How Do You Feel About White Men Being Here?

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by Harmless Voyeur, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I have to agree. I could understand if he was a WM who dated BW and could understand the trials and tribulations we go through in interracial relationships, but that's not the case. I find it strange AND somewhat creepy to say the least. Just cause we're more "articulate" here - he wants to be here? We're not posting here so someone can live vicariously through us and moreso through our sexual escapades.

    I don't understand why Jaybee is here also. He's neither a BM or a WW. Then again, not everyone on this site dates exclusively B/W. So I guess that's why a lot of people are more accepting and are open to others posting here. I came here solely seeking some commonality and to interact with others with similar and shared experiences, but sometimes I see that's not always the case. This site should be called Interracial Experiences or something to that effect, not WW/BM.
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I look at it this way: there are and have been many people on this site who have claimed to have not been accepted for their choice in who they date.

    If you want acceptance, then accepting others is the first step. If they aren't causing problems, then more power to them, in my opinion....
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I agree...
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm, I understand what you're saying. I'm gonna give some of the white men who come to this site the benefit of the doubt, and HOPE that they don't come here to get off n' shit.
  5. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Not that I want to get into an argument or take sides for or against anyone here, but if you look at the TS's sig and avatar, it's clear that he does indeed get off on the mere idea of black men and white women being together. That's not an attack on him. He may very well be "harmless" as his username suggests. I just haven't read enough for his posts to pass judgment.

    As far as the issue of people coming to this forum who are neither black men nor white women goes, I'm torn. I see both sides. I think that most of the people into black/white "cockholding" thing are disgusting be they black men, white men or white women. However, I think that there are some white men and black women who are just here because they are curious and don't seem to cause any trouble. I've also noticed the trend of Asian and Hispanic women who are into black men popping up here occasionally because they apparently can't find another place to find access to black men who date interracially.

    Like I wrote before, it's an interesting debate. But I suppose that I don't have any problem with anyone who without an agenda comes here and is polite to everyone else.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I wanted to give you rep but I have given out too much:-(
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    same here, but i need to spread it
  8. Thanks for all the opinions including the challenging ones. I have already explained my reasons for being here so I hope that over time, any concerns will be overcome.

    Many thanks!
  9. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    Yeah, the signature and avatar give me the creeps a bit. It definitely gives me the impression of someone 'getting off' on our personal lives. :|
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Although I have no issue with anyone being on the site, I will admit that I find the signature and avatar distasteful for the reasons previously stated and I can see how that would make people uncomfortable. However I believe strongly that people should be free to express themselves, so I just put him on ignore so I don't have to look at them.
  11. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Agreed. *shiver*
  12. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Just my tuppence here, m8's..

    Just as, if there's a TV programme ya don't cotton to...all you do is reach for the "OFF" or "CHANGE CHANNEL" switch, so you just pass right on by this individual's posts...if some aspects of them are odious/disagreeable to you. That includes the sig & avatar, as well..

    MY tuppence on said sig & avatar: :smt078

    'Nuff Said!

  13. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    I'm white too yet they welcome me. So do your thang playa!
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies, I appreciate it!! ;)
  15. Okay, the avatar and sig pic are outta here! No offense intended.

  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Since when? :smt043
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Mr Sosa, is that you????
  18. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    ..if it is, him, hook it up w/ some of that cream! :eek:

    I'm looking to get promoted at my job!!
  19. It does feel a tad strange HV, but I think that's just the novelty. I imagine you yourself felt the exact same way as a child the first time you met a coloured person IN person.

    However, I also imagine your choice of the word 'Harmless' in your screen-name is the result of your previous experiences at more restrictive sites, but might end up as overcompensation here, and actually unsettle more people than it reassures! It's a bit like putting your suitcase on the weighing machine at the airport, and then tying on a luggage label reading, "Don't worry if you hear ticking, it's just the huge CLOCK inside!"


    Don't worry about anyone questioning your preferences, given the choice I'd far rather watch a BM/WW pairing too (all else being equal, though). I think the pic is gorgeous - if you have any more, the Men's Locker room is open for business!!

    Anyway, you seem a nice bloke so far, so welcome on board!!

    You don't need to understand, nor do I need to educate you, but I will throw you a hint; the 'Introduce Yourself section exists for a reason.

  20. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    HV, I noticed you joined the site a couple of days ago, & I wouldn't have even noticed you for who knows how long, if it were not for the sig. I didn't even know you were a wm then, & it made look twice, *did I just see that offensive...hmm,,,I'm not sure...yet.

    I agree with JB to some extent, I think you have over compensated & had you not said anything about your background unless asked or addressed, you would have been better suited. To the same point other have made, time will tell your intentions, for instance, I have never been on a forum until this particular one, and did not know to Introduce myself. I just started posting & over a period of time (on the shorter side); I have been more than welcomed and accepted by many. At the same time, I am not a wm & my intentions are good for lack of a better term.

    Personally, I understand where IB is coming from, saying this site could be more of a broad IR site, but this site has always been, first & foremost, about wwbm. Just because we are ww & bm on this site, doesn't meant we have to be just that all the time and speak about wwbm relationship issues, or incorporate our race in every conversation that occurs. This site is just like any other community (it's an E-Community, where E-whoring & E-slaps are possible lol), there's going to be diversity, there should be diversity.

    I think some 'outsiders' (people out of the wwbm realm, no offense) are good in the sense that wwbm on this site get a different perspective on certain topics. At the same time, do I want a flood of 'outsiders', no? How many is too many? How many is too little? I can't say, but it's like a lot of groups of friends with that token friend lol you not like us, but we luv u lol. This is a dynamic that makes those of us on this site special (I don't are what anyone says, we are a cut above the rest, we are cut from a different cloth, a great cloth golden cloth of course lol).

    I know I have been long winded, but I would like to take this opportunity to address one more thing. Albeit this is a community, it's an E-community, we choose to be here. With that choice in mind, I would like to address the gravity of some people's tone. This argument seems to keep popping up. I do not believe everyone has to agree, as a sane person, why would I? But at the same time, why would you come on here & and actively be negative, or engage in so much negativity to the point where many members are questioning you. If you are a person on this site that has been addressed by a number/ lots (use your judgment) of members with the same sentiment, I think you may want to step back and reevaluate what you have said and or done, maybe even the way you think if the numbers are that stifling.

    This is in reference to those that make unwarranted tongue lashing comments, you know who you are, and if you don't, I am readily available to let you know lol, as many others will let you know also lol.

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