Thick or Fat?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Inner Beauty, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Me too. I actually think it's more attractive for a woman to have a little tummy like that than hard rock abs.
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    well we'd have to go through the countries that get ATM.
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I knew the size 16 was a myth, but have read on more than a few times that she was a todays size 12 and was considered larger than the actresses of her day. There's a Liz Hurley quote floating around about how she would kill herself if she was as fat as Marilyn Monroe.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    what's ATM?
  5. Complex

    Complex New Member

    The blokes in New York will generally date girls with the same body type regardless the complexion of her skin.

    Although, I don’t fancy Hip Hop, the videos will tell you average body type many African American guys fancy/date.

    This link may give you an idea.

    I have no idea how the girls in the photographs are classed from an African American male’s point of view in terms of body type. I would imagine this is why the whole Thick or Fat thread came about. :D

    The only reason I participated in this thread is to let you know your assumptions were correct.

  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's accurate fam
  7. Complex

    Complex New Member

    If you were raised with the West Indian heritage, I doubt you would understand the African American heritage since your parents are not African American. Of course things would be different if your parents embraced the African American culture and raised you on those standards.

    I've never heard of this "Our racist divisionist country requires people of color to identify where their hertitage is from because it's not enough to simply be just American" before. If you have an American Passport you are African American mate.

  8. Complex

    Complex New Member

    By all means show us a better example for that is the body type I see the majority of the African American males chatting to in NYC.

    If you fall within a small ratio of African American men that don’t fancy girls offering such a figure, I don’t think it’s fair to make everyone assume the majority of African American men have the same sentiments as yourself. For if it that were the case, you would see more runway type of girls on Hip Hop Videos.

    I’m quite sure many know you move to beat of your own drum hence, the reason of participating on

  9. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I made this thread just to get everyones viewpoints. Everyone as you can see, has a different perception. It's interesting to see how diverse this topic is and gets.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    i have to agree with you actually. I do march to the beat of my own drum.
  11. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I think there is a side note to this discussion though...a lot if males in general prefer a thinner women (as close as they can get to "model type,") but that's not what women look like in everyday life in the states, so you have to choose from what you have, and what you have at the end of the day is an alarming obesity rate in the states.

    Now I'm no researcher and don't have studies to back me up...but in my experience, I know a lot of bm that like thin females (a low weight in proportion to their height). I know a lot of bm that don't care for the thin waist 43" butt and relatively smaller legs ("Thick," Kim Kardashian body type. I use her as an example because she recognized and has the "thick" factor). And this may be somewhat of generational topic, but most of the bm my age I know, are into the "Thick" look.

    Let's go back to the obesity part for a second, and think about the numbers for obesity in the black community, they are high... and if you use the same statics and apply it to everyday life, more than likely you know someone very close to you that is at the very least considered overweight.

    I say this because I feel a lot of bm, are conditioned from an early age to accept a women that is heavier because of his real life experience. For instance, in short, I think it is said that a mate we find for relationships a lot time is close in psychology to one your parents. Meld this view I just spoke of with statics of obesity in the black community, and I'll think you'll find that If your a bm, then it's going to be your mother, and if your mother was heavier (no disrespect, my mother was), then there is a larger chance that your going to be more accepting towards a person that is heavier, like the "thick" chicks, etc.

    What do you all--especially bm think of this theory in short hand?
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Psychologically speaking it's true that often men (and women) find themselves attracted to qualities housed in one of their parents, though sometimes it leaves the realm of physical and enters into personality (I.E., women dating men who exhibit similar negative personality traits as their father, etc).

    It doesn't always work this way, though. Sometimes being around someone often (as in with a parent or close relative) who is large (or super-tiny, in the other extreme) causes us to react the opposite way concerning future partners. I've seen it happen a few times where a man who has a very large mother will instead be repelled by women who are soft whatsoever and will only date those who are more angular and sharp in their body lines. The same is true for the opposite, though, as always, not true of everyone. Just pointing out a few of the cases I've personally witnessed.

    The same can be said about personality traits, as well. Some people subconsciously (or even conciously) seek out the same traits in their partners as their parent had. Others completely refuse those traits and will only be attracted to someone opposite.

    It's interesting, but then a lot of things are interesting about the human psyche.

    Attraction is such a deep subject because there are so many facets to it. What is true of one person is not always true of another in terms of attraction because we all have such vastly different tastes, and so many different things play a role in what makes us desire another person, whether it be physical, emotional, or mental, or all three plus any number of other factors.
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    The US gov. does differentiate. As of last year on the census and with other agencies there is a category of 'Caribbean origins'. I think that is what they referred to the category as.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree more with your theory of going with what you're given. I think very few women are actually thick in comparison to those who are fat and call themselves thick. I know I come off as if I have a hatred for fat women but I don't. I think this is a issue worth talking about it, the obesity problem is getting out of hand. We are the richest country on the world yet we have the most unhealthy in the industrialized world. It's unattractive and I have to say I think very few men choose a fat girl to be with I think more often than not they settle for one because they don't think they can get better. All that does is enable negative and unhealthy behavior on both people. One partner continues to believe that's the best they can do and the other continues they're unhealthy eating habits because someone had low enough self esteem to over look their disgusting habits. Seriously I'd love to hear your thoughts.
  15. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I am not a bm- but anyway you have to accept my respond:D

    that is something I appreciate about bm, they are were chosing the word "accept", I am not sure, if that was really did not use "attracted". We are all humans, with different problems, but bm seem to be much more flexible, or am I wrong?

    For me, would I have more than BMI 21- I would have problems to accept myself,I would stop eating for several weeks (what´s definitly no problem for me), just to be the same as before.
  16. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Yea, I'll admit it, I didn't think that one through lol I can do better than that lol
  17. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Your response is as good as mine and any others my dear.

    Agreed, my choice of "acceptance" is worth mentioning. When I wrote, I was thinking of acceptance, I used the wrong word, I was thinking attracted at that time. But now that you mention it, my use of "acceptance" may have been a subconscious preference for thinner-"thick."

    I'm just thinking out loud here: undoubtedly there is a more negative connotation with being overweight (& under weight for that matter, not quite as much, but there nonetheless). With that said, as a child your more accepting because your standards of attraction are still being developed( as well as many other thing, your being socially conditioned), so maybe acceptance turns into attraction as you age.
  18. Complex

    Complex New Member

    Fair enough.

    If he ever happens to travel outside the United States, he will be classed as an American based on his passport. Of course, if he has dual citizenship he can claim Jamaican or American when travelling abroad.


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