1. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    I have been celibate for over 6 years and some months this coming august will make it seven years .
    I will celibrate it with some wine and some deep soul searching while i walk on the beach pondering if their is anyone really out their for me .
    I miss intimacy i miss feeling like the world has stopped with this special person im holding in my arms .
    I dont want a fling tho i probably can get one but im scared of regretting giving up my celibacy that is why i rather be in a long term relationship.

    But new york is not a very IR friendly place i mean you see rarely any mix black white couple but you see alot of white men asian women couples or white and latino couples .

    I just feel its not that IR friendly also i dont consider myself handsome i have confidence but mostly when it comes to my job and things im intrested in like my goals but when it comes to women my confidence is low .

    I have been dealing with alot of personal stuff and relationship with the women in my life is not great .
    I just wonder really am I making a mistake with my celibacy because i feel awkward around women now like a nervous antsy feeling .
    I hide it by either drinking to help bring down my pressure even now as i talk about it i get this painful feeling in my left hand usually i get this cramped painful feeling when in a room of women in my left arm and hand.

    Its weird i guess its some form of anxiety but i fight thru it ;i have been on dates the last few years but I think that its me because their were some good girls but their was no chemistry and attraction .
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    It's time to get out there and start dating and meeting women again. You don't have to sleep with them, but it'll help you with your confidence. A confident man attracts good women.

    Also, I find it VERY hard to believe that the largest city in the country is not IR friendly for bm/ww. Come on....are you walking/driving around with blinders on? Maybe you aren't looking in the right parts of town?

    Get yourself out there and start enjoying life. When you smile and have a good time, that also attracts people to you. Good luck!! :smt023
  3. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    It is time you got out there ~~~~ I agree......

    I saw many IR couples & IR couples with their gorgeous mixed children in Manhattan,, so many infact I would always be smiling as I love seeing them around.
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I co-sign what other girls say...
    Don't be scared of women :)
    U seem quite attractive, too, so just try to interact or let some of your friends help you.
    I don't know if it's your case, but some ppl that have been single for long would like to date somebody, but when it actually is the moment to do it, it's like they r stucked in their life as a single. It's a big change, and it scares. U have your habits, nobody to justify your actions with. Maybe you don't really want to be with somebody? Just a possibility.
  5. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I agree with the other ladies that you need to get out there, but you shouldn't put pressure on yourself to be someone that you're not. Guys don't always have to be the most confident out there. A woman will probably notice a very confident guy first, but it doesn't mean she will always like what she sees!
    The best relationships occur when people are friends to begin with and build a mutual respect between themselves. There are probably a lot of women out there feeling the same was as you: dealing with difficult personal lives, including problems in the past, previous bad relationships. You're not alone. I would be grateful to be with someone who was emotionally aware enough to understand that they had their own issues and were trying to address them.
    So get yourself out there, try to put less pressure on yourself, and just look for women to become new friends. Anything from there will just grow and grow...you might surprise yourself!
  6. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    Now that the women have pampered your ego . . .

    Dude you need to stop feeling bad about yourself. According to you, you're ugly and ineffective around women.

    What does that mean? It means that your self-esteem sits at the bottom of a dung heap. I have never felt this way about myself, but do know that women are generally more forgiving and you don't have to look like a matinee idol.

    And you're right about New York; most of the diversity there does go to waste. But it wouldn't matter if you lived in Los Angeles, Toronto, or Berlin as the real problem is internal.

    If you have medical insurance see if it covers psychological counseling. It doesn't mean you're crazy, but being in the presence of women shouldn't trigger feelings of anxiety or physical pain.

  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Brotha you need to get your expectations up.
  8. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I wasn't carefull about this thing, but yes, Saty is right. I think you would feel better after talking with somebody who can give you a professional help. In the meantime, we are here to listen, Reggie :) :smt058
  9. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Reggie, start taking aspirin too if you don't have any issues with it.
  10. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    Hi people I taught it was time for a positive update .....

    I'm doing ok life seems brighter these days I smile a bit more laugh a lot at ridiculous things I see out of people and hear from their mouths
    I been on a couple of dates nothing eventful it was nice just to meet some people get out a bit .
    Bad news the job I have has cut into my social life soon as I was getting over some stuff.

    I read alot more try to find things that i'm passionate about even if their deemed juvenile or nerdy but I enjoy them .
    I decided to work on a positive spin on interracial betwen BM and WW by creating my own site called The Zebra Club.

    Its a positive spin on IR between these two type of people as I hate what i see in porn anyways when it comes to IR.

    I collect and post romantic to erotic art,photos and clips from mainstream film of interracial couples of BM and WW .
    The site is currently private and secret on facebook.
    So far me and my members are posting erotic photos but we are looking into adding couples soon .

    I'm also looking to post Literature and also post about novels dealing with characters of BM and WW .
    My friend cvlara some of you have met told me this can be my niche lol .

    I wanna thank freejames for some of the material Im using as well some of the members who posted some of the pics I now have on the site.

    But all in all Im slowly doing ok I guess it's me getting older and just moving on with my life .
    I look back on what I wrote I wanna add that it was a dark time for me also I still get those moments .
    But i'm happy to know that if I post something going on with me on here I will get blunt truth and a ear to be listened too thank you all.

    Also im glad to be back .
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2009
  11. purplerose3

    purplerose3 Member

    You're taking our personal pics and posting them on your site?
  12. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    no the art pics not you guys the erotic art pics i would never dare do some crazy shit like that .
    The ones from freejames site
    The ones he posted and others posted on his thread .

    If you wanna check the site out go a head most of the material came from Flicker.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2009
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    why not be original and get your own pictures? whatever you do don't take pictures of the posters from this site without their consent...lippy finds her boobs on your site and you may not be as tall on tuesday as you were on monday...lol:smt077
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    :smt043 :smt043 :smt043 :smt043
  15. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    Ladies ladies calm down those pics i took are all over flicker and freemason site i think you are thinking of me taking the pics of you guys .
    I do invite u all to se my private group because i think you have the wrong idea also the rest of the pics are from ppl on my face group who found and added pics please dont jump to the wrong conclusion .

    Even be youtiful is a member as well clara and sueh they can vouch for what im saying .
  16. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    Also lippy i welcome a spanking from you :)
  17. Clarabelle

    Clarabelle New Member

    its all good in the Zebra club on FB :)
    Reggie keeps it cool - just like himself

    And if I was in NY then I would have definately been chasing you for a date Reggie xXx

  18. Laughs uproariously, grabs Lippy, spins her around so we face the onlooking crowd and paparazzi, puts an arm around her gorgeous head, as beautiful on the inside as it so glaringly is outside, and mouths silently to the cameras,

    "I fucking LOVE this woman!!"
  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Lippy for the WIN!!!!! I just died!!! :smt005:smt005:smt005:smt005
  20. Reggienyx

    Reggienyx Member

    That is one tough chica

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