What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Jaybee, you know that I could care less about whether your ass is brown, yellow or green. The only reason that I pointed it out was because you were making such a fuss over Obama's 'black' credentials. Then, you turn around and refer to yourself as black when you obviously aren't by your own admission. I just find it to be very hypocritical on your part and felt the need to point it out.

    As far as my 'fella' is concerned, he's one of the hardest working guys that I know. That's what makes his thoughtful gestures mean so much to me. He's willing to take time out of his busy schedule to let me know that he is thinking about me. So your implication that he has too much free time is totally incorrect like many of your other assumptions. Just for the record, this 'old fella' is younger than me.

    Have you noticed that I'm only being 'pissy' with you? It takes a lot to annoy me, but somehow you have managed to do so. I gave you the benefit of a doubt when you joined this forum and confessed that you were neither a black male or white female. Even at the beginning of your Obama thread, I was still giving you the benefit of the doubt that you had good intentions and that your posts were just poorly worded. That was one of the reason that I stopped responding to you in that thread because I felt like you were coming off as a condescending pompous ass with each reply. Then, I don't know how many posts that you have made since then that I and others have found offensive. For the most part, I've just been ignoring you; but this post was one that I couldn't let go because it was so hypocritical on your part.
  2. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'm with GG on this one. Whilst I don't care if you're on this site, I think it's wrong for you to refer to yourself as black when I know no other asian person (male or female) who refers to him- herself in that manner.

    We all know you're asian, so you don't have to call yourself black to fit in....

    It's okay, dude, really...it is. Just chill out and stop trying to call yourself something you aren't.
  3. robina

    robina New Member

  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy is going to say something here...i think that jaybee is east indian not asian...he is not african nor african american...but his skin is black and probably darker than most men that post here...

    now if the argument is about who belongs and who doesn't belong then we have some serious problems on this site...we have ww that have not ever actually dated a bm or been in a relationship with a bm...we have bm that have not ever actually dated a ww...we have bm married to bw that post on the site regularly (they lust after ww) we have wm that post...and bw that post...we have asian girls as well...we have bm posting pictures of bw...latinos/hispanic...asians etc...i have watched ww be ridiculed for dating wm and staying on the site...

    i didn't participate in the obama thread but he is surely black enough in my eyes...in fact some might say that he is too african and not enough american because of his father...

    this all gets very muddy when we start to look at skin color...country of origin and nationalities...

    lippy is a mutt...of european decent...several countries..but considered a ww in the usa...does anyone really care? in the summer i get an incredible tan and everyone in my neighborhood thinks i am hispanic...i'll probably get deported soon if i don't stay out of the sun:smt048
  5. Lippy, as always, I thank your gorgeous self for being the voice of reason. And you KNOW I now wanna pic of your sunbaked, oh-so fine figure of womanhood...:)

    Although, just so there's no confusion, East Indians are every bit as Asian as Far-Easterners. All the same continent.

    Robina, appreciate the suggestion, but that site is for orientals+whites. That, and oriental girls just don't do it for me.

    Everyone - As there are no negroes indigenous to India, it should be obvious to anyone with an education that I have hair straighter than most WW here.

    You know what the irony is? You wanna talk about connections to Africa, let's chat about that continent. I'm MORE African than nearly anyone else here. My parents were raised IN Africa, were citizens of an African nation, and spoke fluent Swahili. That's just one generation back, not one hundred. I have been there and speak some Swahili. Most black people have relatively some fresh white European dna from just the last hundred years or so. My white European DNA dates back over 2000 years to Alexander the Great allowing his soldiers to get cosy with the local girls. Lippy is also correct in that I actually have more melanin in my skin than most "black" guys I know. Yes, Wesley Snipes has me beat but then I trump Denzel Washington by a shade, pun very much intended.

    Anyway, GG/DH, sorry, but this is about as much of my time as I will give to this topic. You scamps can tattle about it to your little hearts content, but as far as I'm concerned, the matter is not, I repeat, NOT open for further debate, negotiation or argument.

    Actually, one last thing...last week I saw a mixed-race guy with a huge, RED afro. Damnedest thing I ever saw. Just thought I'd mention it.

  6. robina

    robina New Member

    ahh well thought it might have helped ya

    did you say you were from gugarat? ( excuse my spelling, am dyslexic ) one of my best male mates is from there
  7. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I like your attempt at trying to make it sound like I was coming after you because of your race. Jaybee, as I stated earlier, I could care less what race you are. I was just using your words, not mine, against you to make a point of how you are contradicting yourself in your posts. According to you, it's fine for you to refer to yourself as being black but not Obama. You could have saved both of us a lot of time by just answering the original question that I posed to you in this thread. However, you knew that you had no real answer for me; therefore, you had to keep trying to dodge your posts to something other than the real topic at hand. This will also be my last post to you. I've grown tired of trying to get a truthful answer to my question. I made my point, and everyone gets it but you.
  8. Empress Satine

    Empress Satine New Member

    I've got a three hour genetics lab this afternoon with Drosphilia (fruit flys) A very busy week at uni :|
  9. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I grew to hate those little buggers when I did it, lol. Have fun!
  10. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Being a busy bee at college really... that's about it. I'm going to Sheffield in 2 weeks too, which I'm chuffed about. I like little nights away for concerts :D. It's supposed to be a decent place so I'm sure I'll have fun at the clubs and stuff after the show too. :D
  11. robina

    robina New Member

    sheffield has clubs? who knew! lol never been in one

    hope you enjoy yourself down here
  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Feelin' like shit. Throat hurts, antire body aches, for some reason my skin is hella sensitive to touch, I got the longest schedule of the week today, and Photoshop is being an Asshole McFucksworth. Piece of shit.
  13. robina

    robina New Member

    hope your feeling better soon ajax, erm do you have a temp too?

    gotta say i love reading your posts, "Photoshop is being an Asshole McFucksworth" that just cracked me up
  14. robina

    robina New Member

    just had my flu jab. wee girl was done first as she was getting seasonal and swine flu shots. hers went fine cos they had me pin her down but when i got mine she slapped the doctor for hurting me, whoops, lol

    unfortunatly i only realised after i had the jab that im running a temp, whoops, ahh well im sure it wont do me no harm
  15. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Thanks, robina. Not sure if I got a high temp. Gotta get a thermometer.
  16. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Oh, damn. I'd hate to be that doctor. :smt081 A flu shot sounds good, right about now. Even after hearing the story about the flu shot that completely fucked up that cheerleader, I'm dyin' for one.
  17. Well, I'm descended from Gujarat but born here, as I guess your mate is. You'll find we're generally very fond of WW, great minds and all..


    What's his name and how do you know him?

    Edit - your rep back there for that link was from me, I forgot to add my name!!
  18. robina

    robina New Member

    yep he was born here
    his name is jay acctually and i was intro'ed to him 9 years ago, we have a very odd relationship, lol not seen him in about a year he used to come see me alot but i cut contact some what. spoke to him the other day and first question was when can he come round my house grrrr
  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Lol, it doesn't have clubs?!? Awww no, I'll be so bored!
  20. robina

    robina New Member

    hey at least all she got was a slap, on one hospital admission my daughter kicked a sho ( like an intern ) in the stomach, the poor girl hadnt had time to go to the toilet in 12 hours. not bad for a child with cp, lol

    ive had the flu jab for the last 4 years, never had a reaction to it

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