ever notice that white women dont vent about white men and why they wont date them but black women do it about black men, white men do it about white women, black men do it about black women and asian women do it about asian men why is it white women dont outwardly express discussed for white men? after history has show what white men have done to minorities and women. could it be that the white women benefit from the white privilege or that secretly all white women wish they had the top prize, WHiTE Men?
Interesting that you would say this Tucker, are you intimating that you feel White men are the top prize, or that some White women may view them that way?
actually it's just because it would be a waste of precious time on our part...a smart white women (or any woman for that matter) is open to the possibility that a good or great man is not totally defined by the color of his skin nor should he be responsible for what the rest of the group has done...will do...can do...why complain about men by race...men are men period end of story:smt036
You obviously haven't sat with a bunch of girlfriends and listened to them complain about their wm. I don't have a single girlfriend who thinks that the colour of a man's skin makes them a prize or not. It's sooo much deeper than that. Just as Lippy wrote.
I certainly can't speak for all white women... but I can speak for myself and I assure you that's not it. A human being isn't a 'prize' regardless of race or gender. More likely the white women you know just don't trash men in your presence, or maybe as Lipstick suggested they see how pointless that would be. To hold an entire gender accountable for the few members that one personally encounters that may have exhibited less than ideal behavior would be ignorant and completely inappropriate.
I think its safe to say Tuck hasn't been around that many women, especially white women and oh their bad... Quick to talk about dick size, lack of skills or anything else they can think of negative. While women of all colors have legitimate gripes about men, they are generally all the same complaints, meaning men think in Black & White and women often think in Grey. On BlackMenVenting they have come to the conclusion that Black Women (well most American Women period, he said it, I just agree) are not worth the time or effort. The only solution is overseas and I don't mean Western Europe either.
If I complain about men, it is men in general. I've dated many men and cannot recall being any more aggravated by one because they were b/w or any other race. Interestingly enough, my bw gf is dating a wm who is non-committal and frequently insensitive. We laugh and chalk it up to him being an asshole. However, when I complain about any of the bm I date she goes right to "and that's why I don't date black men."