1. sweet melody

    sweet melody New Member

    I cheated on my husband when I was married. I agree with all of you who say it is immoral, a betrayal of trust, etc. But such a strong judgment presumes we all actually know what we are doing in our lives. I was desperate, unfulfilled and confused and had a psychologically manipulative husband who had no respect for my femininity. I became the cliched cheating housewife. I wouldn't do it now, of course, but it was part of my life's journey. I can't think how I could have become the person I am today any other way.
  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    You know, humans are not machines..we learn everyday. I also made a lot of mistakes in my life and especially,when you are young, you cannot always control your actions..

    Most of us know, what is right or wrong, but we shouldn´t see the life as black and white. Every situation is different and sometimes your heart is just hungry or is crying.

    It´s just important to try to become a good person and to support younger people and to share your experience with them.. If they want to listen or not, is their decision. In that way.. thanks for your honesty..
  3. gen y

    gen y New Member

    It's always wrong.
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    if your morals says that nothing else that is moral wrong, sex outside of marriage, gay marriage, greed, theft, lies, cursing, drug and alcohol use, etc, then why would cheating be wrong?
  5. BlackCohen

    BlackCohen Member

    Is cheating wrong:

    If you are cheating that is dishonest so yes and to further reflect on this, ask yourself one question if your other half cheated on you would it hurt you?

    If you want to do this type of thing then join a swingers club or adopt polygyny(for men in to this) or polygamy (for both men and women in to this).

    Personally I do not do one night stands or the like. A woman for me is for life (or at least that is the intention). If she is good enough to .... then she is good enough to have my child. Although come to think of it if she is OK with a second wife I might be tempted although it would only be a one way thing (me and my wives only):lol:
  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Not at all.

    As long as the other person doesn't find out, it's completely fine.

    It spices things up a bit.
  7. gen y

    gen y New Member

    I was looking at the news about Tiger Woods. My mother, a black woman, saw it and had to say "Black men this and that" and "White women want them for money and will beat them". I always know my mother will say something stupid like that, like always.

    Do you think all black men walk out on their wives? Is is true that white women interracially marry for a wrong reasons?
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    My thread was inspired by a post on a gossip blog. A lot of comments were sad. They were judging the most hated group in IR dating (BM/WW). Of course the responses were Black men marrying trashy White women, Black men being sell outs, White women marrying for money, Black men getting what they deserve, White women being passive and the list goes on.

    To answer your question, no. Every race of man is capable of cheating. Any man with money and fame has options galore. Even men without the aforementioned can be presented with temptation. The thing is, does he give into it?

    It's really sad how whenever something has to do with race, people love lumping everyone from that race into one group.

    To answer your second question, no. I think it depends on that woman and her intentions. I think it would be unfair to judge WW in IR's, when the same could be said for any relationship and a womans choice in choosing a mate.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2009
  9. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Of course... and all white women are gold diggers, all white men are racist assholes, and all black women are against IR... oh wait my inner idiot got loose there for a moment, it's under control now and I can see that's all total bullshit.

    The word 'all' will never apply to an entire group of people, irregardless of what the question is. That's why they call us individuals.
  10. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    No & No
  11. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    No. No.

    I trust my husband completely. He married me because he loves me deeply and wants me to be his partner for life. I married him for the exact same reasons. End of story. :)

    People are people. Women cheat just as much as men and just as many men marry women for money too, ya know. Money attracts gold diggers, male or female, it doesn't matter. But really, love will always win out. IMO anyway.
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, Tiger cheated because the opportunity was there and he was weak. It has nothing to do with race or sex…it’s more to do with character and his ability to deal with temptation. In every day life we are faced with temptation, and we are responsible for our decisions.
  13. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Yes, all black men cheat. I'm a black male so I should know.
  14. robina

    robina New Member

    im glad you admit it after all this time
  15. Come on, they're not ALL cheats, it's just that a greater proportion of them remain faithful to one woman (at a time) than WM do.

    A BW I met a few months ago had an interesting theory on black male unwillingness to form or maintain exclusive relationships with wives/girlfriends. She said it stems from the slavery, when black men were taken from one plantation to copulate with females on another, then another etc. So, when you go down the generations and have orphans born to orphans, the concept and sense of family is lost, resulting in a pervading mentality of, "Why the hell should I subsidise some woman and her brats?", "It's bad enough I have to raise a family, now I can't even fuck who I want??".

    I'd have thought it was the rant of a bitter woman, but she was a devout Christian and we'd been chatting amiably for a good hour on a variety of topics, and it was me who asked for HER take on the reason for black people being in their position in society today. Personally, I completely accept her reasoning, although if there's a better explanation, I'd love to get hold of it.
  16. robina

    robina New Member

    jaybee, my reply was intended for newwie only and i was being sarcastic, its a running joke between us
  17. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    I personally think that cheating men are a special breed a group of narcissistic,selfish men .
  18. madscientist

    madscientist New Member

    Does your mother know you like white women?
  19. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I cannot say,whether this or that man cheats, but I can say, what I´ve seen, heard,experienced. I have a lot of male friends, business partners, and had several love affairs..so, for these men there is no reason to lie to me. Just a few weeks ago, I was talking about that with one guy. He explained it to me like that. It´s clear to him that a woman is very careful with men, because she´ll get pregnant, she will have the responsibility. But for him..he is leaving this girl and already thinks about the other, before he left the first girls´appartment. He can f---k the whole day-if he wants and enough girls are available.

    Generally nearly all men cheat on their grirlfriends or wives. The only difference between europeans and africans is that the europeans fear to lose a lot and so they are much more careful. They fear to lose their children, to have trouble with their own family and to pay a lot of money for the divorced ex-wife. But I also think that they are more emotionally connected to their family.

    Black africans already start different. They are much more provoking, direct. They tell you very fast what they want. And to be honest, I know several of africans,but I don´t know one, which does not have at least 3-5 girl-friends in the line, even if they are married. No matter, if they live in Europe or Africa. It seems to me that it has something to do with mentality. If you grew up in a country with hunger, I can understand that loyality isn´t the big issue.
    That´s the reason, why most white women don´t want to be with black people.

    On the other side, I also know black men, which grew up in Europe- and about them I observed that they are very similar in handling and acting as white men..

    I have no experience with black Americans, but I´d assume it´s the same.
  20. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    All men are cheaters.

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