Achieving Perfection Through Plastic Surgery

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Malik True, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    I[FONT=&quot]s it possible; achieving perfection through Plastic Surgery? One would imagine with all the plastic surgery being performed that a surgeon would one day achieve perfection. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder one could also categorize perfection as the same? How would you label a person who has completely left behind any semblance of what they looked like and dared to look better not because of disfigurement but because of vanity?

    I am not a huge advocate of Plastic Surgery and I understand in the world in which we live Plastic Surgery is extremely popular and truth be told if the industry had already perfected penile implants I’d think about it. I’d think about it not because I feel inadequate but because show me a man who wouldn’t want to be hung like a horse and I’d tell you because that man is already hung like a horse. Heidi Montag who's already had a few surgeries looked like the following below....


    Personally she just looked ok to me nothing special then she underwent more surgery...



    Recently she had undergone 10 surgeries at one time for results I think are......PERFECT




    The surgeon has been able to render her into a completely different person (the far right) who doesn't look freakish and faaaaaaar more attractive than she's ever been. So did she go too far? Is it the best Plastic job you've seen?? Is this the worse you've seen?
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    My two cents

    It's her body she should be allowed to do what she wants. She looks really good not like a weirdo at all. I agree with her that this is a very competitive world especially when you live in places like LA NY or Miami. It's just the reality, people SEE you first and listen to you second especially in her business. So I give her props for doing what she felt needed to be done despite the back lash.
  3. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    So, she had a little bit of fat sucked out and had her tits made bigger? Shame, that, she was attractive before.
    I'm not against plastic surgery. In fact, if I ever egt to the stage where I'm popping sprogs left right and centre and my tits are touching my ankles, I'll happily settle for a little bit of the 'uplift' but seriously, I find plastic surgery to be an extreme.
    I know a girl that got a nosejob at 21. Not because she was vain, but because she had her nose broken at 15 and it's been horribly misformed since then. If you are SO unhappy with something, and there's a way to solve the problem, then why not? There's a difference between self-acceptable and vanity. This girl I know can actually have a photograph taken now without crying.
    Having GG tits? That's a little different.
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    the need for perfection is getting ridiculous. whilst i agree that it is up to each person to do what they will with their bodies, as a mother i find the world my children are growing up in to be very disturbing. how can a little girl ever identify with someone who's nipped, tucked, sucked, cut and stapled their way to what they are now all for vanity? from the knife to airbrushing we're giving the children of today an awful lot to deal with. Whatever happened to "it's what's inside that counts"? Beauty comes from within. I believe the example the op gave us believes that she's the modern day mother teresa....give me a break.
  5. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    TB but look at her work? Does she look like a freak? If she just appeared out of nowhere and became a star none of us would have known she had work done, none of us. I think her work is flawless...
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I think Heidi Montag was cute to begin with then she had a little work done and became a little better looking. But when she got addicted and got more and more knife job then her face almost became kinda plastic (don't get me wrong, she is still attractive).
    My philosophy- if you got the money and think you have the need for the knife job, then go for it, but like all things it should be in moderation.
    It is not unethical or immoral to go under a knife, ppl are just trying to rectify their problem that is given to them by unfrogiving mother nature, that's all.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree with you 100% what's on the inside matters most but it's not what people car about at all. Most people would take a Ferrari with a bad engine over a Dodge Neon with a banged up body and perfect engine. Because we choose to only see with our eyes. We cling to the superficial and material because we don't have enough faith in the fact we are far more than just we can see with our eyes and hold in our hands.
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I thought her older face (last season) was okay. She's obviously photoshopped so you can't see the plasticness of her face. Look at her here: (You can see she's knifed up and she's ONLY 23!)


    What is she going to do when she gets older?

    It's funny how some of these celebs (or so-called) are getting knifed up when they don't need it, yet the ones who could use some tweaking, don't do it.

    Who didn't need any work: Lil Kim, Vivica Fox, Aubrey O'Day, Jocelyn Wilderstein, Priscilla Presley and Pepa (she didn't need a nose job).
  9. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I've got nothing against plastic surgery, but I wish she would have left herself alone simply due to the fact that I find her far more attractive in the "before" pictures.

    But that's just my opinion. She just looks so much prettier and -younger- in the before pictures, and in all the after pictures she looks like she's aged drastically and looks worse to me.

    Without all the airbrushing I have no idea if it's obvious that she's had so many surgeries because I've never seen the show she's in or heard of her before now. I'm with IB, though, in that it's probably very obvious her face is mostly constructed when she gets away from photoshopped pictures.

