What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. purplerose3

    purplerose3 Member

    Yep, I work 0600 to 1830. It's only 3 days a week though, so it's not to bad.
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    it would appear that my house has become a childcare facility...4 girls and 2 dogs, with another 3 children due to arrive in 1 hour...!!! now where did i put that bottle of vodka...????
  3. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    when my son was younger it was about the same .... now that he is older his friends dont come here most of the time, just all play together from their houses online games :p
  4. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Props to you, one day a week would be one day too many for me! I made the grave error of signing up for a 7:50 am Trig class once in college... it was like being consigned to pugatory three days a week for a semester. I often have to pull all-nighters, which don't bother me, but I never get up before 7 am for anyone or anything. I am just not a morning person. :smt009
  5. robina

    robina New Member

    just found out theres a girl pretending to be me, lol

    she texted a friend of mine last night ( never go putting ur number online guys ) only problem is she knew nothing about me so was easy to catch out, what a weirdo
  6. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Thankfully it wasn't a male poster from this forum.
  7. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    That happened to me a couple of days ago when someone forwarded me an email. People are strange and the internet seems to either bring out the worst in some or is a lightning rod for attracting unstable types.
  8. robina

    robina New Member

    but if your going to pretend to be someone surely it helps to know a bit about the person your impersonating?

    told him to watch his back, hes got a bunny boiler there, she kept sending messages asking if he had forgotten her, didnt like her anymore lol
  9. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    well i never had someone pretending to be me but .. one time someone i know ask me if i know someone else and when i ask why he said that... he said this person going around and say he knows me .. and that i work for him and many more he said... his imagination was working over time..

    too many to remember all ..:D
  10. Spent the morning getting hot and sweaty with my best friend's wife. Got to her place and 9.30, she gave me some breakfast to keep me primed.

    First we started on the desk in the living room, we tore it apart with all the action, half the paperwork and stationery ended up on the floor, but you just gotta down to it.

    Then we moved onto the staircase, but not before I opened the front door, I mean WIDE open, which I thought would be a real treat and a blast, and she didn't care who saw us!

    We tried quite a few positions on that staircase, and left a bit of residue on the bannister. At that point, her cleaner from Romania walked in, and joined us on the staircase for a threesome. It was pretty heavy for a while, but I managed to give them both a big boost. We then continued on the upstairs landing, the three of us trying out even more amazing acrobatic positions.

    Finally, just before moving to the bedroom, the Maid had had enough, we thanked her for her participation, but me and the lady of the house were FAR from finished. We went at it hammer and tongs in the bedroom, we barely touched the bed, most of the action was raw on the floor, we were screwing FURIOUSLY, knowing we may never get this chance again. Another 45 minutes later, we both collapsed on the floor, deliriously happy and giggly, we agreed it was a morning extremely well spent. She said I was "An absolute Superman".


    Ahh....the joys of moving furniture.

  11. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    nice to see you have joined the creative writing team:smt079now lippy has some furniture that needs to be moved...so get your ass over here
  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Ditto for me. When someone moves out and takes their computer, which was formerly connected to your wireless router, you want to be sure to change your WEP/WPA key. Some of the wireless routers have range up to around 400 ft. I found out the hard way that you can access mine from the driveway, and it's a lot easier to impersonate someone when you have access to all their computer files and personal info. :shock:
  13. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    Nothing but work ...sleep ...work ...sleep.
    Internet and food in between i live a very mundane life .
  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Just scarfed down a Carl's Junior portabella mushroom burger wrapped in lettuce in 2 minutes.. damn those are so yummy!!
    I wish they werent....

  15. Far out. Sorry this has happened to you. Hugs xxxxxxx
  16. I loooooove Carl's Junior ... mmmmmmmm
  17. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I made really a very refreshing (since I know this word in english, I love it) experience. On my way to Germany, in a train, I had an extremely funny conversation with a black BIG MAMA, maybe 60, from Cameroon. I say Big Mama, because she definitly needed two seats and looked really freaky with her clothes in totally different colors and her make-up was really extreme,too, like an exotic bird..After some time two other swiss men, around 50 and one asian very busy on his notebook, maybe 20 years old, guy joked with us, too. We made fun of this special behaviours of europeans and africans and I was crying, so much I had to laugh.. We were going into the bistro afterwards, were we met a black guy from Kenia..this Big Mama always called him "Boss"..Really, I love this kind of unexpected surprises..and it got very late..:smt005:smt005:smt005:smt005
  18. GermanLady

    GermanLady New Member

    Laying in bed beeing sick :(
    and i do not think its H1N1 !
    Would be interesting to know what you
    think about the fact that germans get the
    serum that is prohibited in the us do to
    the fact tgat it is supposed to be one of the
    reasons for the golf war sickness. A sideeffect
    of the indigreance in the serum !
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  20. GermanLady

    GermanLady New Member

    That is exactly what I need at the moment!

    Have u read the note that i was posting about me
    beein in LA for an internship, Los Angeles?

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