What's the youngest and oldest you'll date?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Inner Beauty, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. So erreicht die Suche auf Wirklichkeit tod sicher sein Ziele.

    Fact, fact and fact. :)

    1 - I doubt he would. Personally, I wouldn't date a black woman at all unless she were EXTRAORDINARY - I mean the Ferrari FXX of black women;

    2- Yes. The raw, unsugared truth is that no man really wants a woman more than a few year older than himself. As for this forum, I've seen a LOT of pictures of the women here, and - this is just me being honest - there are 2, maybe 3 women aged over 35 I would take out for a romantic evening (und jawohl, Du bist eine davon!). I would be extremely suspicious of any 25 y.o man who agreed to date a woman more than 5 years his senior, and I would suspect she were a wealthy divorcee.

    The only way you could get me to date a 60 yr old, whatever her past achievements, would be at gunpoint.
  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Thanks JB for very much for your honest reply, something I appreciate by you- it´s the same as I think. I can imagine that it can happen- in relation 1:100- but most time, it´s not usual. And to be honest, too, I am not insulted in any way, if young men prefer younger women. For me this is a normal and well respected decision.

    But I have to say, we have a lot of polite and charming gentlemen here..
  3. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I think I have to correct myself.. beauty isn´t absolutly equivalent to youth. It´s not possible to define beauty..it depends on who is beautiful to whom..
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    not sure i understand the question, they are attractive to me, just like women of all ages are. and 49 is only 6 years older than me. i dont know where you live but here in the US there are many beautiful and fit 49 year olds, millions of very healthy, active and very attractive 65 year olds as well
  5. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    First, I am as old as you are. Absolutly correct, 6 years isn´t the big deal.. I thought you are much younger..

    My question was at the end.. how can a woman 20 years older than a man seriously be attractive to him.. and with seriously.. I mean a person, you can imagine to live with...not just for playing or an affair..I am interested, how can it be?
  6. Ranae

    Ranae New Member


    Im 45 and one of the sexiest hottest black males I ever had the great pleasure of being with whom to this day owns my heart is 65 years young.
    Age is a number Baby he is 65 going on 25.
  7. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    There are younger males that want or would date an older woman (not just for their inheritance lol). It all depends on the situation; some people are very in tune to love, to their emotions, very compassionate, adventurous, and open-minded. These people take every situation for what it is, they love who they love and it can not be helped, regardless if it happens to be with someone older than them (which probably wasn't a big deal from the beginning anyway). Nobody seems to bat an eye at 5-10yr gaps, you really start to hear people at the 20, 20+ gap, usually a 20's and 50"s relationships. Even then, often time it's the older who questions the motives of the younger, point in case: "how can a woman 20 years older than a man seriously be attractive to him."

    I am a firm believer in experience, if you have never experienced a certain thing or situation, how can you understand it, you can probably imagine from other experiences in your life, but not understand it because you haven't personally had those feelings course through your body. I'm sure many of us have dated older and younger than our own years, some it seems significantly, but unless you are one of those who have dated specifically in such a significant gap, I don't think you can assume, understand, nor judge.

    With that said, I think everyone should date someone at least 10 years their senior at one point in their life, I think that maturity would rub off on them, cause them to be much smarter in future relationships. (I know that may sound--for lack of a better word, bad, but I don't mean that the younger person would necessarily be learning directly from their older mate, but maybe become more mature just from being around them).

    Ok, I know I rambled a bit, but one last thought, consider that the male is younger, but old enough to know he doesn’t want kids.
  8. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    well christine, thanks for the question. but the questions are two seperate ones really. her being attractive has nothing to do with lving with her or having an affair. a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, age to me is not an issue, just as race isnt an iissue or economic status.

    as for living with an older woman(in marriage) i dont see an issue with that either, i dont know other than the person becoming ill or disabled would i have a problem with it. i dont have affairs so i cant speak to that issue.
  9. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Great post Fresh. Unfortunately I was one of those people who thought it odd for an older woman to date a younger man until this year actually lol. If you'd asked me this time last year if I would date someone as young as my man, I would have laughed for hours. But he is so unique & so special that I cannot imagine my life without him.

