Ladies, have you influenced/helped your friends or family to get with Black Men

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Raul Sinclair, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt004That's encouraging to hear.

    What is their reaction to your relationship considering you live in such a homogenous area?

    Exactly what has been your influece; positive or antagonist?
  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I don't try to influence them, but I secretly wish when someone gets a new man that he is a man of some One of my friends for the first time got with a Black man, but that didn't last, but I know it was a cool experience for her that was very short-lived. I think he was too young for her.
  3. supertype

    supertype New Member

    I didnt really encorage somebody to find a african man, but contribute to fight prejudges against other human beins.

    But I convinced a shy black girl once to date a white guy shes was secretely in love with, few years ago. So I dont know if it counts.
  4. cmeinfl1

    cmeinfl1 New Member

    I'm on the receiving end of being influenced by my white girlfriend. It all happened when I went crying to her about me finding out that my husband was cheating on me with a former girlfriend he was dating before my hubby and I ever got involved. Although it wasn't surprising that my girlfriends advice was revenge, and her thoughts were that the best medicine for a cheating husband is to cheat back..but I was competely caught off guard when she then told me she had recently hooked up with a black guy and was now wanting me to go out with her black lovers best friend. Well, I was apposed to it from the very get go, not for any prejudice reasons but thinking that I had enough problems with a cheating husband and to start going out with a black guy (or ony guy) would only make things even more complicated than they already were. But during the next few weeks she became persistant in her offer to set me up with their friend and I continued to tell her I just wasn't ready....until my hubby's lies and cheating continued to escalate out of control (he didn't know I knew about it at that time.) So finally I had enough and the next time she called I finally told her I was ready and she set it all up one weekend during a time when I knew hubby was going out of town on a four-day business seminar. We all met at her place, went out for dinner and then returned to her place for a few more cocktails and more of the getting-to-know-each-other. To make a long story short, I had sex with him that first night (also a first for me) and it didn't end that first night either as I stayed with him for the next three nights also. Obviously this black mans seduction was so impressive and I soon found out that this little white wife obviously had a hidden black lust within her that I never knew existed. He FAR exceeded all my expectations in soo many ways. That was more than 15 years ago and now I've been black exclusive for more than 9 years. I'm still very close to my friend and never let her forget how much I appreciate her influencing me to this lifestyle. Both her and I are huge supporters to the interracial lifestyle (bm/wf only) and although she doesn't do it as much as I do, I'm always looking to chat with other white women who are either already involved interracially or for those women who are curious. And I dedicate a lot of time answering question or just trying my best to recruit them to the IR lifestyle and I might add that I feel I've done pretty well in doing so.

    I guess I'm feeling that I, being one who was influenced by another girlfriend, owe it to helping others experience the same. Yes, this may sound crazy but I get a huge feeling of gratification when I feel I've somehow helped another white woman experience the ultimate sexual pleasure of having sex with a black man.

    Feel free to comment but please, NO Hate mail please....

  5. FRESH

    FRESH New Member


    Interesting, sounds like a page out of a book lol
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    No hate here, but I have to ask you, are you into BM for sexual purposes only? Then lastly, why do you ONLY support BM/WW?
  7. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I did once. My best friend in 11th through 13th grade at school used to not be too open to interracial dating.Not that she was a racist or anything like that.She just thought there may be some cultural issues.
    Back then I was engaged to a black guy and since I wanted to spend time with both my fiance and best friend we often hung out together.
    Then 1 day..hehe she told me about going out on a weekend and meeting a black guy.
    Today they're married and she moved to Oklahoma City with him last october.
  8. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    ...My question as well. I'm not knocking anyone for their lifestyles...'Lawd knows I've done plenty of dirt. However, do you have a genuine interest in BM or just a lustful interest?
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member's spunkyspunk...!!! i've missed you...!!! :smt054 :smt049
  10. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    ...Yes lil'mama, and Spunky is all backed-up!!!:p
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    do you still have those tissues you needed in the booty lovers thread?
  12. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :smt025....Ajax used them all!!
  13. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I don't know about influencing anyone to date BM, but I think I've influenced a few women I know to have more appreciation for BM's beauty. It kinda started out like they were checking BM out to figure out what it is that I find so attractive about them...they never paid BM any mind prior to that, but before long they found themselves seeing BM as attractive. Even my own mother was completely disgusted by the idea of me being attracted to BM (I won't repeat any of the stupid shit she'd say to describe them), but I've actually heard positive comments from her the last few years. She even described Nick Cannon as "pretty" a while back & shocked the hell out of me, lol. None of these women date BM though.

    I've also been asked many stupid questions by some ignorant WW. Of course many of the questions relate to various stereotypes, which irritate the hell out of me...even strangers ask me those questions. Occasionally, I actually get legitimate questions about the BM/WW experience.

    In my family I only know of a second cousin who dates BM & she also dates Mexican men.

    The only WW who've ever approached me asking about wanting to meet BM already dated them.
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    ***sobs*** where has our spunkyspunk gone...???
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yes, my best friend, my sister in law, and my newer best friend. In that order.

    My BBF was married and so were they, so they were 'affairs'. She did this twice and not since.

    My SIL was divorced and I introduced her to her future (Black) husband.

    My NBFF went Black and has stayed there...I get the blame by our other friends b/c she 'abandoned' white men, but the heart wants what it wants. C'est la vie.
  17. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    So you influenced/helped your BBF to have an affair with a black man:confused:
  18. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    I'm probably reading too much in it, but there's something a little uncomfortable about interracial relationships being referred to as "the lifestyle". Heterosexual relationships in general aren't a lifestyle, so why are interracial relationships viewed any differently. Then again, maybe it's just me...I don't like to see interracial relationships seen as fetish behavior.
  19. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    There is only been one other person in my family to date bm and it had nothing to do with me. I had been with bm but at the time I was with wm. She was a teen and she started dating bm. Unfortunately she got pregnant, the guy was an asshole, and her mother forced her to have an abortion. She never dated bm again. So I'm the only one in my family that does.

    As far as friendships go, well throughout my life long before I even dated bm most of my friends did. I've just always had an abundance of white female friends that like black men. My best friend at the moment she prefers bm but recently she was dating a wm. I did encourage her to dump him and find a bm. But shoot is was b/c she was constantly complaining "this is why I don't date wm". It was very obvious she has a strong liking for bm and she would never be truly happy with no wm. And dude was psycho and weird. Anyhow she is not dating him anymore. She is talking to a couple different bm at the moment but I hope she goes with the good guy cause one is an ex and he is no good.
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're definitely not reading too much into it IMO & I agree...I don't like IR being viewed as fetish behavior either. I looked at her profile & her other creepy post (which had the same vibe) when I read her creepy post in this thread. She joined & made her two posts on the same day & hasn't been active since then. I guess she decided for some reason that this wasn't the forum for her. People with that jacked up mentality about IR disgust me & piss me off.

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