Women, the Root of All Evil?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Correct, too much money and fame is poison...money is like blood in the see, within a short time they are surrounded from a lot of sharks..too much fame makes them think they are God on earth..and at the end they are very lonely..the air is thin at the top of the mountain
  2. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Absolutely brilliant I like that
  4. FRESH

    FRESH New Member


    It's mathematical...anything mathematical is a fact lol.
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Oh, I better go scurrie and show some gratitude towards the man that got approved for my LA 4 bedroom home, bought it and pay the morgages and pay and DO the renovations... Oh, wait.. that would be me!!
    As Athena will be an MD in very little time, Im sure she could do the same...

    The 1950s are over....
  6. Athena

    Athena New Member

    And I've already bought and paid for a home, so his little taunts are shown for what they are.... meaningless.
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Buying a shack covered with a grass roof in the Carib does not count! LoL
  8. If that's what he's doing, he needs to man up and say, "I did it; I fucked them." Anything else just highlights him as a boy, not a man.

    So much for the sisterhood. Yeah, Tigger cheated, but this is one man; TWELVE women screwed him who shouldn't have, and they only did it because they wanted his cash. You don't see younger guys standing on street corners waiting to get picked up by old, fat ugly widows/spinsters.
    That dirty dozen of female desperahoes didn't want fame/headlines, they wanted CASH, and they knew Tiggy had plenty.

    Women want easy money. Tiger needs to grow up, wise up, keep his money in his wallet and his cock in his short little pants.
  9. :)

    Though I was gonna guess she bought the "home" (kennel) for her pet chihuaha.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    everytime you see threads like this you gotta wonder is love real? If all it comes down to is monetary exchange can we all just grow up and legalize prostitution so none of us go into the falsehood of what romantic love seems to be. I feel bad for everyone involved. I feel for Tiger who never had a childhood and didn't get the same opportunities most men get when growing up and chasing tale. I feel for his wife who signed up to be a rich house wife with little responsibility and expected fidelity from a guy she only knew for a few months before marrying him (what were intentions really?). Lastly I feel bad for the girls who slept with a married man to get ahead because they lacked the talent and/or faith in themselves to do it on their own. It's sad and definitely a relection of how wealth comes a price. These people have no respect for love or marriage.
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    ?Did you just assume that?
    Tiger and Elin dated for over three years before they got married
  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Just because they don't doesn't mean the rest of the world is devoid of that quality.

    And, some people have absolutely no interest in how much money a person has.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Experience and observation totally back that up. Some as in very few. Money seems to dictate most things even something as sacred as love.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you sure I read differently and even if that is true. I just can't believe a young beautiful woman would be in it for anything other than money. Again I could be wrong but when a man is worth that much money it's hard to believe that it's not a deciding factor in the love process
  15. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I agree that appears to be the case entirely too often. However it should never be the case IMO. There are some things, like love, for which there should be no price.
  16. z

    z Well-Known Member

    From what I read Elin was never interested in Tiger. He chased her for a while b4 she gave in. He knew she was like a part time K-mart model (lol) and Aupair when he courted her and married her.
    I understand Tiger was trying to make up for lost time (sexual time). Growing up in a white dominated sport and seeing his golf buddies bring some of the finest white candy there is to the field problly did not help matters. But the fault still lies in Tiger. There is no excuse for him bedding so many women. If Elin is just a trophy wife and does not satisfy him in a bed room (not freaky enough) then have an amicable divorce or separation; fly down to Brazil & bone the hell out of every eye candy WW there is to mankind. By doing that, he can get it out of his system and remarry or continue to live the frat Bachleor life style like Rodman. But a man of his stature doing shit like what he did, is fucken sad. Didn't he think he would be busted for it?
    The sad thing is some of the chicks that he allegedly bang are a step down from Elin.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    100% sure, you can easily look that up on line. As a fellow Swede, I followed their whole saga until they got married.

    I dont see why she could not fall in love w Tiger, he is a good looking dude and must have had some redeeming qualities. She turned him down initially because he sent someone to ask her out so she was turned off by that.
    Also, you have to remember that she was a model and have a politician mother and a journalist dad and was already friends with Parnevik et al so she wasnt hurting for money.

    Not all women are only in it for money, not even the majority. Its sad you cant believe that a young beautiful woman can not wed for love, really sad and I dont think it is true - speaking in general.

    For someone in Tigers position however, it must be hard to determine who is or is not after your money that is absolutely true and Im sure that that much money must be a deciding factor for many women circling these athletes as prey to try to get some of that money....
    Like the mistresses he had, whats-her-name #2 saving txts for three years??? yeah, she saw a payday allrite.
  18. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Wow, that's stupid. MOST females I know don't give a fuck about how much the guy earns. Infact, all my girlfriend happily split the cost of everything, even dinner, with their guys. That's exactly what I do. I certainly have no interest in being kept.

    As for your observations and experience... umm okay, didn't know you knew every woman in the world.

    I'm bored of this Tiger thing but all I'll say is I feel pretty sorry for his wife and kids, must be pretty embarrassing.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    A step down in what sense. Just because she look good don't mean she's a good look. A pretty face means absolutely nada when it comes to bedroom skills fam.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'd love to know where you live because out here in good ol NY a girl in here twenties with something to offer will not talk to a guy who isn't banking. It's really sad but very true. Btw I never said I knew every woman in the world. I said "experience and observation" have shown me that women are in it for money. That means through my own life experiences and observations meaning what people have told me and things i've seen have led me to this. I think you misread then misspoke.

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