How has President Obama changed the perceptions of black men.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by bonyjoop, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Oh and here's another black male who was raised by his white mom after his no-good father left, you may have heard of him:

  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    It's cool FG. I had fun between cooking breaks to watch the madness unfold. You, Karma, Mad and Chi (and if I missed anyone else) all held it down.
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    that WAS fun!


    I just sat down w my home made Chicken Tikka Masala and enjoyed the interactive show:)
  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I miss Mimi22 already :smt009
  5. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    It feels like we've all been doing doing acid and got busted by the cops and now the high is coming down.

    L.A. is the First 48 of WWBM. He sees a troll miles away.

    I'd Vegetarian, so I'd have that with Veggie Chicken. I LOVE Indian food. Any dessert?

    I made Falafel, Chow Mein and some other veggie dishes.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Mee tooo!!! It was like a B12 vitamin shot!!!!
    Let shope she gets a new screen and comes back, she will be easy to spot:)

    I was debating using firm tofu, but had chicken at home... No dessert - I ate way too much!

    I love falafel, Im stopping by your house next!
  7. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I try to stay away from soy stuff. I use a product called Quorn. They make no-soy and meat-free products. I'll buy Morningstar, if Quorn doesn't make something or if the market is out of it.

    I'll trade you some falafel for some Tikka Masala.
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I just love soy so much, but it is tied to estrogen.... Cant get enough of edamame...
    Where can I find Quorn and what is it??

    I make a mean Tikka Masala with cauliflower and/or butternut-squash instead of soy and meat, I make that for ya:)
  9. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    That's exactly why I'm staying away from it.

    I get Quorn at Ralphs, but Whole Foods has a bigger selection. In fact, they carry all their products. Some of the stuff is seasoned, but their naked chicken cutlets are bland as hell, so they need a lot of doctoring, otherwise, I like their products. I also buy their veggie crumbles and by a taco mix for tacos and the like. I wish they made veggie dogs. They used to, but I guess it didn't sell, so I had to buy soy.

    That sounds really good. Okay, trade off stat!
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Yeah, especially men should stay away from it - especially if they are underway trying to make babies.
    Im gonna look into teh Quorn stuff, sounds intriguing.

    I have a recipe somewhere but I did have an Indian friend of mine mixing the spices together so I have no clue as to what ratio they are being used.
    But a not half bad alternative is to use the Tikka Masala sauce one can buy.

    Or we just have a huge cookout:)
  11. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Yeah, they can get

    My Moms deeply into alternative medicine, and heard a lot of bad stuff for women too, so that's why I'm cutting back.

    Here's Quorns site:

    I sometimes buy those boxed Indian dishes. Then I have them with some Naan. They're so good! (although not made fresh)

    Yummy! A cookout sounds good and fun.
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    and sperm count may go down as well!!!

    Thanks for the reading my friend! Im gonna check that out.
    I will have a girls bbq in a few weeks and was thinking of a few vegetarian dishes to make, this will come in handy! I know I will make Tarshi's Aussieburger in the domestic section, check it out, Im sure you like it if you havent see the recipe yet.

    Stop by, its the 20th!!!!
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You're welcome FG!

    Let me know if you do purchase any Quorn stuff.

    I'll check out the recipe...

    Sounds like fun!
  14. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    It's called Oprah syndrome..they actually forget BM are people too.
  15. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I was talking to friends about soy a while back. I too eat lots of tofu, soy milk and edamame...etc. They were speaking of how it's not so harmless to eat so much. Tying it to thyroid problems, heart problems and other things. What do you make of that? There seems to be a lot of articles if you search that tend to agree with this. :(
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Have to agree Karma. Glad you are back and posting. :smt038
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Save the recipes for the domestic thread.

  18. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Yes, there is a lot of concerns with suy and estrogen and other issues. lower sperm count in men etc.. but seems to me everything will kill ya these days. so I keep eating my tofy, soymilk and edamame - but try to keep it in moderation. Men should really read more about it if they are trying to have kids.

    Talking food doesnt eaqual a recipe, giggle....



    oh no!!!!

  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Back to Obama, carry on :)

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