What is the big deal? Secretly a great many blacks wish they were white anyway. If Sammy want to be white then leave him the hell alone.
When Homer Simpson is giving you the face palm, then you know you have no hope. Not saying that's what I feel about Sammy Sosa.
Only in the US will people actually care that Sosa did this. I really don't know Sosa's story. But I will hold off on judging him. People change their bodies all of the time. People get fake breasts, fake asses, fake teeth, earrings, tongue rings, nose rings. People color their hair to many different colors. And many people get tons of plastic surgery. But when someone changes his/her skin color, we are very quick to cry foul. As if anyone who is not totally satisfied with his or her own skin color is some brainwashed and self-hating fool. But we shouldn't be too quick to jump to conclusions. Maybe he is brainwashed and self-hating. But that is his life, not mine. Besides, I think that racial identity politics has already gone too far. Too many people want to bring down the ax on anyone who dares to defy the rules and boundaries of racial identity. Really, so what that Tiger Woods calls himself Cablinasian? People make a big deal out of waaay too much. It seems that if a black man isn't yelling "blackity black black" at the top of his lungs, then he is a sellout who hates his blackness. Fuck racial identity. Let it burn. I would reserve my judgments for people who do real harm, the rapists, bullies, psychopaths, murderers, robbers, and bigots.
I think most posts have not judged him at all - just said it looks terrible, not nessesarily the same thing.
Blacktiger, I was taught by my parents to be proud with the uniform you are issued. Are you included with the blacks that secretly want to be white, Blacktiger? As for me I am PROUD to be a black man . . . you have so many options. Besides, I wouldn't be able to meet some of the women on this site.
Well, Sosa *also* went around wearing One Glove alot (Catcher's Mitt), so, I guess he's off to a *good start*.. In retrospect, I'm kinda glad he split from OUR Cubs, I guess..:smt102 OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
Madscientist, as a Black Man, I will admit that sometimes the reality of being 'Black' is something that requires growing into because at times, that shyt can be stressful:smt118!!, but that doesn't mean one should desire to chemically change his/her fundamental skin color. Look around the world, it's really tragic man how many nation's of color have a self-hate for their own skin. From India to China, Colombia to Saudi Arabia, light skin is the ideal, not one of many skin tone possibilities. Now personally I dig white girls, have had some really meaning relationships with a few, and a white girl with serious hips/azz turns me into a living zombie!! But more than that, I dig FEMALES. White, Black, olive, brown, freckled, whatever. No two females are beautiful in the same way, so I judge each one on her own merits. The difference for me is, although I have a private jones for white women, ( for me, there's an electricity there I can't explain) it shouldn't mean I have a problem accepting and loving myself for who I am, dig? If you're into lighter/whiter skin as a person of color because you think they're inherently more attractive or desirable, you my friend have an inferiority complex that requires immediate psychological intervention. It's obvious Sammy has got issues:smt010, but I'm not telling him how to live his life. But dude is prolly a little nutzo.
Let the Congregation say AMEN!! Couldn't'a said it *better*, meself, m8.. Hey, to *anybody* out there that has the unmitigated gall and puerile idiocy to *NOT* Take Me As I Am... That's YOUR hang-up, not MINE.. And I have *no desire* to try to appeal to 'the masses'...or to *you* one-on-one...if you have no acceptance of me in the form The God Above gave to me.. And to anyone that looks to make such radical changes to 'appeal' to (what obviously is in their own mind) a 'wider mass audience'..then there *should* be some plans in yout itinerary to *seriously* consider some professional counseling.. Just my tuppence, m8's........... OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK