My 2nd experience with a ww was great.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Lowrey, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. Lowrey

    Lowrey New Member

    met her at a NFL game, i was leaving the game heading towards the parking garage actually. I cut through a bank so I could use the overwalk and not have to walk around like 2 buildings. Getting to the point she was outside the McDonald's door inside the bank. I walked past her and couldn't help but stare her down. I made it all way to the overwalk before i decided to turn back and try to talk to her.

    I tell my friend to wait and Ill be right back. By the time I make back to the McDonald's she already on the escalator going the other way towards the bank lobby. I figured I had already chased her down already so I might as be bold.

    I Introduce myself. And im like Im sorry to be in a rush but i have a friend waiting on me, but I'd really like to get your number. I used the "friend waiting on me" thing just in case I got rejected. She says "no, you can't have my number, I'm not really with that." Me..."o ok, thats fine, no probl...."

    Before i can finish my sentence she says..."if thats a blackberry on ur hip, you get my BBM though". I'm cheesing at this point so then she scans my barcode and we were texting ever since. Within a week she was comfortable enough to give me the number. Soon after we had our first date, and only one more since. She did end up giving me a kiss on the first date.

    Update: now there is a high sexual tension, and we are somewhat restraining ourselves...that in itself is cool to me. it give the whole situation a fresh and new feel, ever more so than meeting someone new in general. Feels great
  2. Lowrey

    Lowrey New Member

    id like to thank this forum...if its in one thing i took away from it, is this.

    you won't know until you try and find out, funny how i wait most of my young life before I truly act on my real attraction
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Sounds much better than your first encounter. I know you said there's some sexual tension, but hopefully you continue getting to know her and like her for more than sex. If and when you do have sex, you won't judge her wrongly and you'll have better sex with another woman who so happens to be White.
  4. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    Wow thanks for the inspiration and please take it slow she seems like a really cool person and a real lady .
    A real lady my friend in our generation is hard to find so take your time get to know her but dont wait to long or she think your gay or not interested .
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2009
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Just don't overdose!

    They're known to be highly addictive!!! :smt033
  6. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator


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