    I completely agree with your statement about experience. Until someone has walked in theses shoes, they have no idea what it's really about. I feel so fortunate for not shutting him down when he approached me, based on his age. :D

    I have done what you'd suggested, and dated men older than me (10 yr age difference) and the biggest issue I had was that our recreation was so dramatically different, they were slowing down and more sedentary than I am and this created issues. I like to do the things that I enjoy such as diving, climbing or biking for example with my partner. I don't want to always go alone or find someone else who will join me. And this is a huge advantage with some younger men because they/he's more willing to play and do these things with me. Plus my man is extraordinarily mature and simply wonderful so we get along great! Ok, I'm done rambling now lol.
  10. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Youngest 30, my son is in his early 20s, so someone in their 2os would feel icky to me. Oldest, my age
  11. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I have noted the same thing Athena. There seems to be an unwritten rule among the men I know that once you hit a certain age, you're supposed to slow down. I'm 41 and I have heard more than once from male friends that people aren't expected to stay in tip-top shape after 40. I recently bumped into a male friend that I haven't seen in about a year and he told me I looked great and asked me what I'd been doing. When I explained that I'd added weight training to my typical workout to add more tone and definition, his comment was 'jeez Espy, you're going a little overboard don't you think. No one expects a 40 year old to have the body she had at 20 or 30.' So it's apparently acceptable to stay somewhat fit and to have a 'hobby' like running, but anything beyond that is frowned upon. In general, and this is solely based upon my own personal observations, I find the attitudes of men my age to be restrictive in a lot of areas, so maybe it's just a generational thing?

    Despite this, I would have difficulty dating someone markedly younger than myself for a number of reasons. Though oddly, I wouldn't think twice about dating someone older if his personality was a good fit and he was active.
  13. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Thank you Fresh, that's very kind.

    My hesitation in dating someone younger: I guess because I went back to university after finding myself single and was surrounded by a large amount of people 18-22, who lived at home, and whose parents were footing the bill. Also, in my work, I had met so many immature younger people that I simply didn't give the thought of dating them any weight. I have to admit that this tarnished my view of younger men which is unfortunate because it's completely unfair. Since I had never dated someone quite a bit younger than me, I didn't have the experience that you'd mentioned in your earlier post. I was making incorrect assumptions about a population based on a small sample.

    Now though, I am a huge fan of tossing out the age limits and just being with the one with whom you connect. Yes my man and I get looks and whispers for two reasons usually - our skin and our ages. But I could not care less what someone else thinks about us :)
  14. Athena

    Athena New Member

    That's not odd at all. It's what society considers perfectly normal, younger woman + older man.
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    yes i agree with everything you just said A...i have no interest in becoming someone's sugarmumma...!!! i'm open to dating men in their 20's but they must be independent...!!!

    and as for the bolded bit, people can be so close-minded at times...i say stuff the lot of them
  16. Espy

    Espy New Member

    True, but what is odd is that I've never cared what society considers normal. I wouldn't hesitate to encourage anyone I know to date anyone they like, regardless of age.
  17. No, not really.

    Nothing odd about it. A lot of women want younger guys, many of them just don't admit it, even to themselve.
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I had a feeling you'd disagree Jaybee. You'll note I did say this was completely based upon my own personal experience, and therefore isn't necessarily applicable to the entire male population.

    That wasn't my point at all. I consider myself to be extremely open-minded, so to be willing to go older, while be unwilling to go younger, appears to contradict that and therefore appears odd to me. If I was interested in younger men, I wouldn't bother to hide that fact from anyone, least of all myself.
  19. MisterJayC

    MisterJayC New Member

    Don't you even dare young lady!!
  20. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    To read your post and the comments of several others..makes me feel I am unfair, not very much open-minded.

    Your arguments are balanced, true ..
    So, I was thinking about it yesterday evening and two points are very fix. Experience and the question of kids.

    My experience was in the age of around 20 that older people, especially men in my case were hunting young girls, for their fun. They tried to make a bitch out of a young girl. Where ever I was, whether in a bar, in a bus or even in business life..they tried to get you. They lied, manipulated and if that didn´t work..they started to make pressure or tried to get what they wanted by force. I cannot say, how much I was disgusted about these kind of behaviour. And I promised myself, never to be as they are..
    For me it was a problem..I was educated to respect older, mature people..so it took me some time till I was able to disrespect them, to go against them.

    It is nearly burnt in my brain that older people have to support, to help,to guide, to behave responsible to younger ones.
    And I also know that young people many times think to know, what they want- but then after several years you change your mind, suddenly different things are important to you- what is normal and correct.

    On the other hand, my youngest man, was around 10 years younger than me. He could lift me up with one arm and if I was defiant to him he threw me onto the bed and paddled me (nah, I´m joking)- and for sure his mind was strong and mature..so what´s the poblem, if he wants to be with me?

    My problem about age starts, if the man could be my son..but maybe some times I´ll experience..

    You guys confuse me..:confused:
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2009

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