    If anything her "perfect" came from an artist touching up the photos.
  10. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Nope, not flawless. Her tats look fake as fuck.
  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member







    I mean, technically she could've just saved herself money and pain and let an artist make her look however she wanted.
  12. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I share the same sentiment...I don't have any kids right now, but; from what I hear from my brother, sister and best friends that do, the birds and bees conversation is hard enough. Now parents are having to explain why and how Aunt Emily doesn't look the same, and they're supposed to understand plastic surgery, lol.

    Also, you know that feeling when you can't flat out say something is wrong, your not quite sure just yet, but you know something is inherently wrong, it's just not quite right, that's how I feel about plastic surgery for vanity purposes. I mean, it's your temple and do with what you please right? but there comes time when enough is enough.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's this images obsessed culture that we all choose to take part in. It's really sad.
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Couldn’t agree with you more Tarshi. This ‘perfection should be pursued at all costs and consequence’ idea really sends a negative message IMO to all youth. Children have enough difficulties just trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in sometimes, I really don’t think pushing falsely achieved ideals of beauty on them is helpful. As a parent you just have to work that much harder to ensure they understand that it’s the individual ‘flaws’ that make us each unique, and as such they should be embraced instead of eradicated.

    This is a fairly prevalent mindset, but IMO limiting your interaction with other people based upon what they look like, and not who they are, is one of the biggest mistakes someone can make. If you go into anything with a very rigid, pre-set idea of what you think you want, you cut your chances of finding the right person dramatically. In fact I had a conversation recently with a male friend and he told me that a woman would have to possess at least average beauty for him to have any type of significant relationship with her, but if she was beautiful he would be willing to overlook any other shortcomings/flaws she had. Now as physical beauty is literally the last thing that matters to me, I told him that IMO if he ever met a woman who had every other quality he wanted, and fulfilled needs and desires he didn’t even know he had, she would appear beautiful to him even if no one else thought so. He told me I was full of shit of course, and then a few weeks later he proved me right. One of the few times I’ve actually said ‘I told you so’. It really is what’s on the inside that matters, looks fade, a good heart and soul last a lifetime.

    I agree with you Fresh, and plastic surgery for vanity purposes is not something I would pursue. I can list my flaws, as perceived by me, but there isn’t a single one I’ve opted to correct. Oh I’ve thought about it, but they just don’t affect who I am and so I don’t see the point. I have a small space between my two front teeth and truthfully that’s the one that I’ve given the greatest consideration to, as a couple veneers is all it would take to make that disappear. But ultimately, I decided I’ve lived with it this long and it really doesn’t bother me anymore, it did when I was a child, but then I think a lot of that was an immaturity thing. The rest are just what makes me who I am. However I will say that if I looked in the mirror every day and truly despised what I saw, I could understand the desire to fix whatever made me feel self-conscious. If a boob job gives a woman self-confidence, or a nose job makes her unashamed to have her picture taken, then I say go for it. It’s the people like Heidi Montag, for whom enough will likely never be enough, that are concerning. At the point you’re changing everything about yourself, that’s not a lack of self-esteem, that’s akin to self-hatred IMO. She should see a psychologist and get her head worked on before she gets any more work done to her body, as something is clearly amiss in her psyche. Something like body dysmorphic disorder at a minimum.
  15. FRESH

    FRESH New Member


    Exactly what I was thinking.

    A little nip & tuck maintenance, you're self-aware, you know your flaws & if you didn't have surgery your not gonna loose any sleep. Fine...whatever, IMO your not vain at all, but ten surgeries at the expense of looking a lot different, like another person, that's out there a bit. You've literally lost yourself, of course only IMO.
  16. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Something tells me she's going to get even more plastic surgery done really soon.
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I think its very obvious that she has had surgery now.
    Before this last stint, I would agree with you that no one would know.
    Her first surgery was good (although I thought she was pretty pefore) and it looked great!
    Now.... its very evident she has had surgery, and I think it has aged her.
    I saw a TV interview with her that is at least a bit better than retouched photos... all I could think was "why".
  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    That model chick is aight. She hot, but she's generic hot. Perfect? Not to me. She's just some blond with bigger tits, and smoother looking skin. Plus, I ain't feelin' her chin in that pic with the coffee mug. Super chin status. But if people wanna get the shit done, then whatever. I just hope they can live with the criticism that people might throw at them. And when you get to a certain age, the shit just looks creepy. Basically, she ain't much hotter than her original form.
  20. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Her self esteem must have been pretty low to want to change that many things about herself. One or two things........isn't that the way most people feel but 10 things. :confused:

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