18 December, 2008...an event that nearly DESTROYED me..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by AnMDBCartoon, Dec 26, 2009.

  1. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member


    After all this time..I've never explained the reson I was M.I.A. from here for soooooooooooooooooo long..

    Now it can be told..

    To this day, it still disturbs me. I'm not kidding. It's like the date of 18 December carries a CURSE of some sort..

    It's just past Midnight, Central Time in Omaha...where we are spending the holidays, after some location filming for an upcoming project.

    Mellisa is sleeping, and I just finished watching some BBC Humour on the local PBS station...but I've not been able to mellow out & sleep thinking about this 1 year on.........

    Let's start from the beginning:

    On 16 December, 2008 (A Tuesday), my wife & I were out on the town and enjoying life and each other.....we took the Tube to Piccadilly Circus - where we bought some Beethoven Symphonies on CD. We then rode to Charing Cross....just to see what it was like..

    Whilst there, we met a very pleasant, nice & friendly (or so we thought.................) Black American female working at a kiosk of some sort.

    The three of us chatted a bit, and after exchanging conversation & pleasantries, she invited us to a Religious Gathering/Music Festival that following Thursday the 18th..

    On the evening of Thursday, after receiving the DOWNER news about one of my Stateside friends being killed on the evening of the 15th, we took the tube to Charing Cross at about 2020 (8:20 P.M.)..

    When Mellisa and I arrived at the kiosk to meet our "friend" where she said she'd meet us...........I was suddenly jumped by 4 large men, and thrown to the ground.

    And taken to the local constabulary for questioning........

    Those 4 were POLICE DETECTIVES.......

    And I had just been...............................arrested.

    I...was accused of...RAPE...by this "very pleasant" Black American female.

    And......I was on remand for 3 months..................

    Here's the thing: I volunteered to do a DNA "swab" test or whatever, but during all that time, the "very pleasant" female...COULDN'T BE CONTACTED...and was NOWHERE to be FOUND!!!!

    And so there I was...locked up...and with a wife on the outside who DEPENDS on me..

    Not to mention a STUDIO that I **HAVE** to run!!!

    Much to Mellisa's credit.....along with some help from a couple of my former Cartoon Network colleagues...she did ALL that she COULD to KEEP the projects I had RUNNING in my absence...

    She SAVED the STUDIO!

    Unfortunately, at a price....

    She would come to the studio to work..with our home left empty....

    On Monday, 29 December, whilst Mellisa was at the studio, somebody broke into our place....

    Whoever the BASTARD was that DID it...stole artwork, scripts, clothing, cameras, photos, CDs....and were even SO **LOW** to rip off an apple and an orange on our coffee table...and a STAR TREK novel!

    And as for the "rape claim"?

    Eventually...and obviously, the charges were proven to be false....

    They HAD to be: I was in Melissa's company ALL THE TIME...on BOTH DAYS...first that **WE** encountered her...and again by ourselves at the kiosk..

    It became apparent that this "very nice & pleasant" Black American female, by her OWN admission, DID what she DID....because she was VERY angry at seeing *OUR* interracial marriage...

    And wanted to "teach me a lesson"....

    ....by "raising my level of consciousness".......


    And somehow, I *STILL* have GOOD reason to believe that the accusation that led to my being taken away...and the breaking sand entering were/are *VERY* CLOSELY **INTERTWINED!!!**

    And I was released on the afternoon of 11 March - a Tuesday..

    ..wehn it was revealed that, not only were the charges against ME totally false.....

    ...but she DID have sex prior to the arrest..........................

    ..with her BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!


    This was evident when she CAME OUT OF HIDING AND INTO THE OPEN...and came forth with THAT news, as well as VERY HAPPILY announcing:



    And subsequently left (fled?) the country....

    I **AM** FULLY AWARE that there are ALL kinds of RACISM and RACIAL HATRED towards and perpetuated by ALL kinds of people....

    I just never .. EVER .. encountered ANYBODY that **EVER** entertained the thought of STOOPING THAT ***LOW!!!***

    By having Yours Truly RAILROADED like that..

    Lady, if ya felt the way ya did towards Mellisa & me....



    And so, for a year now, I've been lookin' to TRY....to pick up the pieces of my life -- which -- along with my dignity -- is now ALL BUT FUCKED UP!

    And it's NOT been easy....................

    For FIVE MONTHS STRAIGHT , after that incident, I'd gotten **NO** REST, **DAMN LITTLE** SLEEP....

    So YOU try to sleep good...after something like THAT happens to YOU!

    After all this...................I've not been able to keep focused in the same way on most of the production projects I've been involved with..

    Oh, I've gotten several things done...but.......

    I'm going to come out in the open with this now....

    I *AM* trying to keep sunny-side-up and not be bitter about it..

    But I am not as open and friendly towards ANYBODY that I encounter now..

    Granted, I'm not in the public eye like I was when I worked for Cartoon Network, but that's beside the point!

    But it *has* taken me Quite Some Time....for me to STOP thinking..

    ..that Those Underground Tube Trains Sure Look Sturdy Enough To Jump In Front Of...

    I have mellowed somewhat since then..

    On the 20-22 of March, 2009, we spent the last couple days assessing what was taken in the B & E that happened on that 29th of December...(I took the weekend off to do so)..

    And THEY really did a JOB on US....

    No, SERIOUSLY.....I mean they **REALLY** did DAMAGE!

    It was almost as if it WAS a part of that "person's" way of "getting back" at me..

    Firstly, from the official documentation on the statements that were made...in re : the false charges, the person that was responsible for all this mess in the FIRST place? HER name is JOSEPHINE HAILEY DARLENE JOHNSON...An American Citizen..

    They have since left the United Kingdom....PREGNANT and HAPPY!

    As for all that was taken from our place that December:

    Foreign Coins Banknotes Collection - From the countries that I have visited in my lifetime: Denmark, Canada, Finland, Ireland, Holland, Australia, Sweden, Great Britian, and Iceland. THREE of which were the ORIGINAL currencies BEFORE the EURO took over; The G.B. Pound notes...were 1970's & 1980's issues -- and VERY collectible IMHO..

    A CANON EOS 35MM SLR Camera - I **SWORE** by that thing...Auto Focus with Interchangeable Lens Capabilities..

    Various Music CDs - some GOOD ones, too...COOLER KIDS, SEAN LENNON, NELLY FURTADO, TENNESSEE ERNIE FORD, The TEMPTATIONS and things like these.....

    Various Storyboards and Script Draughts - And it's **NOT** like anybody ELSE could use 'em....so what was the POINT?

    My personal journal - THIS goes without saying that THIS loss TRULY made me VERY angry....

    My address book - which carried names and addresses of ALL my pals & business contacts....LUCKILY...I happen to have them on my hard drive at the studio....

    And THIS --I just can't understand.....

    2 pairs of Y-Fronts..Yes, briefs...UNDERWEAR!

    1 pair of white athletic crews - Yes, they ripped of socks, too...

    1 photo album - at LEAST they DIDN'T get the one with me, Mellisa and my late Dad & Mum;THAT one is ALWAYS in my portfolio that goes EVERYWHERE with me!

    1 STAR TREK novel - and they'd BETTER be GLAD, to this very day, that I *DID* finish that book a half-a-week before the incident on the 18th of December!!!!!!

    1 Bible - No comment as to how anybody could be so hard up as to steal a Bible.

    1 apple and 1 orange - Also, no comment.....

    and to add the insult to the injury....

    They even stole my POLICE BADGE!


    I had it on the mantel - displayed where I could LOOK at it every once in a while.....

    Is THIS what it's all about? Is THIS it??!??



    To this very day...the MORE that I *THINK* about it, the MADDER that I **GET!!!**

    We...*I* have been, for all intents and purposes...TOTALLY VIOLATED!

    And a LOT of things were sentimental value goodies that I will NEVER get back!!!!

    A **LOT** OF THINGS!!!!!


    Final flashback to that day...and the memories....on 5 May..

    I took a long walk that night...a LONG walk...

    It was the only way I could deal with that at the time..

    Melissa cries.

    I feel like I've been KICKED in the STOMACH!


    And that's the way things were at the time....

    And though things are rather mellower NOW than they were THEN....

    I *REFUSE* to "forgive"...or "forget"....

    I just refuse to do it.

    So to Josephine Haley Darlene Johnson, all I have to say to *YOU* is this:

    May The Devil Claim Your Soul.

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2009
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  3. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Horrible, what you experienced, absolutly no doubt. But it doesn´t help you to be angry -it will just destroy more, because your thoughts are in the past..
    Try to get a clear mind for your business and your wife and for planning your next steps, what ever that might be.

    People can be very dangerous- they can destroy your whole life in just one minute.

    There is no protection for anybody.

    I experienced myself, robberies, arrestings, jail, kidnappings, corruptions and murders - the world is a cruel place..the reason why, whether jealousy or hate, racism or competition or whatever isn´t important.

    My experience is that if you speak open about what happened you always find good people, people who have friends with similar experiences or made that experiences by themselves. You are not alone and mostly out of nothing comes a helping hand...
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2009
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I am utterly speachless. The thought that someone could actually stoop to that level is just incredible. I'm so sorry for you, and hope that you'll be able to reclaim your trust in people.
  5. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    I wish u peace!
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    wow...that is awful...just awful...i know from experience how hard it is to let go of things in the past...so the best advice would be to move forward forgive and forget...then the real lippy starts thinking that since you know who she is...it would not be difficult to find her...that is what intellus is for...file a civil suit against her...take everything...let her get just a small taste of what it feels like to be violated...

    i hope for you and your wife that 2010 is a turning point toward a new happiness
  7. WW ONLY

    WW ONLY Restricted

    Yes brother file a civil lawsuit against her DON'T LET HER GET AWAY WITH THAT SHAMEFUL ACT
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I am very sorry all that happened to you. It's just not right and there should be repecussions for your false accuser. Don't let her destroy you with hate too. What an amazing wife you have though, to keep things going.
  9. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I'm so sorry for everything you've had to go through. I hope that the love of your friends and family has kept you strong.
    Please try and track this woman down somehow and get repecussions. It's absolutely not fair to let her get away with causing you and your wife so much pain.
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Did she flee the country before the truth came out? I mean shouldnt the police arrest her for what she did is a criminal action.
    And like what others have said, also a civil suit.

