What can a black man do to avoid being racially profiled? Is there any way for any minorities to avoid racial profiling in their life?
Gen Y, do you mean racial profiling by police or by people in general? I think that racial profiling by police is ubiquitous and will never go away as long as crime stats continue to be portrayed as they are. My ex is a police officer and he was very open about the department's profiling, every cop did it, even the ones who were black, chinese, japanese, etc.... By people in general? Hmm I think that depends a lot on how you present yourself to the world. Are you wearing huge pants with the waist at the bottom of your butt, are you wearing 50Cent t'shirts or other gangsta style stuff, a tremendous amount of jewlery, have gold teeth, etc.... If so, you'll get profiled by everyone until they get to know you better. Are you wearing a suit, nice shoes, etc? Then you'll also get profiled but maybe in a better light, lol. If you really don't want to be profiled a certain way, then changes in appearance and behaviour may be in order. But why change yourself to suit society?? But honestly there will always be those jerks that profile you regardless of who you are inside and out.
Not a great deal it is too ingrained into society and since slavery more or less. But one is so used to it that it becomes second nature usually. Things start to get a whole lot deeper when it comes to the class system and it does not matter what colour you are we are all screwed:smt066 Attitudes of human nature is the problem. Bloody Humans
Gen Y, I wish I had an easy answer for you. From what I saw in the police force (12 years immersed in the "culture") profiling, although not publicly announced, was alive and well in my Canadian city and I imagine may be even stronger in the US. One thing we can do is to become advocates for change.
especially at night.... and nothing completely black... definitely, do not have a black skully on with black outfit, past 9pm, in a white neighborhood... ur asking to be pulled over for a little 'connecting with the locals' from Johnny Law
For the Love of Jesus, m8...I just ATE!:smt093 Seriously, thought, m8...never DID, never Do...and NEVER WILL!!!! 'Nuff Said! OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK