attractiv for her, you need charme and self confidence. And please don´t tell her that you are convinced that all ww are greedy for money and sell themselves for reputation,. Because then I can assure you, as a woman, you go home alone.
  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Some of you men make the shit more tough than it actually is, I swear. It's a numbers game. Talk to 10-15, 3-5 will respond, 1-2 will actually date you/sleep with you. Last woman standing is GF/wife material. Bam, simple. Shit this is the internet age, you can pull chicks like nobody's business if you wanted. I can't see the whole issue of "going up to a woman" when there's yahoo, AOL, facebook, myspace etc. I can see if you're a short guy or ugly guy, but if you're reasonably normal with an interesting job to talk about you shouldn't have a problem. Damn even fat guys get chicks. All this complaining tells me that there's something wrong with you cats.
  11. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Wow, that's how it works? I had no idea. I think maybe you need to write a manual Karma, it seems you are always teaching me something new. :smt045
  12. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    The game is to be sold not to be told :smt004
  13. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You need to take a look at Karma's post, he seems to have a good grasp of how it works, and since he's male his opinion carries more validity with you.
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    So purely out of curiosity, what's market price on something like that?
  15. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Priceless. My philosophies work for me alone. One needs my particular talents and charm to pull them off. Without that, it's all empty words. :cool:
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Gotta cosign this one. Btw I think you misunderstood my comment when I said bm had to be exceptional. I'm not saying you merely have to stand out but you gotta be far better then everyone to be noticed in a positive light. For example our president now is a top of his class harvard law school grad. The one before him was barely a C student and definitely bought his way into Yale. My grandma use to say we gotta work twice as hard to go half as far. I know many people on her take their povs and think that since they can get pass race most people can too. Very far from the truth. So when I say we as black men have to be exceptional I mean it's not enough for us to be average to get what we want but I know a lot of average white guys who get a lot more of what they want more often than not. Please someone prove me wrong. I'd like to hear it.
  17. chicity

    chicity New Member

    This doesn't make any sense to me.

    You keep bringing up the freakonomics thing to proove that apparently White Women don't really want to date Black Men unless they make tons of money.

    Then when I suggest that maybe the women who date interracially just tend to date men with tons of money in general, you cosign the picture above.

    Do you think the women above insisted that the man they superglued make a lot of money? Do you think he was making twice what the average white man is making?

    Or are you just stuck on this idea that White Women don't want you, and you can't let it go no matter what logic approaches you?

    There is a world of difference between getting to be president and getting a girl to like you. You may think that the racial biases of a 20-something White Woman is likely to reflect those of an entire country steeped in racism, but I think that's a bit negative.

    If you're so convinced White Women don't want you, why would you be interested in them?

    Go to Montreal for a week. Travel. Believe me, it's not hard to find a White Woman who is interested in Black Men.

    White Women follow my husband around like they're cats and he's a dish of milk. He can't be the only one.
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Man you said it all.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Oh boy you missed the point. I was cosigning that those women weren't exceptional and as far as the dating thing I was making a reference on the social value of race in America where skin color does affect the way people percieve you and value you. I really don't have problems meeting attractive white women but I think being very well educated and in shape and being six feet help people to over look me being black. In this country I live in you are black first and person second. I'm not making that up ask any black person from the US. I'd believe 9 out of 10 would back me up. As for dating out of my country thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Why would I want to date someone out of the country where my job and lived ones are.
    When I make certain statements it's not out of bitterness or the inability to find woman to date, it's just an observation of the world as I see it sweetheart.
  20. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I get what you're saying, and I don't dispute it. This may well piss some people off, but I honestly don't think any white person on the planet can truly appreciate your point. Oh we all say we can, that some of us are colorblind, which in some cases is true, but honestly that just takes us further away from being able to grasp your point of view. To fully appreciate what you're saying we don't need to be colorblind, we need to be black. I am not black, I cannot ever be black, thus I am incapable of truly empathizing with a black person. Lord knows I try my best, but ultimately I cannot suffer the same experiences a black person has and can, therefore I will never be able to fully understand.

    I remember reading something in a Multiculturalism class in college that was shocking to me and something I'd honestly never given thought to, but which illustrates this point. A black man made the statement "when I look in the mirror I don't see a man, I see a black man." I realized at that moment that I had never, not once looked in the mirror to see a white woman. The color of my skin has never been something that I'm consciously aware of, and it shouldn't be for anyone else, but despite that being a lovely idea, it's not practical.

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