Losing childhood

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by christine dubois, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I agree to most part but NOT to this "life may not be equal but it's fair, it's only people who don't allow to be so".
    You think it is fair for dirt poor Haitian children who are already starving like stray dog to lose their parents in that stupid quake? do you think it's fair for millions of African children who lost their parents to consequences of HIV but Majic Johnson still living with the disease for 20 yrs. C'mon bruh LIFE is not fair and she never meant to be fair, fuck that Puta.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This might be hard to hear but yeah it is fair. Everything you just talked about is mans unwillingness to allow things to be fair. There is more than enough food in this world. Life didn't make it unfair people did and it's up to people to make it fair. Everything we need is out there and I know it's very easy to forget when shit is fucked up but it doesn't make it an less true. We just need to keep in mind just because it's not easy doesn't mean it isn't possible.
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm so happy you've overcome everything in which it has made you a better person.

    I never had an epiphany about losing my childhood. I've gone through a lot of negative shit in my life, especially in my childhood. So it's hard to say.
  4. Espy

    Espy New Member

    This is one of those times when we're just going to have to agree to disagree. But I still love ya!
  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I call that Bullshit, I have seen tons of orphans children in Africa who lost their parents due to treatable or in some cases preventable conditions: malaria, TB, Polio, Meningitis, HIV, etc..... What the fuck have these kids do to deserve that fucken fair life that you call? Some of these kids already have HIV- they will die soon or later. Even if they survive their chance of having a good life is shit. Mother nature already shitted on them, then mother nurture too (if they were in developed world they would have better chance of surviving), luck as well (not every one is lucky and gets adopted by Madonna and Angelina Jolie you know).
  6. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Isn´t the point that to be successful- you need some one who believes in you, people who support you, people, who give you a chance? Even then you have to work hard- but without chance there is nothing.

    I also saw many hard working people without any big success - and on the other hand I know, out of own experience- if you know the right ones, you can have everything..

    But that I mean for the first world...the rules for underdeveloped countries are much different- there we don´t talk about successful life, we talk about surviving, pain and cruelty.And here we have to stop, because that topic is nothing anymore for guess-work, it´s reality..
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I expect a better methodical & logical explanation or dissertation of some sort from an intelligent lady like you. Dont let me down Espy!
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I thought about this. I think it was when I started growing breasts. I wasn't prepared for womanhood. It wasn't something that I had looked forward to like other girls my age at the time. Then by age 15, I had a grown womans body and in Jr. High, I was harrassed and attacked because of my breasts. It's like I had a: see, I told you I wasn't ready for you thing going on.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    GZ, you know my story - but I will repeat it:
    I grew up when I was 7 years old.
    My mother married a raging abusive alcoholic and she was a traveling careerwoman.
    I had to fend for myself at home and if I wanted to eat - I had to cook. I cleaned the house as well.
    I left home when I was 15 and squatted for some of those early years..
    I was angry and self-destructive for a long time..
    Then I had a spinal cord tumor at 23 and was set back quite a few years. and got angry again.

    yeah, one can say that life cheated me... but I dont!

    These days, I embrace that - it made me who I am today, its a part of me, I am stronger than most and I will never give up and I dont judge people.. lessons I learned through my not so pleasant journey. but that is yesterday, its gone.
    I have forgive the wrongdoings and have let it go - its a part of me - and I feel no shame or anger.

    You have to find a way to let the wrongdoings go, no-one will come and do it for you, you have to... and it is oh so much easier that it seems.

    I wish I could help you my lovely, dear friend, I really do.
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Geek- I know that story and you know how much I admire your courage, perseverance and how you turned your life around.

    I am not talking about me. This is not a GZ-oh my God life has shitted on me moment. This is not GZ being negative. I am just logically discussing what constituent one's destiny. I am not being negative I am just being practical and real.

    By the way, Thanx for offering to help. God knows I need all the help I can get. LoL
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again everything you said is fair. Disease is a way the earth cleanses it self of too many inhabitants especially one that has no natural enemies. It being concentrated in one area is a result of human beings not fairly distributing care and medicine. Are biggest problem as people is that we don't see ourselves as connected which results in unfair practices but one region suffering more earthquakes or more environmental disease promotes my idea of things being unequal certain areas have more advantages based on geography.
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    It was just that you eralier in the thread said "life had cheated you".
    That is what I responded to, but chose this post because of some things you said in it.

    You know I adore you:)
  13. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Thanx for offering to help. I still stand by what I said, yes life has cheated me, dammit. I wish I can find that puta and fuck her hard with BiG penis until she gets a rectal prolapse. LMAO..... ok ok enough posting therapy for me... I got to pay attention to the Jets while they're trying to dust off the Colts and Manning for possible trip to Florida.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  15. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Sorry GZ, not gonna happen. I'm smart enough to see that you have very strong views on this subject, and nothing I say is likely to make a positive impact on those. So further discussion isn't going to be productive for either of us. :D
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  16. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Count me in the 'sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you work or how much you want it, you ain't getting it' crowd. Like the R Kelly song "I believe I can fly." It's very inspiring. But R Kelly can't actually fly, and bad things happen to good people. Men in my city have had their entire lives stolen from them by being thrown onto death row when they didn't deserve it. Honor students are murdered by thugs. Young women are killed by sickos. And I have watched way, way too many people with amazing talents wither away in poverty because willpower and talent wasn't enough to get them out.

    If you aren't born rich, and are not 100% lucky, you need great talent and an unbreakable will to make it. But you also need dumb luck, and opportunities to take advantage of. It is true, you must have the talent & the will. But they will not always be enough.
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Example: look at the great artists through-out history. Count how many didn't die in poverty.

    Today we love their works, and they are worth millions each...yet they died hungry, poor, and alone despite their talent that resonates within the art world even today, sometimes hundreds of years after the death of the artist.

    I know exactly the methods I need to employ in order to be successful in the art world. I don't know the right people yet, however, as my luck has not afforded me that oppourtunity. Without the right contacts, or the right accidental meeting, there's no way I could manage to sell my work for big bucks because I was not lucky enough to be born with influential parents. Despite the fact that I've seen utter shit hanging in museums that makes my work look like the goddamn Mona Lisa.

    It may never happen. And that'll suck. But I'm smart so I have back up plans. :D So if luck doesn't shine on me at least I won't starve.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think the bigger problem is that people believe if success doesn't come early it's not worth having. I also believe many aren't willing to do it what it takes no matter what.
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member

    CBQ, that is why I love your post. You tell it like it is! Spoken like a true Chicagoan. Love, ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Yah.. and the feeling of entitlement seem just to get greater and greater in some groups of people.
    I had to work frigging hard and loong for my success, I surely didnt get anything for free.
    I dont understand entitlement, we arent entitled to anything really.. not even happiness. I belive I have to make that happen, not just get it like a free gift. Im very spiritual and I do have faith, but I also belive that I have to make my own.

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