When is youth over with?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by AfroLove, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. AfroLove

    AfroLove Restricted

    I know that physical fitness/health begins to decline in your early 30s but would you consider a 25 year old to be an adolescent? What about a 27 year old?

    I can't believe I'm turning 24 in a couple months.
  2. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member


    In 50 years from now, we could have the cure for aging, so it could slow the ageing down a bit, but to keep ourselves healthy the best we can. I'd love to use that drug to stop the aging...
  3. AfroLove

    AfroLove Restricted

    At what age is a mofo no longer considered an adolescent or young in general?
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I'm in my late 30's and fitter & healthier than i was in my 20's...I've learnt to take better care of myself
  5. Athena

    Athena New Member

    This is a good question Afro, I consider adolescence a state of mind. I know 20 year olds whose maturity outshines those of 40 year olds. Yes the physical body changes with age but youth and adolescence can persist forever essentially.
    Some physical activities actually improve with age such as marathon running. Some of the fastest American marathoners are in their 30's.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    agree on that!
    AL, you focus too much on a number.
    24 is a baby:)
    If you keep an open curious mind and stay active, you can be youthful well into your 60s.
    Ever taken tha real age test?
    I know some people in their mid 20s that come in as twice their age based on how they treat their bodies and also some people that are in their 50s and come in 10-20 years below their age.

    Treat your body as a temple, stay alert and open and you have nothing to worry about:)
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Well, behavior-wise:

    When young mufuckas look at you weird when you use slang n' shit you've never used before, so they can try to relate to them, and it looks like you're trying too hard(assuming that the person is just older, and not a kid trying to fit in with another group). When somebody who would never give you dap/a pound/knuckles suddenly does it(What the hell).

    When mufuckas who are damn near thirty or older surround themselves with people 10 years younger, and want to party like it's college, when they should be over that shit.

    I think by thirty, you should forget youth(the stuff like partying a lot, drinking while your wife and kid are at home with you friends there, etc.) and embrace middle age(middle age ain't bad or anything).
  8. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Agree, embrace your age, whatever it is and make it good. In your 30's & up, generally your more able to afford the really good things like diving, climbing, and other sports that a car-less, low income, student 20 year old cannot. Plus travel, dining, theatre, museums and other things that enrich one's life that a 20 year old may not be into unless it involved upside down kegging.

    Just have fun, who cares!
  9. AfroLove

    AfroLove Restricted

    Thanks for the replies

    Why, if it makes them happy? 30 something year olds aren't considered middle aged, by the way.
  10. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    but i play with you BA, and i'm older than 30...!!!! does this mean we can't play any more...??? :smt107 i promise i will not use slang n shit to relate to you...!!!
    Oh & BTW...30 is definately not middle age...!!!! middle age is around 50 these days...please stop aging me...!!! :p
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yeah, people can be happy doing that, but I just don't expect to see a 30 something year old(middle aged, or not) to be wasted at the beer pong table. It's kinda awkward, to me. If they do party with 20 years olds, I'd rather they have more self control than a 20 year old. It's bad enough a 20 year old does dumb shit while drunk. It's a lot more sad and awkward seeing a 30-something year old behave the same way.
  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I wasn't trying to offend you, Tarshi. :( I'm just calling out the older people who behave like they are younger. I got an awkward feeling when me and my frined were at the mall last Christmas Eve, and some dude at a stand who was in his forties, maybe, was talking about how he thought it was great Obama won n' shit, then he reached out his hand to give me dap/a pound. I went along with it, but me and my friend were like "what the hell was that" after that. I don't want to prejudge him, but he didn't look like a person who gave people dap. He looked more like a "firm handshake" person. The dap thing has happened on several occasions, but that was the most recent one.

    I've always considered 30 middle age. I guess I was wrong. My scale was always 0-late 20's around there somewhere=youth, 30-60 or somewhere around there middle age, and anything older was old age. But of course, that's just the Ajax scale. And people do mature at different ages.
  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I love ya AJ, but you will find (when you get there) out that at 30, that is when the fun stuff starts..
    I think the vast majority of 30 something are out there having fun.. Lots are single at that age and they can afford the club scene.. the rest have kick ass parties some more somphisticated than othersand can afford fun stuff like Athena said.

    If middle age is 30, that means people are dead by 60....
    My mother is 64 and she runs marathons and jump horses, takes linedancing courses (shudder) and travel all over the world, and that is just how 60 looks today, we are healtier than ever.

    U crack me up, but I used to think the exact same way... BOY will you have fun when you ar 30!!!! Keep this post of yours, stick it in a drawer and when you turn 30, you will get a kick out of that one:)
  15. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I think the same as you. Middle age to me is like 35-45 (judging by life expectancy anyways).

    I also agree on older people acting young thing. I shudder when I see the grandma in the club trying to get low and stuff. It just looks kinda sad. At that age I'm sure I'll be more than bored of clubs anyway (find myself feeling kinda bored of them already some days). To each their own I guess though.

    The idea of youth is a subjective thing. Ask someone at 18 and they'll give you a different answer from what they'll give you at 40.
  16. AfroLove

    AfroLove Restricted

    Generally, middle aged is considered 40-60 or 40-65.
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Middle age is 50?

    Aren't Senior Citizens 62 and older?
  18. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    its 70 over here stud muffin
  19. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    you didn't offend me at all gorgeous one...!!! :D
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Middle age is based on life expectancy and not when you become a senior:)
    Here is Wikipedias entry:
    Middle age is the period of life beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. Various attempts have been made to define this age, which is around the third quarter of the average life span of human beings.

    According to Collins Dictionary, this is "... usually considered to occur approximately between the ages of 40 and 60".

    The OED gives a similar definition but with a later start point "... the period between youth and old age, about 45 to 60".

    The US Census lists middle age as including both the age categories 35 to 44 and 45 to 54, while prominent social scientist, Erik Erikson, sees it ending a little later and defines middle adulthood as between 40 and 65.

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