    My heart aches for you, that is deplorable and insanely evil.. but please forgive - you dont forgive for her sake, you forgive for your own sake - that is the only way to move forward.

    Prayers and thoughts comming your way.
  11. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Wow thats awful.....no justification. People like that will get theirs...Karma will catch up to them :mad:
  12. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    Like someone else mentioned, you should be able to pursue legal recouse in this matter. Although it's a different juristiction, Patrick Lumumba and the Italian police successfully sued Amanda Knox for her heinous lies in this murder trial which ended recently. It's surprising you were held so long in the absence of solid evidence.

  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you could start a thread on the amanda knox case but here we are talking about what happened to cartoon man...the two situations, venues as well as outcome are completely non related in any way shape or form
  14. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    No doubt the similarities are glaring. Two women lied and two men were nearly destroyed over vindictiveness and hatred! It took two weeks to sort things out with Lumumba and even longer for cartoon man when DNA testing could have cleared them much sooner.
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    like i said snowbird you can start an amanda knox thread if you like and we can debate that case...yes, she was convicted but i don't believe that she is guilty and believe that she will be released on her appeal...had her case been tried in the usa it would have never made it to trial by shear lack of evidence...

    in my opinion, not even a comparison to what happened to cartoon man
  16. chicity

    chicity New Member

    AnMDBCartoon, I've been working on a post for this thread for a while, and I just can't say anything to do it justice.

    I am so, so sorry this happened to you & your wife Mellisa.

    Stories like these are why I came to this board. I believe it is very important for IR couples to form strong community bonds with each other, because despite all the gains in racial equality, there are still those that hate interracial couples. And those that hate us sometimes act on that hatred in horrible, evil ways.

    May the rest of your journey with Mellisa be an easier one, and may you both find peace, comfort and ease in the coming New Year.
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    The evidence against her is paperthin...I refrain from casting judgement against her until we know more, if we ever will.
  18. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I felt your pain and I know that saying I'm sorry won't take away the hurt, but I know that time will help alleviate some of the pain. I hope you can use all your means to track down that bitch and have her arrested. I can't stand evil people. My best wishes are for you and your situation.
  19. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    You can't let things that happen like this eat at you, it will destroy you as a person. Coming from an urban area, I've had encounters with evil, mean spirited people. You can't let them beat you MENTALLY, incidents like this will do that if you let it. One of the reasons I have a CCW license ( permit to carry a concealed weapon ) was because of some craziness that happened to me.

    First off, you have to count your blessings. You were only incarcerated for a few days. There are black men to this day, who have spent decades in prison, for crimes they DIDN'T commit. This one black man was just released from prison after spending 34 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit. DNA proved he was not the rapist.

    Secondly, if you think about what you wrote, there sounds like there is more to this than meets the eye. The personal things that were taken from you, sounds like it was someone who was very close to you or your wife. They knew personal things that you had that most people shouldn't.

    Coming from an urban area, I know there are some very clever thieves out there. The black women could have been used to disrupt your life long enough so that someone could break in your house. For all you know, she could have been paided by someone to do what she did. Not saying that is the case but certain things about your situation sounds like someone very close to you had something to do with this.

    In any case, no matter what happened to you, you have the main ingedients to get back in life and put this behind you. You have your health and strength plus you have your wife, the love of a good woman. No matter what life throws at you, no matter how devistating, you can fight back and get back on your feet.

    What doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger. If you built something once, you can always start over and build it again. Material things come and go, a strong spirit or inner strength can last you a lifetime.

    Just my two cents.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    There are MILLIONS of Josephine Haley Darlene Johnson's in the US my Brother....believe you me.

    They hate Black men more than nazis.

    We are the ONLY race of men they go out of their way to hurt.

    Breaking out windows..bleaching carpeting..cutting up clothes..smashing windows..filing false police reports..giving your children ridiculous names.

    We're the ONLY ones they do that shit to.

    I could tell you stories that would turn your hair whiter than Doc Savage.

    I caught one of our beloved Nubian queens cooking a pair of panties in my rice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You can close your eyes and throw a rock in any direction and hit a Josephine Haley Darlene Johnson in this Country.

    They are as common as pidgeons and twice as nasty.

    When they get mad at you..they use the water from the toilet to cook your beans.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2010

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