what do white women love about black men?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, May 25, 2008.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't appreciate being called simple minded for making an observation. You may not agree with me but there is no need to insult me. I think it's great you have a lot of options but i was talking in the general sense. Of course there will be women who don't fall into the criteria of the average 40 something year old woman but one has to admit that a woman her 20s often more times than not has more options than a woman in her forties. As for the second class citizens comment if you paid attention to what I wrote instead of acting off of emotion you would have seen that I said black men are TREATED like second class citizens more often than not. Our penial system is an obvious relection of that. Blacks have three times the amount of arrests than whites, it's an interesting statistic considering whites out number us almost five to one. So before you try to debate me or insult me for that matter think twice sweetheart.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Seriously can you people read I never said I or any other black man was a second class citizen. I said that's how we are often viewed and treated in this country. And who said I complained 24/7 I merely posted a question.
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    look you don't have to lecture me on the penal system my ex will be doing 10+ years with the feds...let me give you a newsbreak darlin...they didn't pick him up because he is black...they arrested him because he broke the law..duh???

    if you are treated like a second class citizen then perhaps you are bringing that to yourself...the fact that you even want to dwell on this or put blame tells me that you are not willing to own up to how you contibute to the problem...it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy...i love a good debate...if you can keep up:smt045

  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm going to dumb this down for you so please try to keep up. Your ex going to prison does not make you an expert so lose the whole know it all act about the subject. Again you paid attention to what I wrote I said that blacks had a 300 percent higher arrest rate. I'm not saying that none of them did wrong I'm just saying the disprortionate amount of blacks being arrested and incarcerated to whites shows the injustice that happens to bm based solely on race. As far as the second class citizen statement, how does identifying acproblem equate to dwelling on it. If we don't identify problems how can we fix them. I'm a bm working on my second degree in applied mathematics and trust me when I tell you despite any accomplishments I make there is a large sector of the population who will see me as a nigger first. I didn't make this shit up I was born into it. I make no excuses for myself but because you've had the misfortune of dating bums does not give you any merit on the subject. I merely brought light to the situation.
  5. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    that "bum" you mentioned went to private schools and graduated from college...he is actually quite gifted...almost too smart...thinking he could beat the system...made millions hacking information for hire and no he didn't actually steal money from an individual nor was he involved in a fabricated scheme...i don't date bums or second class citizens...but that was a nice try at a dig! i am very open about having been involved in this situation because if you knew me which you don't i might seem an unlikely person to have this happen in her life...

    you bring no light only darkness...if you really are interested in solutions...then lift your brothers up instead of putting them down...maybe that over 40 ww is the best thing that ever happened to him...maybe she looks at him in a way that he has never been received...perhaps she doesn't see him as a second class citizen bm...but instead a man
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    By bum I meant a Jack ass who broke the law but I should have been more specific my apologies. How does me addressing a problem bring darkness? I never said dating women over 40 or overweight women was a bad thing. I just found it interesting through what I observed that it seems many ww find bm to a good dating option when they are out of their prime dating ages or at their lowest point physically. I'm not taking shots at anyone I'm just sharing what I've seen. Again I could be wrong I don't claim to know everything.
  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    fair enough...might i suggest that you educate yourself on when women are in their "prime" or "peak" ...lowest point physically??? have you checked out jordan? to be past child bearing no longer means that you are near death or dried up...i feel like my best years are still ahead of me if not happening right now...
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok I'm not making myself clear. I meant the age of most desirability. I'm not saying you aren't attractive or desirable. I'm saying more than likely most women are at their highest level of desirability at 25 in comparison to 45. Look at Pam Anderson in her baywatch days in compared to now. Most men would agree she was hottest then. This isn't an across the board absolute just an observation. Just like for many women a distinguished man at 40 is more attractive than his 20 year old counter part.
  9. Lippy sweets, the lad has a point. Most of the women here are indeed over 35, and, just so we're clear, your younger sisters get preference. It's the way.

    A woman's beauty peaks at 27/28, just as a man's does. It's been demonstrated in studies. When I was 22 I wolfed down kebabs and chugged beers down my throat every Friday and Saturday night, and still had a tight set of abs. Now I have to work and diet like a bitch to get back to anywhere near that peak. If I hit the leg press without remembering to warm up first, I'd only feel stiff for half a day. Now, I'd be hobbling 2 days after.

    I don't think he's denigrating women 40+, just stating how it is. Gotta learn to deal in your own turn with the cards you were dealt.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Omg thank you brother. Someone hears what I'm saying.
  11. You're much more than welcome, buddy. I've "heard" you from the beginning, and until now I didn't feel the need to chime in, but Lippy's a good friend, I can see you're a decent fella, I therefore don't see the need for you both warring.

    As you've seen recurrently throughout this thread, age is as touchy a subject with women online, as it is off.
  12. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i'll be sure to pass your sentiments on to the HOT 25 yr old man that is texting me every 5 minutes wanting to know when he can see me again...as well as the 27 yr old light skinned lovely i am having coffee with on thursday...oh and did i forget to mention the very handsome 35 yr old that i just started chatting with...we plan to get together over he weekend.....hmmmm, i wonder if these guys know they are supposed to be attracted to 20-30 somethings instead of the over the hill dried up lippy...you fellas are so not in the know:smt056 you can agree with each other until the cows come home but you still don't know what you are talking about
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    R u really that dense. Why do you keep ignoring where I said it's not absolute and it's not true in every case. And I never said they wouldn't like a woman who is in her 40s what I did say was men normally go for women in their 30s and 40s. Normally not absolutely. And before you start spouting off about all the men who like you like your some insecure teenager keep in mind I would bet these men might like you but doesn't mean they don't want younger it just means they're willing to bed you. Stop being so arrogant it's very telling and unattractive.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn no kidding. I wish she and the other women could see beauty had nothing to do with desirability. They're all beautiful from what I can tell so far.
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    :smt079settle down tiger...what is unattractive is you trying to generalize women...period...end of story!
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Debates are all about generalizations genius. Of course there's exceptions to the norm but the norm is the standard. Please go read a book!!
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    so you are saying women are beautiful but not desirable...that tells me that you know nothing about women...beauty lies in the eye of the beholder so all women are beautiful in their own way but what a woman wants most from the man/men in her life is to be desired...for you to say a certain group of women are undesirable can be your own opinion and you are certainly entitled to that but if i were you i wouldn't speak for the masses...
  18. Actually, I do. I've seen your picture, I've seen those gorgeous eyes, it's quite clear to me you can have any chap you want, regardless of his age.

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow I'm not talking for the masses I'm making an observation of the masses darling. Take a look of most wealthy accomplished most of them date younger women in their 20s and 30s. I use those type of men as the litmus test(look it up if you don't know what means) because they are the men who have their choice of women and very rarely do they choose a woman in her 40s unless she was with him from the start. Seriously look around. Sheesh
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    ooooooooh now i get it...you are star struck and don't live in the real world...you let the professional athletes, actors and music men paint the fabric of your life...i find that interesting since you are an accountant...if you were a cfo of a fortune 500 company then maybe i could see you subscribing to the lifestyles of the rich and famous...i would never in a million years use the group you have suggested as a gage for a litmus test...that isn't reality for a significant portion of the population...

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