Are you willing to give up TV?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by NCBradin, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    This is very interesting question that I wants to ask all of you.

    Would you be more than willing to give up TV? I mean today's tv is really bad, because of too many reality shows. Thanks to hulu and, I finally saw the white light right out the door, I will give up TV in the future.

    Lots of anime shows on, it allows me to see most anime shows from Japan, it's really good. Right now I'm currently watching Soul Eater, it's really good show. You really should go and see it.
  2. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I already did for the most part. Outside of a few games here & there, I rarely watch it at all anymore.
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I call it chewing gum for my eyes.. and I dont chew chewing gum, catch my drift?

    There are a few things I like on TV, but for the most part - even though its on most of my evenings at home, I really dont watch it - its just back ground-noise.

    I think I would not miss TV if I had to stop watching.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    I think i'd be devestated if I didn't find out if Bret Michaels finally found the one
  5. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    TV is all over the internet now so I don't think it would bother me much.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I think he'll find plenty of "the ones"
  7. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    I have the Tv open even if am not watching anything make a good background noise lol
    i watch a lot of movies and TV shows like stargate Universe Heroes and many more but i download all this .. when most (the best that i like) come out on dvds i buy them but not all lol...
    i think i will miss more my computer then a TV.. that is way i am changing my screen what i have now is a 22inch but i will put a tv for a computer screen 32 inch .:rolleyes:
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    As far as like Direct TV service, yeah.

    But as far as TV shows(mainly anime), downloading them online n' shit, and after discovering the badassery of anime a few months ago, HELL NO!!!

    Only thing I watch on television is COPS, Family Guy, King of the Hill, and Attack of the Show/G4 programming. I would need at least basic channels, like FOX, for watching COPS, 48 Hours, AMW, and basketball games. But that's all I need.

    SO yeah, I'd give up TV, as far a cable/satellite(although I wouldn't be able to watch AOTS):mad:. I only recently started watching TV again after like 7 months of not watching it at all, with the exception of E3.

    I might check out Soul Eater. Got a whole list of anime I'm in the middle of.

    I'm about to start Shonan Junai Gumi, which is like the prequel to Great Teacher Onizuka, which is a HELLA funny anime. The manga is probably even funnier, since it is way more explicit, and perverted:smt004. I finished the manga last week, and I'm reading the other spinoffs/sequels/prequels. It blends comedy, and drama perfectly. I cried reading it(yes, I'm a weeper).

    I like hulu. I'd watch Bleach on there before I knew about downloading forums, which is where I get all my anime from.
  9. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    I moved out from my mom when I was 18 and I had no money to buy me a tv-set, it worked so great for me, that even now at the age of 34 never brought me my own tv set. I am watching from time to time, but since the age of internet..... I guess I won,´t buy me a tv set. lol new pc sure, better screen vor my pc?? yeaaaaaaah.
  10. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Nah, I enjoy it when I do watch. Dont really want to give it up, no reason to.

    Unschedueled viewing is usually the history channel, history international, science channel, etc. The shows I TiVo are usually the HBO and Showtime series. Right now it is Dexter. Waiting on Big Love season to start.
  11. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    I forgot to say

    No tv frees ur mind!

    one very big thing of not having it!!!
  12. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I already did several years ago. I am amazed at how little I miss is. I only had a few shows that I did watch so it was so big deal to me to quit. I do watch sports events on TV still.
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I am a TV addict. LOL. I'm also a movie addict.

    Whilst the shows I do watch have been cut down by me dramatically over the years, there are still a lot of shows that I do watch: Lost, sitcoms (now that they're finally making a resurgence), and the Law & Order shows (though I usually catch those on reruns), plus a few other shows.

    I get enjoyment out of watching TV. I read at night, I watch TV, I watch movies.

    While I catch up on some shows online when I've missed them, I don't like watching the shows on my computer. I enjoy seeing them on a TV.

    TV junkie extraordinaire. LOL. :smt023
  14. The question is moot really, as someone already stated, tv is already widespread across the internet. I first watched a downloaded film on my pc back in '99. The next step is to bring the Internet onto our widescreens. All streams to all screens.

    What with me getting older and more discerning, and the absolute galaxy of audiovisual entertainment open to me, my bar has been set giddyingly high. I find myself fast-forwarding an episode of 'Becker', cutting out the boring characters saves me about 60% of the episode's runtime!
  15. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Since I was 18 I have owned only one tv, and it came into my posession a few months ago because someone left it by the dumpster. It's a piece of crap, and it barely works, and essentially functions as a large paper weight on my desk. For video games I borrow Nate's pretty LCD tv...mine is an emergency set, for when the time comes and Nate wants his tv at his apartment. If it weren't for video games and dvds, though, it'd never get used.

    I used to watch tv shows online, and I still try my best to get caught up on a few that way, but my connection has been pretty crappy lately, so I can only watch tv online at Nate's house. Most times I can't even check my email at home. -_-

    TV's not really that important. I adore some shows (like House, Dexter, Weeds) but most of the ones I like come on channels I can't afford anyhow, and seeing as how I never even got around to getting one of those converter boxes for the antenna (saw no need since I didn't have a tv) I can't even catch the free channels. But it's all good. I've got a boyfriend and a best friend with like 200-300 dvds between them and some really long rpgs...I'm straight without tv. lol
  16. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Yeah, I could easily give it up. The only thing I watch on TV is sports really, so if someone wants to buy me a season ticket to the United games instead, I'll give up TV yeah :D
    I don't really watch cartoons or reality TV or anything. Just sports and movie channels for me :)
  17. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    What?!?! No cartoons?!
    You should at least watch -this- one. It's awesome. :D

  18. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member


    That is totaly the way i have my morning wake up stuff set up LOL

    It just fucks me up when I forget to turn off all my alarms for the weekend, and when I don´t forget to do it, then always someone or something is wakeing me up lol..
  19. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I don't have a tv now, and didn't for many years before this as well. TV is suboptimal, not only because of the reality shows but also the ads, and other time wasters. I am far from the most efficient human but I do actually feel like I've lost brain cells when I've watched a lot of tv. Maybe I've read too much Postman to enjoy it anymore. Or maybe it was 1984 that did it for me?

    Could I give up my computer? NEVER lol That's some quality time wasting!
  20. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Haha, that's what I said when I saw it the first time. Fantastic animation, though. Damn Koreans making our stuff look like crap!!! lol I aspire to make things like this some day. It's why I work so hard with school!

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